
I Am Admin, Hear Me Roar!
Oct 16, 2010
More fanservice than you can shake a stick at. :p
The plot isn't really all that special (guy comes back to home town where all the girls are hot for him), but the execution is superb.
They just started the second girl, and it seems like Yosuga no Sora is becoming even better. I'm hoping for a harem episode as special on the BDs. :D
The exclusive extra episodes on bd is the same as the episodes.They just provide those extra so ppl can pick out any route they like.For example, u can jus buy vol 1,4 bd for kazuha and nao routes.

Just for information purpose,
Blu-ray Vol 1. Kazuha route : Ep 1,2,3,4
Blu-ray Vol 2. Akira Route : Ep 1,2,5,6
Blu-ray Vol 3. Nao Route : Ep 1,7,8,9
Blu-ray Vol 4. Sora Route : Ep 1,7,10,11,12

hence total 17 episodes.

Ep 1 is All charecters common route
Ep 2 is Kazuha/Akira common route
Ep 7 is Nao/Sora common route

copy pasta frm another disccussion. By now most ppl shud noe anyway =)

Episode 5, i like akira's genki personality and trying to hide her darkness. Episode 5 was directed very nice and scenes flow much smoother than kazuha's route.

As a vn player, it feels like i playing the vn again with animation ( jus a few events changed due to shortages of episodes).
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I know how the routes are divided, but I hoped they'd do a little extra for the blurays - with the little censoring they have they won't sell many unless they provide a hook (like going completely hentai).
bd preorder sales for vol 2 reach #4 on oricon charts,selling very well.

I oso personally want specials *whistle*

the maid omake at the end cracks me up wif the nosebleed on mahjong and super deformed head akira wif wobbly eyes LOL
The uncensored scenes caught me completely off guard that time, didnt quite expect it.
I played the VN, the plot and story was nice.
And another route ends with plenty of sex. :P
Interesting hook with the probability of switched identities, but all's well that ends well. Also quite emotional with depicting Akira's hard life and anguish.
Of course, the scenes with Akira weren't to be scoffed at, either. :P And yay for squeezing. :D
Solid episode

Well i have mixed feelings since i play the game. Frm the game view, they cut a lot of details and alter events but that is because of the episode limitations. Frm the anime point, it was very nicely written albeit still rushing. They did manage to keep the character's charm point and showed the main struggles/themes of akira's arc.

They also foreshadow the main theme of the series which is 'In solitude, where we are least alone' very well. The powerful scene was Akira's illustration of how everyone she's ever loved went away; the anime accented this beautifully with the visual of Sora and her doll alone in the room further hinting her feelings and upcoming struggles. Reaching out to someone and making yourself vulnerable leads to deeper wounds, so without that you actually risk less. Hence Akira's argument that by not falling in love, she actually ends up being less alone ("in solitude, where we are least alone"). But Haruka's counterargument (and the counterargument of the whole show by proxy) is that "the fact that two were once in love lasts forever".

They also were establishing a link between the bunny as the symbol of Sora's mother's love, and the pendant as a symbol of "Akira's mother's love" here. In Akira's case she lost the pendant, but in Sora's case she still has the bunny. Later in the episode, Akira regains the pendant even though she can't regain her mother, and it's the symbol of the love that once existed (in this case between Kazuha's mother and her).

Little details like this will be harder to pick up because of the rush speed.

The title of episode 7 is ツミナオトメラ, which does not contain Sora's name. Other episode's title all have name of the heroine's route. Example, episode 2 which is common route for Kazuha/Akira has both their names on the titles.

If true, what they're suggesting is that Episode 7 will be "N2", and that the third episode of the Nao/Sora arcs will be shared "NS3". There are then two choices -- they could either go:

Episode 7: N2
Episode 8: NS3
Episode 9: N4
Episode 10: S2
Episode 11 & 12: S4 & S5


Episode 7: N2
Episode 8: S2
Episode 9: NS3
Episode 10: N4
Episode 11 & 12: S4 & S5

The latter approach is more likely because it has potential to work for story reasons i cant spoil yet.

Anyway, u can always poke me for comparisons between the game and anime for Akira's arc since details/events has been altered. Prepare for dramas in nao's arc !
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LOL at the spoilers?
how come i dun understand even after i completed the game?
Probably not many ppl deconstruct a VN story like our group does. Not all ppl can catch small details, this come with a lot of VNs experience . Anyway u finish all the routes in the game?
New arc, new fun. :P
This episode starts with Haru motorboating (sorta) Sora, so the h level is right up at the top again. ;) Then again, she is also bitch-slapping him, so maybe there's hope yet. :P
And if I recall correctly episodes 10 to 12 are for the Sora route, so the first approach of Kou's is what's planned. :P
I'm also left wondering whether Nao butt-rapped Haru. ~_~
Apart from that they increased the number of boob shots somehow and the rest is just the usual goodness we have come to expect from this anime. ^^
ughhhh.. my last post on the speculation on this episode title word play is wrong. Heres the correct one.

ツ ミ ナ オ ト メ ラ
tsu mi na o to me ra
    na o
 s     o     ra = Nao and Sora common route episode

Haruka got ridden twice in 24 minutes. Reverse rape/shota rape together. I liked how all the main points covered in the original episode 2 came back in some form, but totally changed around. The script also continues to use a lot of parallelism and it works quite well (though the funniest one was the whole situation about Sora being "small"... )

The omake is still funny as usual. So she finally gets her man XD. Akira using her head advantage to cheat during exam was so LOL.

菜緒うざい = Nao uzai = Nao's annoying/Nao's an eyesore. Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao Annoying Nao

Like that. (But unlike bored/angry/tense Sora, I used copy-paste. ). I guess I hate Nao also has the same meaning.

The anime kinda water down the assault of nao on haru and his 'shocked' on it. I don't think I exactly have a hard time sympathizing with Nao in the anime, actually. If anything she is actually more reasonable/sympathetic in the anime because a) she knows and fully admits she did something wrong and b) doesn't really expect to be forgiven, though accepts forgiveness when offered. (In the game, she tried first to carry on as if nothing had happened, sort of trying to avoid/sidestep the issue of what happened in the past.). So yeah, Nao in the game is much more RAGEWORTHY ! I guess they want us to sympathize for Nao more.
I really want to murder Haru for making my Sora in such pain. He better make it up in the next arc
There needs to be a yandere ending for Sora, she is certainly the type for it. :P
And Haru is such a player - doing it with Nao, getting caught by Sora and just going on while she looks... Afterwards Nao goes into depression mode (seeing how she got caught in the act by Sora twice now), but Haru is able to fix it with his love for melons of all kinds. :D
Apart from that we also get a tiny bit of Sora service and quite a bit from Nao. ^^
Haruka having a little too much fun......

Not much difference between the game story wise so they did a good job adapting it.

I think the important thing about Episode 8 is that, even though Haruka had long since "gotten over" the past and wanted to start over, neither of them realized that Sora had seen what had happened. So now they have to help her get over it too. That's why it was so telling at the start of the episode when Haruka acted so suspiciously around Sora -- as if he knew he was doing something wrong. Of course, Sora picked up on that sign as well. Same with when he said he "had something to talk to her about" -- he kept acting like he was bringing her bad news. Their decision by the end of the episode to push forward and try to get Sora to forgive and accept them was important -- whatever happened in the past, what they're doing now isn't wrong or anything to be ashamed of. As Ryouhei said "nothing bad will happen if you give me a piece of your happiness". They both have to stop acting like they're doing something that Sora won't like; Sora isn't losing a brother, she's getting her childhood friend back. That was referenced in the photo album scene, where we note that the happy memories "ended" after that summer (nice touch to have the blank album page). Very important to note that they ended for Sora after that summer as well. (Remember that important scene with Sora looking through the same photo album in the first episode.) They all need to start over.

There's a good progression in Sora's behaviour in Episode 8 that continued from Episode 7. First she tears out all the buttons, then she refuses to eat Nao's lunch, then she throws out Nao's curry, and then she walks away from Nao's lunch a second time... But each time there's little bit more... I don't know... "give" there? At first it's like "I can't accept this", then it transitions to "I won't accept this", and by the end it's more like "I'm not ready to accept this [yet]". Subtle, but progress is actually being made. But basically, if Sora loves Haruka, she has to come to accept the person he loves.

I got to say the high point of the episode was the middle.
IT WAS SO HILARIOUS ! *facepalm*
Oh my gosh, Haru...
His sister comes in while he is having sex with Nao, right? And her sister is clearly shocked. Nao is clearly shocked.
...And Haru? He turns around with that grin on his face and continues to shake his hips!

The omake was also hilarious. As usual Akira's big head steal the show. Eats whale, shark approaching and sun staring at ppl was all so LOL.
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Can't say i like this episode...

Basically the entire episode is anime original. They change Sora into childish and Haruka into a passive guy. Nao seems better because she acts the most logical of the two at the right place lol. The resolution between Sora and Nao felt cheap. I don't expect Sora to accept Nao fully so fast. I guess having sex in the forest is more important than the festival. How the hell did the lightning strike the bus stop 1st instead of the trees and poles?? LOL. As usual, the omake is very funny.

There's basically very little similarity to be honest. In the game...

- Sora not only saw what had gone on, but she told her family about what she saw, and they talked to Nao's parents. It was considered a shameful thing; they all knew about it, but never talked about it with Haruka. (Haruka didn't know that Sora and everyone else knew, and Nao didn't know that Sora knew, but their families all knew about it.)
- Because of that, Nao's parents had an difficult relationship with Nao. That's why she had been miserable and generally joyless ever since Haruka left. Suffice it to say, they did not support Nao becoming friends with Haruka again.
- When Haruka returned, Nao was so miserable and isolated that she wanted more than anything to restore her relationship with him. He was saving her from her despair. But she didn't know how to deal with what happened in the past, so she tried to pretend it never happened and just return to the happy times.
- At first Sora sort of went along with it, but when she found out that Haruka and Nao were going out, she took action.
- When Sora confronted Nao, it was because she really believed Haruka was being deceived by Nao, and she wanted to protect Haruka since they had no family left to do so. (It wasn't just that he was all she had left, but she was all the family he had left as well.) The fact that Nao had been keeping the whole thing quiet was part of what made Sora even more upset and suspicious of Nao's motives; she was acting as if nothing had happened, despite her family and everyone knowing it was a big deal.
- When Sora's pleas didn't get through to Haruka, she tricked Haru to getting on a bus so she could get him away from Nao. In the argument that ensued she revealed that Haruka had changed and he was abandoning her to be with "that woman". He apologizes saying that it's his fault, and when she says it can't be because he was deceived he asks her if anyone had ever asked his opinion about what happened in the past, and he explains that he has never held that incident against Nao. He said that ever since that time, he's loved Nao. He thanks Sora for getting so mad for his sake, and says that he still wants to be there for her... so basically they make up and go back home.
- Haruka gets back and finds Nao depressed and unable to forgive herself for all she's done. But Haruka convinces her (basically) that everyone loves her and was worried about her, and that he's not going to let her struggle alone anymore. Basically, they kiss and make up. Sora looks over at them, and is still a bit sad, but she hangs in there and they go back to being a family... and they all lived happily ever after.

So... pretty much everything that happened in Episode 9, and about half of Episode 8 were entirely anime original, and I can't really say it's for the better. In the game, it was a story more about family looking out for each other and bringing unspoken/unresolved feelings to the surface in order to get them resolved. Sora's actions make a heck of a lot more sense and are more in character given the situation, and even Haruka learns a lesson about keeping balance in his life (he doesn't have to abandon Sora to pursue a relationship with Nao). Nao's side is about facing the past head-on and receiving forgiveness -- from others, but mostly from herself.

Anyway, not usually one to pull this sort of card, but suffice it to say, in this case I think the game's story was much, much better. I'm not really sure why they decided to change it so much. But oh well...

It seems to me that, at least as far as the anime is concerned, the main purpose of Nao's arc is to set the stage for Sora's arc. But I'm sort of hoping that the original writer will return to pen the the remaining episodes (which is likely) and that they'll be able to stick a bit more closely to the game script.
Hello i dont really know if its ok to ask here but it is relates to Yosuga no Sora. Does anyone know the name of the bgm/song that starts playing in this episode at around 5:39? I also see it used often in others and i really love the bgm, if anyone knows the name please tell me ^^.
The bgm in the anime is mostly remix from the game ost but u might as well wait for the anime ost to be released.
Haruka apparently can't swim and nearly drowns because of one single wave - what a wimp. Nao then revives him with mouth-to-mouth (Did no one in any anime or movie or TV series ever visit an actual life-saving course? Idiots, all of them. >_>), which Sora sees. This causes her to go into total bitch mode, trying to separate the two love birds.
First she keeps playing sick, so that Haruka can't leave. Not that it works all that well, because Haruka still chooses Nao...
Not being satisfied with that answer she then runs away and is by Nao found after some melodrama. More drama ensues in which Nao rescues the rabbit from the burning metal shed and thus becomes Sora's hero. Makes perfect sense.
Anyway, they all go to the summer festival, where everything gets resolved and then they have sex in the forest (surprisingly not very explicit, but I guess they got that out of the way beforehand...). All in all it dragged a bit along. Oh well, Sora next.

I was also surprised that they're now selling Döner Kebab in Japan - one of the less known German culinary creations. :D
We now entered the name-giving characters route. Haruka dates Nao, but dreams of his little sister in a quite revealing way. They also emphasise the forbidden part of his love quite a bit at the beginning, before showing us dating scenes with Nao.
Once he comes home from his peaceful school day with her he sees Sora lying in the entrance, wearing only a towel. Immediately he checks out her thighs and breasts, just like a true imoucon would. Unlike one he looks away then - not even turning around to see the nude Sora coming on to him.
Anyway, he schedules a date with Nao for Sunday, but Sora interferes and tries to get him to cancel by asking Haruka to choose between her and Nao. While on his date he only shops for Sora, so much that Nao gets annoyed and points it out to him. :P
Upon his return home he finds his sister crying and sends his girlfriend home, so that he can console her.
While walking to school the next morning Sora shows her devious side by getting rid of Nao with a simple ploy, but it is not enough to win Haruka over. Getting seen masturbating while crying his name should do the trick though. We'll know for sure in the next episode!
Great episode

The good writing and directing is back!! All I can say is: holy crap what a difference it makes in terms of my enjoyment of the show. It really has nothing to do with it being Nao's arc or Sora's arc -- the presentation of Nao in this episode was way better than it was in her own arc. Dialog was much more cleverly-written, the cuts were better-placed, and the symbolism was back. The visual cues were night and day -- the way Haruka and Nao were fidgeting on the phone, the way Haruka's head turned when he lied to Sora about Sunday, the changing looks on Sora's face when he tells her about Sunday's cancellation... all the little signs... great stuff. The way he acted on the date was a massive tell, but the way he blocked Nao from seeing Sora was an even bigger one. And the curry did indeed become "Haru's curry" this time; awesome.

The scene at the end is obviously the most important "tell" in terms of Haruka's behaviour. Until now he's been able to lie to himself; to say that he doesn't have feelings for Sora, that she doesn't have feelings for him in the same way as he does, that he'll make things work with Nao, and so on. What they were showing there is him feeling sick -- like the whole world was tightening around him. He can no longer deny how they feel for each other. Now, what's he supposed to do?

Awesome episode is awesome; they totally made the episode 7 work perfectly, even though I had some serious doubts. It's a bit anime-original, but my faith is restored.
Haruka did have feelings for Sora all along, but he chooses to suppress them in the other arcs and pursue relationships with the other girls whole-heartedly. Rewatching the other arcs the way they'll be shown on the Blu-Ray (with episode 1 as the start of every arc), it'll make more sense.

Actually, Haru remains single in Sora's arc without going out with Nao, adding more drama. His going out with Nao is just an act; he's only doing it because he hoped it would take his mind off of Sora. He views his kiss with Nao more like something he had to do in order to take his life down a different path. But he wasn't really committed yet, which is why he hesitated to tell Sora about their relationship when Nao offered. In Episode 8, you might recall, he agreed to talk to Sora about it right from the get-go. That's basically the "branching point" for the story. Him agreeing to tell Sora shows he has resolve about it, but him hesitating shows that he's not really committed. And this episode was all about filling the void with his doubts.

Actually, in a strange sort of way, I would say that this episode features more character development and insight into Haruka than all the previous episodes so far and even surpasses the game version. Really, this whole episode was about him.

Basically, I think they're just using Haruka's "relationship" with Nao as a way to expose Haruka's self-denial, which is appears to be how they're framing this entire arc. It brings to mind what Sora said in the episode preview at the end of episode 9: that everything that happened before was a dream caused by Haruka's inability to take action. In a way, that's exactly what this episode was proving.

Even if the Nao's dating and the childhood memories of Haru kissing Sora was original, it works here and the main issues and events of the game is kept.

Next episode, start of the drama!! The omake is hilarious again with some 4th wall breaking and that epic quote!!!
It all starts with Haru thinking about his sister masturbating. He is disrupted by Nao and, feeling guilty, starts to flatter her and generally acting the perfect boyfriend part. While Haru is thinking about his sister she goes a step further and sleeps smelling his shirt.
A few hours later Nao catches on to Haru being busy thinking about other things and asks him about it. Instead of answering he takes her to a love hotel and tries to fuck her. She refuses and he stops, only to be dumped for never saying "I love you" to Nao.
Upon his return home he finds Sora asleep, surrounded by his freshly washed clothes. Haru then proceeds to shake her awake by rubbing her breast, or at least that's how it looks. Apparently she decided to take better care of him, so that's why she washed all his clothes.
At school Haru reads up on incestuous marriages and starts dreaming about his life with Sora. If you didn't know already the look he's having during that confirms that he's a pervert, through and through.
The next day Sora comes down with a fever and Haru takes care of her himself. Which naturally includes giving her a full sponge bath, which they both enjoy a lot. Sora now being hot literally and figuratively decides to come on to Haru that evening and after they confessed their love to each other it ends like everyone expected.
After screwing the whole night Sora's fever is gone; she can return to school. On the way there she locks arms with Haru, which Nao sees as well as them being all lovely with each other later that day. Apart from taking more and more possession of Haru Sora also decided to become the perfect housewife for him. Change from tsun to dere in less than one day complete.
Nao is not the only one noticing them being in love with each other and the class president (or whoever she is) chews him out for being to obvious with it. Haru decides to mope around afterwards, but Sora knows how to cheer him up: a BJ between siblings.
They start to become closer and hornier for the rest of the episode, until finally being caught in the act by the class president and Nao (returning a forgotten cell). Unlike last time Haru is too shocked to continue and on that note the episode ends.
What plot when you can just make out like rabbits !!

All imocon get their wincest fix now. A great episode frm the anime viewpoint but i still prefer the game's approach. It is much more dramatic i guess whereas the atmosphere in the anime is lighter. I was laughing through the end of the episode expecting Haru to keep continue like what he did in Nao's arc :P. Drama at the omake part lol WUT. Today's quote: Sorry, no more porn was hilarious. As a random aside, I liked how they used the "reality vs. imagination"/double-take technique again as they used in episode 1. It's been put to good use in this show.

Most of the changes in this episode were either follow-through on previous changes, or for the sake of expediting the plot. As mentioned before, the whole thing with going out with Nao as a cover never happened in the game, but it still led to basically the same destination (that both Nao and Kozue discovered what they were up to).

The big change, though, is that Haruka is taking a lot more initiative in the anime. In the game, Sora still carried over a bit of the seductive/manipulative side that she showed more of in Nao's arc. You could have made a legitimate argument that, even to this point, Haruka had been seduced. No such argument can be made here. I guess the net effect here is that you get the two sides of Sora's personality in each respective arc, rather than getting a bit of both in both arcs. It also means that the second half of this episode was even more... "love love" than it was in the game, because the anime made it clear the feelings were 100% mutual (they both took equal initiative).

The specific ending scene also played out a bit differently in the game, as anyone who spoiled themselves on the CGs could probably guess. Rather than catching them in the act, Sora walked out of Haruka's bedroom naked and called for him. That's again part of the above point that the game was still presenting Sora as being a bit devious at this point. The anime has removed that devious side almost entirely at this point in this arc, so it makes sense for Kozue and Nao to catch them both in the act. (In the game, Kozue understood what was going on because Sora explained it (sort of in a daring, "don't get in our way" tone), but here no explanation is required. Even Sora put up some incredibly mild protests about doing it there, and wasn't too thrilled to be discovered.)

But other than that, the anime's story is now basically in alignment with the game again (and as I suspected last week, they were only using Nao to develop the build-up for Haruka's feelings to make the "running away" insinuation all the more clear). Personally, i don't like how they change Sora's character to dere dere mode only.
At the end of EP11:
Hey, we are kinda busy, can you guys give us 15 minutes?

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