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  • Sorry, but I have the feeling that we had a bad start. and therefore, if you feel like trying it again....
    lol so you just play MMORPG ,stuff on pc??would be more fun if you play with a friend~
    lol i usually complete uncompleted games or play ps3,ps2 or watch tv/movies or just spam well sometimes i play psp and spam or ecchi games...xD
    I will take whatever you wish to give me. Do you have Skype? You can send it to me through there, if you wish.
    Oh ... Because I thought that you're practically at the neighbor (Ukraine (That was probably a mistake)), because I live in Hungary (and I'm am half Hungarian and half Austrian)
    lol at the moment im playing psp and spam~

    what about you mato how are you??
    Hmm... I really like "LOVE & ROLL" by supercell^^
    But, uhh, are u sure u want to do this with me.??
    I've got no experience at all, beside i just have a little free time these day.
    I like candy.!^^
    Btw, is it must sony vegas.? What about adobe premier pro CS3.? (Sorry 4 the noob question..)
    2 years.?!
    Waw, that's a pretty loooooong time..
    And it will be much more longer cuz tomorrow I will be starting my thirdyears school so i don't have much time 4 this.:dispirited:
    Well unfortunately i'm not an AMV Editor but, is it okay to join the group if i'm a complete newbe.? Maybe I will learn little by little.^^
    Btw ur profile picture really looks Evil^^. Can't believe u are that kind of people. Ehehehe...:evillaugh:
    Okay, but before you ready, okay? ...Mato, wenn du es nicht verstanden hast, dann las es mich dir erklären: Ich meinte, dass du bei mir den Wirkung hast, wie wenn du erst gerade in diese Kultur gekommen wärst. ...
    No, i don't so mean... As I hear your words so that I could really think that you just fell for only in this culture. (I'm sorry if I can sign back so delayed, but I just see Muv Luv-TE.)
    Oh right, BRS, forgot that one..^^
    Hehe... I mean that's in the real world.. like if I talk directly with people.
    You know, people can be different in personality when they are in the forum or in the internet..
    Do not tell me that you know the meaning of otaku do not know.

    Otaku is a commom of comprehension for fans in different directions: anime fan, manga fan, fan-game, etc. But it can be together to be understood.
    Yeah. I started out with 8 and worked my way up.

    Hmm... I could make a remake of my HotD AMV. Is it possible for you to get me High school of the Dead RAWs, please?
    Sony Vegas 11 is still new to me. They changed a lot of things from 10, so I don't know much about it.

    If you wish to give me RAW anime, then be my guest. But for now, I will not be on the forum for a few days or so.
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