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  • Nah, it's ok. No sort of unwanted things happened anyway so I think it's safe to talk about it :P
    To summarize, well... things went very smoothly, much better than everyone had thought; tight security, thorough body scan for cheatsheets, dedicated CCTV surveillance; all proved to be simply myth.

    ...In the end, almost everyone cheated. Very easily. So easy that once I mistook the National Exam as a simple midterms .-. So everyone cheated, me included, of course. No pride implied, but not cheating for me is equal to digging my own grave =.=" it's free anyway so~

    I think it's in the middle of May. I have no exact dates, for now.
    By the way... how's it going around? I'm pretty sure I've missed tons of stuff when I'm not around .-. E-peen? Wuts dat? lol tl;dr
    Could you reupload -hoshizora-no-memoria-eternal-heart-[hq]-4437/"]this to somewhere else ?
    I have tried googled but still can't find any working links :(
    Thanks in advance.
    *huff* *huff* *huff* haaaaaaa....---

    Haaahh... hooo... it's finished ^^; phew.
    How's life? xD
    Oh my, I suddenly told quite a story back there, sorry for the long comments with diverting topics hahaha. XD

    Also imma add you if you don't mind. :P
    And currently I want to try their Gungnir, Blaze Union and Gloria Union games. XD

    Unfortunately, I don't got much time right now, can't really divide my time between net surfing, researching, playing Gods Eater Burst, and playing online games. Ahaha, life is really tough for me right now, but it's good cuz I have a lot of things to do, albeit it's too much I don't know which to prioritize anymore, and once I got addicted on one task, I get hooked up to it for like 8+ hours trolololol.
    Ahaha, actually, I find it quite hard at first, I played the Nintendo DS version first, and the tutorial was so lengthy that I skipped most of it, and just go over the basic ones, well yeah, I had a few hard times with it, but I got used to it over time.

    I'm now on my way on finishing the game for the third time in my NDS (Nightmare Difficulty), and I also played the PSP version too, well, the game can be really lengthy, especially since there are a lot of bonus materials I want to see by making the difficulty harder and harder each time I clear the game. XD

    I love the story though, since I'm a fan of STING's Dept. Heaven series of games, including Yggdra Union, Riviera, and such.
    Heh ? You are so lucky, because I always lurking so my friend send me tons of messages and emails to talk about XD

    Ara~ Yokatta ^_^

    Nah, I just asking if there is simple way to open some Channel by default, but it look more complex so I better use join command :D

    btw, this Mahoutsukai need Patch to work, and I already added one, not sure if it will work, did you test it yet ? :)

    Yokarou Ignis, you got me, I was got the source from private Chinese forum slower than you like half hour~ XD

    Ah, I read and heard from news that Indonesia got hit by one of most powerful earthquake in world's history, hope you are still fine :)

    btw, I do not know what is your meaning by sending me and Neko an email about BNC ?
    thank u very much, well id like to have some photoshop advice to see if im doing it right (just to check) ill talk to checkmate, thank u
    Dear admin !
    I had long periods of time may not participate in the Downloads and Requests by the ban, with the guidance and help of admin I understand many things, be more careful and I will follow all rules of the forum
    I hope to be restored titles "Uploader"
    thank you very much
    thanks for the advice, well im quiet ok with photoshop stuff since i succeded to do it on my own screen, im a graphist consealer they asked to help, but not a css coder :P i learned the whole css in one day :P
    my problem is coding such a factor, since i cant find it anywhere... :/ im thinking of something stupid now, do u think u can give me the theme pack for here, so i can take a look at css codes? i wont use it for sure :)

    or will u tell me who did the coding so i can ask him ?
    hey ignis coco told me u did the design of here, id like to ask a few things about coding of the background here
    i tried to make the same thing in my firend's forum, but the loga bar displaces in every screen
    id like to know, how do u make it to be a constant and stable, also if is there and app, id like to know its name

    also, id like to know how is it that it fits every screen?
    i succeeded to do it in my own screen, but in misplaces in another ones

    any chance that itll be possible on mybb?
    ill be waiting for ur replay, regards
    Huh, I did think it was Sana the first time I saw her but I wasn't sure, I'm not very confident with my memory :P

    Anyway, thanks for the info, now I think ima go and do some img hunting :3

    Take care and see you later :3
    ...okay I got it now but unfortunately the pic I need isn't there xD

    just wanted to inform u if anyone should ever ask again xD°
    greeeetiiinnnggssss ♫
    hey there!
    I'm new to this Forum...! So I thought would be nice to say hello ♫
    well...I've got a question and maybe you could help me >::<
    It's about the anime STAR☼DRIVER...!
    I need a picture of Sugata Shindô in his KING-outfit.
    But the problem is that I need one that shows him from head till feet....Q_Q
    it's for a contest..~

    It was by coincidence that I read your post about the star☼driver artbook.
    Do you own it?
    Can u tell me wether it contains a picture of sugata shindô in that king-outfit? ♥
    thank you >::< that would really help me a lot !!!!♫
    Makura ? H2O - Footprint In The Sand ? This one is good anime :)

    I see that you know a lot about Illustrators, do you know who is the one design characters for GIGA, CUBE and sub company like CUFFS ?
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