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  • eheh perfectly alright. That happens a lot. But maybe your a bit like me (prob not just me) and starts feeling bad about it ^.^
    wow... u going wheree..?????

    ha have fun... its good u bought anime and song in psp.. :XD: 1 day not hearing that its kin da suck too
    Time to have a week's worth of turtle tagging and enduring the lack of online technology on a offshore island. Cya in a week people-nyan.
    -silent comedy + afk mode STARUTO~!.
    So thats how (moral breaking powers^^ you felt them too!) Makes sense, I suppose I myself just happened to stumble across it somehow...Still a bit vague for me, think I was looking for something to download. I think*

    The reason I asked is that lire person I talked with on YT, I think perhaps maybe I suggested this site to that user. But then agian, I could be mixing that up with someone else on YT.

    Well, think with that I'll just wish you a continued happy stay around here =} Cya around.
    hahaha....I know ! Youtube sigh... I looked like a whole day once just to find the send message button not that long ago...

    Well even if we can't prove it, becasue of the name, and the anime related channel, it makes me rly suspect it could actually be you, i think the time I'm talking about was sometime during 2012 though...long time I guess, but which would make it only more amzing if we just happend to stumble across each others here...wait, hmm now that I think about it, how did you come across this site in the first place ?
    Think I've deleted any old correspondence on my account, but you could check if you got anything from MeTube4D if your in the mood. If not then it might just remain one of those things we will never know. Take care, there...Yuri Master ;-)

    If you did find it, then it would probably be me thinking your someone else...^^ cause I was looking for someone, ...or thought I found someone. (then might have found you a head of time instead rofl if so, All I remember for sure is the "Lire" part, thats for certain, it was Lire someone, and also someone with anime related stuff on the channel....)
    lol... u must focus on study.... :) for your future..

    and Thank you for the Wish... :fulfilled:
    aahha why it looks like funny.?
    Don't worry I will refresh it when I get back....(if it happened :redface: )

    (will take a look at my yt account, and it be funny if we had crossed paths before.)
    I think I might have sent you a youtube message a very long time ago,...and not realized it was you....Just felt like sharing. I wonder if it could be.
    ahahah its okaay....

    suree.... i buy.... Figure... because its cool.. and cover looks amazing.. ahahahahaha..
    because i dont want have regret because it 1 change of time. i dont want to feel it again..
    :hi: Hikkikomori nice to meet you, was thinking maybe we could become friends.
    I'm kind of new here, since I don't know much on what's going on here.
    ahaha... such a longg explanation....

    mmm ya.. youtube is so good sometime to search miusic or video... but its limited too i guess.. since japan usually upload it on nico-nico /youkou.. rather than youtube..

    eh really..??? your channel..?? done subscribing.. :D

    ya better not watch horror if u no like it.. it can make u sleep harder...
    Waaa... its good if the haze gonee.. thanks to Rain... :XD:

    ehh...?? where do u find it the music.??? can share with mee..??? do you have anime vers???

    good luck on studyying.. aihaihai... ~__~ and u can teach me later... :blushing:

    mmm you dislike horror..?? thanks for the rule of rose.. ithinks its good... jajajaja...
    ehhhh.. u hited by haze too..??? i see its sucks.. u should care and just keep at home playing games... :XD:

    same with me too.... mmm its hard.. to multi tasking game... i have feel it.. when playing console and pc games.. in the end i leave my pc games.. and playy all day long on console... well if my friend invite me to play pc.. thats when i play it. . :XD:

    haze+mosquito : rage mode.. ahahah
    hi..hi.... mmm i see.. so you are neptunia fans too.. ahahaa... i have ps3 but now its rarely play i.. maybe because limited time that i have now.. som i just use computer,,,

    i envy you too have jap class.. when in my year there was no jap class.. :deadsad: but our underclassmen have it.. aahaha.

    thankss.. my day is so so.. hope sopmething amazing coming again later... :XD:
    well... i play from gameboy advance... the battle network 1-6 right? last is beast i think... ^^
    but i just complete the 2 and last one 6... other than that.. nope... as for nds.. i have play star force...
    jaa which console u playy right ow.??? but magaman series has stopped now.. :deadsad:
    well i hope they will appear in 3ds later..

    ah that sounds tiring... :) hopee all is welll
    mmm i dont know.. as i remember its become like that ifself.. :sowwy:

    ahh... i envy yiouu.. well in my places there still indeed green place... but its far.. from town.. must riding car 1-2 hours... sio i prefer sleep or playing in my room... @__@

    ryusei no rockman.??? megaman battle network u mean..??? i fan of megamen game in nintendo series.. :)
    REMINDER to Self: search for mahou shoujo-liness(?) visual novel eroge- Character search specifics: Blue hair, glasses, cigaret-lady
    i envy youu... i never go to jappan.. going to jap is my dream... and i MuST go there.. enjoying the scenery. and hope its not gone because they making building or office.. since the condition in my country like thatt... ~__~

    ughh riding train... @__@ and i want see the beach in summmer... looks cool and tempting...
    ahahaha... ya... probably/.. it exist in japan... countryside... :sowwy: have you watch onegai series/ natsu no matteru...??? its place like thatt.... AAAAAAAaaaaaa IKITaiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    mmmm i envy when i watch anime lwhen setting in village places.. looks like very nice.. and no polutions.. green views... i wonder if that exist in real world.. not to far at town.. >,<

    and the quite and nice place.. really happy to enjoy that..
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