Satiro Yoshida
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  • It's okay Sachirou; I replied the message late myself ^^; Wasn't around on the New Year and had finals immediately one day after, hehe.
    Hmm, probably a minor connection issue; but instead of using the picture insert tool you could've just used [img][/noparse][/code]

    Hope you had a great time too~ 今年もよろしく~
    Sachirou~ Sorry for the late reply, was away.

    Merry Christmas to you too! Hope you had/are having fun!

    *huggus back*

    Hmm, as for the reply to the previous message, no, the auto-refresh feature only exists on the top post thingy on the homepage (this). What kind of auto-refresh do you have in mind though?

    Well, that aside, to be honest I'm quite sloppy with my schedule and time management ^^; But I'll see after the exam period :3
    *le glomp*

    Hai, I read it~
    Iyahaha, the problem with MSN is that I go afk every now and then, often once every a few minutes, and when I don't I multitask (which honestly, I'm not really good at). That's the main reason I stopped using MSN and other instant messengers; I'm just not good at handling them ^^;

    But I may boot it up once in a while when I'm not in a hurry~

    And feel free to leave piccies like usual (ノ´∀`*)

    Of course I still remember you silly! I even still have your phone number stored, ehehe.
    Sorry for never appearing anymore; after going through some rigorous period I kinda stopped visiting many places I used to be around at. I also kinda stopped using MSN...

    How have you been? And how's Yutori?
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