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  • 4 classes, plus a part time job. What did you study in college?

    Lol, I have the opposite problem, my hands are to big for my 3DS (I don't have the XL) and get super cramped playing on it for long.
    Yeah Persona Q looks pretty cool, I am getting it.

    Muramasa is actually very good, perfect game for a handheld system like the Vita.

    Next semester starts Monday, won't have any free time for the next 2 months :deadsad:
    Have you played Murmasa Rebirth on the Vita? I love that game. Anyway, I recently got a couple figures from that game. They both look really nice!


    I would have loved seeing Pompeii, and Rome and everywhere else you went to. I'm jealous :(. I will see them one day.

    Germany was really nice though. I loved going downtown Berlin, Munich, Augsburg, Frankfurt. The Oktoberfest was something I will never forget. And going to all the local fest were fun as well.

    Belgium was nice as well, we went on a trip visiting all the places where battles were fought during World War I

    I also enjoyed DoD schools a lot more then public schools, especially the public schools here in Chicago. I agree, the teachers at DoD were a lot more personal, and willing to go the extra mile to help their students. DoD schools just have a higher standard it seems. We ended up in Chicago when my dad retired from the Army, I have been living in Illinois ever since.

    Are you going to get Persona Q on the 3DS when it releases? I can't wait for that game.
    Oh, nice! I remember you mentioning that you lived in Italy. Did you ever stay at Camp Darby in Italy? We went there a few times, it was fun. Seeing The Leaning Tower of Pisa was cool too. I never saw Rome though, I want to go there again just for that. BTW, my oldest brother is in the Air Force and was stationed at Misawa Air Base in Japan.

    I really enjoyed DoD schools, they were a lot of fun. My dad was in the Army so we mostly lived in Germany. Darmstadt, Augsburg, and Wiesbaden. Fun times.

    Do you ever find it hard sometimes trying to explain to your friends how it was living overseas? And going to DoD schools? A lot of times I do, maybe that's just me though. Everyone always think I went to a military school or something when I tell them about DoD schools :sigh:

    You don't need to be in the military to teach at a DoD school, but it really helps. They prefer to choose people who have a military/government background.

    Yeah, seems we have a few things in common. BTW, I ordered some Kinder Eggs from Germany during Easter, but they never made it past Customs :sigh:
    When I was growing up my dad was in the US Military so we moved someplace different every 3 years or so. I lived in Germany for a total of 9 years when my dad was in the military. That's what really got me started loving history. I loved seeing all the historical sites/landmarks in Germany. Also visited Belgium, France, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, England. I just fell in love with Europe, and History, and I knew that was what I wanted to study.

    I would like to teach overseas in a Department of Defense School. (DoDDS) Those are the types of school I went to in Germany. They were American schools for the kids living overseas.
    Nice! Congrats on completing the program! Always good to have a position where you can keep moving up, and get raises. How do you like it so far? I'm sure you will do great!

    Nice! A iPad Air, I got one recently, they are really nice, only 16 GB though so not a lot of space, but still really cool. I use it a lot to watch Netflix/Amazon Prime. Have a couple games on it as well. Square Enix has a lot of their older games on the iTunes appstore, but they are kinda expensive. They just released Dragon Quest 8 on the appstore though. Thinking of getting it to play it again on my iPad.

    I'm getting a degree in history, would like to be a teacher once I graduate.
    been going to college, my next semester just starts soon :dead:

    I beat FF X, it was a pain trying to find level 3 key spheres lol. Stared playing FF X HD, but mostly playing a new game called Watchdogs I bought for my PS4.
    LOL, I didn't know at first either. It's just a spam thread where people can just chit chat and talk about anything. All you would need to do is copy and paste the rules, and pick a theme for the LPW.
    Hey Jezebel. Do you want to make the new LPW on the forum? I just won the last one but want to pass it to somebody who has never made one before.
    I have Bravely Default, but haven't had much time to play either. Been busy with college, and that is pretty much taking up all my time.

    Nice, congrats on your new promotion and good luck with the training program, I'm sure you will do well.

    Yeah, Persona 5 won't be out till 2015, kinda wish it was for PS4 though :( I haven't really touched my PS4 since I bought it, to busy, and no games on it yet :/

    I am getting the other 2 Persona games though that are coming out on Vita, and 3DS
    Almost time for Final Fantasy X HD!

    I had to buy a new memory card for the vita since Final Fantasy X-2 on the Vita comes as a download code only :(
    Are you still playing Fire Emblem? You should have Severa, and Inigo marry, I think they are a cute couple. Severa is the daughter of Cordelia, their mother-daughter conversations are interesting. Inigo is the son of Olivia.

    If you do get DLC maps, The Future Past 1 - 3 are some really interesting DLC maps, they tell a story of a alternate universe with the children, it's really good.
    This is everything that comes with the collectors edition, have you tried the demo already? You can transfer over a few things to the full game

    here is the DLC map in fire emblem that gives lots of gold, and a fair amount of EXP

    yeah, that's sounds like a pain to have to keep resetting the Vita, I don't blame you for having 2 of them then LOL
    I got every DLC map for Fire Emblem LOL, but if you want to just level up and earn money, their is this one map that gives you a ton of EXP and gold.

    I think Langesha has the EU version, since it's already released in Europe, but not in the US :deadsad: I reserved the Collectors Edition at GameStop :)

    I also reserved Lightning Returns, so many games coming out lately, I really can't wait for Final Fantasy X HD though. Why do you have 2 Vitas? Isn't the Vita region free? You should be able to access both the Japanese and US PSN store on the same Vita
    Aww that sucks, the first DLC map was free, but maybe only for a limited time :(

    yeah, you can always buy that item to summon enemies, the enemies will be stronger depending where you use the item
    But since you created a girl as the main character, and had her marry Chrom, Lucina will have a brother in Morgan :D, should be some interesting conversations with them.
    Hmm, DLC should be available by then, it's on the map, you can see it in the picture.

    LOL, I had Chrom and Sumia get married, only so Lucina can have a sister, since Cynthia is Sumia's daughter, I like Lucina's and Cynthia's sister conversations :D Have you got any other couples to S Rank? Try and get Nowi to S rank since her daughter Nah is one of the strongest characters in the game

    I am super excited for FF 10 HD! Getting it for Vita! I think the Vita version is download only though

    I also play in casual mode, or else I would always replay battles to make sure no one dies

    You can fight enemies that pop up on the map. Later in the game you can buy an item called "Reeking Box" from the shops, and when you use it the item summons enemies to the map that you can fight. Also, the game has DLC maps that can be purchased, (I believe the first map is free, it was before anyway) and the DLC maps can be played over, and over again, and give you items, and sometimes a DLC character when completed.
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