
Cynical Philosopher
Elite Member
Dec 16, 2010
Okay, so with classes starting again, between playing eroge and studying, I often play online games.
Recently, I've been pretty active on four games so far (different servers), and wish I can stick with one game since playing all four is detrimental not only to my physical health (since I'll be sitting my behind down on the chair), but also to my grades.

I list below each game as well as the pros and cons of each game in my view.
I'd like to ask each reader advocate for a game that I should stick with, or if you're in a talkative mood, suggest a game in return.
If possible, I would also like to know why you would advocate one game over another.

Thank you in advance!!

P.S. For the reference, I reject all games that involve PvP as its main element (LoL, S4 League are some examples)

1) Maplestory (Private Server)
Probably has the friendliest community, and is probably ranked highest in terms of socialization
Plenty of classes to try out
No monetary investment required

Least Stable--disconnects often since this is not an official and legal server.
In the certain server that I'm on, about 75% of the time, I can't even log on properly due to school internet being sucky.
As a private server, there's a relatively high chance that it will shut down.

2)Mabinogi (US Server)
Extremely Powerful Character already present
Already has several hundred dollars worth of investment
Easy to modify the game files according to my tastes

Very little to do, repetitive gameplay, and with everything achieved, this game is also very boring
Updates are already known (for about 1 year from today), and not interested in its contents
Always something to work on, but it's not a given that it'll be exciting in any form
Screwed up Economy

3) Elsword (KR Server)
Very nice game which is categorized as "Anime-style beat'em up game", which is probably my favorite genre.
Compared to NA servers (of the same game), leveling is quick and easy, and quests on the way are unique and enjoyable.
VERY friendly community, and especially since my dual-language skills can benefit a LARGE majority of the population in various ways
First to receive new updates
Features voiced characters

Must restart from scratch (not completely, though)
Must "re-purchase" items to enhance my gameplay (est. ~$30 PER CHARACTER)
Server located far away, so lag is common
Cannot partipate in PvP due to above reason

4) Dragon Nest (NA Server)
Another beat'em up game that CAN be solo'ed, even the Abyss Dungeons
Easy and Straightforward gameplay
Beat'em Up genre.
Features voiced characters

As with Mabinogi, very bland when you reach cap
Least player-player interaction due to my habit of soloing everything
Poor graphics that look like as if everything was "clay"
Within the list of chosen games that you have listed (and I have played all of them). My thoughts are the following:
  • All games have a chance of shutting down
  • All games can get boring after you reached the max level for PvE
  • Every game I have played has lag, it comes down to adapting well or not. Believe it or not, lag makes it hard for me to play certain games like Mabinogi
  • All games can be solo'd and if you don't like interacting with people, all games will be the same
  • NA economy is just bad in general. KR is better but you're going to have a hard time due to KSSN and purchases
  • Any game is not worth spending for the first 3 months to see whether you like it and stay or not

Now out of the four, I would say I liked:
  • Mabinogi for it's freedom (sandbox kind of)
  • Maple Story for it's abundance of PS
  • Elsword for its animation and costumes (and if you're skilled, you can do things)
  • But hated Dragon Nest, you may as well play Tera

I would say pick three things on your mind that makes you play that game, then list them in order of number. After that list it on the post so people can somehow cater to your tastes.

Personal list if I wasn't lazy:
  • Phantasy Star Online 2 (JP server, outsiders need to VPN in) for the fast pace action in different worlds
  • Tera Online... if you want true action
  • Guild Wars 2 if you're going to spend once and end it there
  • Sword Girls Online (it's a TCG and avoid PvP unless you want to fight against P2W players)
  • Aura Kingdom is boring... since it's a point, click, spam abilities
  • Lucient Heart is the same as above with mana constraints on all characters
  • Closer Online (TBA release date and it's like demon hunting and Persona Online)

I'll come back to this topic tomorrow when I'm awake. Falling asleep. I still like Elsword... although the NA economy isn't the best. MS is a free game on PS and I couldn't handle how open Mabinogi was. Maple Story is no different when I think about it.
Thanks for your great input! Despite your words, they are very helpful to me.

Overall, I'd say that I have to like the KR version of Elsword, and have no trouble accessing it due to me being a Korean (with a KSSN), and after running Altera Core yesterday with a party of 4, it wasn't too laggy as I thought I'd be. Heck, with my skills, I would be able to solo most dungeons fairly quickly, and despite the fact that it can become rather boring, I'm really only hoping to play casually.
...and seeing rare IB pieces on the market for 50-100m makes me cry tears of joy.

The only minus I see is that I can't readily purchase NX, but I've also found a website that sells them for a very low rate (approx. 8.5% service rate), which isn't too bad. Really, I'm just hesitant to even invest in the server only because it's just so much to invest ($30 for B-slot + a costume set PER character), and with the release of Add, there's only so many characters I can fund to max level.

It's really sad how neither the community or leveling requirement restricts me from investing in Elsword, but its sheer amount of NX required. Quite the opposite from the NA servers. (This is when I seriously envy some of the players who can play without a B-slot or costumes...)

Maplestory PS gets really boring quickly. I've already experienced the Zero-class, mastered it on both GMS and a certain PS, so I'm kinda bored with that too, lol...

Mabinogi, As I've stated, I've achieved a lot of things, and being a cumulative level over 5500, all I can do is the triweekly cycle of rebirth and farm AP. That gets boring too.

Dragon Nest, I don't think we should talk about that... xD (Solo'ed a Sniper all the way to 55...)


For the reference, I can "activate" three more KR Nexon accounts with my i-Pin. If you feel like joining me on the KR servers for whatever reason, and can agree to not engage in illegal activities, I'll gladly activate your account so you can enjoy the earliest updates, probably in a better environment than what you get in NA (because IIRC, you're closer to South Korea than you are to the US)

The con is, again, the fact that you have to "start from the beginning", which really isn't too bad, since new characters right now have a chance to get upto 10,000,000 NX ($1000 worth of NX)... With the fact that you may have a hard time understanding Korean.
You're welcome, although it's nothing to thank me about. I just gave you my knowledge of the games at brief since I was pretty tired when I typed that up... which was... *looks at the post time* around 2 - 4 am in the morning. Not the best and sorry if there was some crude language in there. I wasn't never good with words when I'm really should be sleeping. Pretty sure there some sentences that sound like I'm insulting the game but never-the-less, it all good games in their own way. And I found most of my MMORPG games come from South Korea or Japan. Which was interesting to know regardless of how I feel about them in some games they have made.

To be honest, I don't mind playing on their server but I first need to have some kind of way to ping the server or their main website to get a fair idea whether it's feasible to play on the server so you don't waste a account on me. I say this because I actually care what happens to you if I do make cultural mistakes which is where I'm going to say that can be a problem. Like staying silent in a server where you don't understand their culture and way of living. But wow... 50 Milllion to 100 Million for pieces is already a dream but if that was a set... *whistles* that is costume heaven. I don't even know why I would think about engaging illegally when you can earn a costume in a good 3 months period easily... and they just threw a free costume event as well. Forget illegal, everything can be legit if you just play PvE only.

I agree on the investment bit though... I do find it hard to find reason to buy anything virtual online. Unless there's a good discount and I can use pre-paid methods to pay for the difference in prices. I honestly am afraid of K Ching/Nexon/Donxon services. I don't really trust them too much due to the potential pitfalls. What is their Nexon Cash rate to items? Is is similar to the NA server or the IM prices completely different from it? A good indicator to me is Skill Change Slot Medal, One Crystal Pet, One Ice Burner and Fetch aura. Those things have distinct values which I can relate to in costs. Currency exchange is pretty heavy so I need to work those out too.

I get what you mean about investing regardless... personally I capped my DW at level 64 without a B Slot and got her to SS Rank too. That case was to show my little sister that it is possible to get from B Rank to SS Rank in NA server. Just due to their play-style is fairly exploitable. Oh I didn't have a costume at the time too... I just went in with PvP gear... and with little to no knowledge of all other characters except my DW at the time. Pretty interesting experience at the time while I was level 53 I think...

I stopped playing MS the moment Samurai and Kana came out. Not because I was bored of them but more to the fact the servers keeps moving and I need to update it specifically to get certain patches and etc. It got annoying but I had fun with my sibling just dressing up and playing with the pets. Oh that the other thing, some of the pet functions wasn't coded too well which made life hard.

I haven't gotten past level 5 on Mabinogi so I can't comment too much about it. Tons of potential... just... too much information for me to handle. Aura Kingdom is easier on my mind but I'm not playing on that too much.

Agreed on your thoughts for Dragon Nest. Let's not talk about it.


Again, in regards to your offer. I'm happy you gave me an oportunity to play on the server. But I first need to trial the ping to find out my ISP services South Korea and it's area. It's closer to me but at the same time, my ISP is pretty cheap so they probably took the cheaper internet routing route. The language barrier is always going to be tough and I'll probably have to find someone willing to hold my hands to translate from time to time. As for the voice overs, since modding voices, can be seen illegal (like just using the JP pack), I'll just mute the game voice over and listen to music instead. Not saying the voice over for KR is bad, it's just JP is my preferred voice over due to my familiarly to what they are saying.

Starting at the beginning isn't so bad if you look at the NA vs KR experience table. And if they're going to have constant events going, I bet they'll end up leveling my character to higher levels by accident. @_@
Hi Hatori.

I've decided to play the KR Nexon's Elsword server. While I'll only play casually for the moment, since I can definitely become the server's most active players, I've decided that this is a game I want to invest in from now on.

Regarding your question about prices, here they are.
In KR Elsword, the real-life currency equivalence is NX. I've found a site where $11 = 10000 NX, and purchasing multiple codes will decrease that rate each time.

Here is my report of the standard prices of the Cash Items for KR Elsword:
IB: 900 NX
B-slot (perm): 8000 NX
Pet: 3000 NX
Aura: 5000 NX

So they are very similar to the prices in NA.

Lastly, the NX/ED ratio is equivalent to 110m/$10, so in NA's terms, is 11:100.

Please note that this is the GAIA server, and Solace actually has lower rates than this. When I reach a high level, I plan to assist non-Korean players by creating a guild specific for English use, and helping perhaps the new players adjust to this economy and server.

Thank you again for your input!

P.S. Oh, and Rena's IB weapons on Gaia:
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[MENTION=251]Joyjason[/MENTION]: Sorry for the late reply, I'm weathering through heatwaves (high hot temperatures) for the last past few days last week and trying to recover some sleep while I can.

Sounds like you found a game you would like to play in more often. Just thought I'll mentioned to play without the 8 Skill slot and cash items for a month or two before you invest. Just thought of mine since I play a lot of online games in the past and the only one I actually invested in was Elsword NA... awkward but that was the case for over many years of playing. Probably going to do the same in the KR server if I go there.

Regarding your question about prices, here they are.
In KR Elsword, the real-life currency equivalence is NX. I've found a site where $11 = 10000 NX, and purchasing multiple codes will decrease that rate each time.

Here is my report of the standard prices of the Cash Items for KR Elsword:
IB: 900 NX
B-slot (perm): 8000 NX
Pet: 3000 NX
Aura: 5000 NX

So they are very similar to the prices in NA.

Lastly, the NX/ED ratio is equivalent to 110m/$10, so in NA's terms, is 11:100.

Please note that this is the GAIA server, and Solace actually has lower rates than this. When I reach a high level, I plan to assist non-Korean players by creating a guild specific for English use, and helping perhaps the new players adjust to this economy and server.

Thank you again for your input!

Well the prices only 1 USD marginal difference and it seems like I'll be paying the difference through currency conversation from My Currency to USD then to South Korea Currency I think. Oh wells, it's not too bad in a sense. As for the currency conversation for making NX/ED trade, it's better than NA. In that sense. Currently NA is going for 25~35:100 (Million to K Ching) so you can imagine how much full IM costume will cost. @_@

Well I don't mind which server since if I were to join the server over there, I'll have to adjust and learn some KR to survive. Otherwise doing merchanting and selling things for ED will be a nightmare. Not sure I'll survive without the market filter though... orz I would need to know what type of phonetics I needs to use to retype any English characters to Korean if I intend to go serious on the server. The only other issue would be translation of events, IP block (if they have any like Japan servers), in game quests (not too bothered with most of them except the bank sharing quest, skill notes and other vital ones) and possibly communication (which is where staying silent will probably be my best approach).

Your welcome, although I didn't do much except put my opinion down on the matter. And I had a look of that screenshot and thought... "... is this why people in NA was complaining about their IB prices? If that's the case... wow."

Then again, if IB prices are cheap, what's expensive on that server? Everything has two sides of the coin in my opinion. The good and the bad.
The way I see it considering the golden factor here which is: All games have a chance of shutting down

That itself is enough to put anyone off playing any mmo game, and its very true knowing this fact I think I don't want to invest my time in a game that shuts down after 5 or so years, people play online games for fun but if we pay for subscription even once, that should entitle us to download all our data and play it offline co=op with other people on our own private server as a thank you for all those subscription fee's. If all of you follow suit game companies will eventually give us this power and we could keep our characters and all we spend time on forever till the day we die or pass it onto our next of kin's recreational time. A Legacy for some.

Then I'll help you choose a game as it stands they all suck at the moment. I'm still in depression over my City of heroes account and all the data wiped. Bastards. Yeah right as if we going to play Aion any any other NC soft game knowing they can just shut it down. No thanks I'd rather play offline games then I'd know I'd keep it forever.
The way I see it considering the golden factor here which is: All games have a chance of shutting down

That itself is enough to put anyone off playing any mmo game, and its very true knowing this fact I think I don't want to invest my time in a game that shuts down after 5 or so years, people play online games for fun but if we pay for subscription even once, that should entitle us to download all our data and play it offline co=op with other people on our own private server as a thank you for all those subscription fee's. If all of you follow suit game companies will eventually give us this power and we could keep our characters and all we spend time on forever till the day we die or pass it onto our next of kin's recreational time. A Legacy for some.

Then I'll help you choose a game as it stands they all suck at the moment. I'm still in depression over my City of heroes account and all the data wiped. Bastards. Yeah right as if we going to play Aion any any other NC soft game knowing they can just shut it down. No thanks I'd rather play offline games then I'd know I'd keep it forever.

Your argument is completely valid, but as I refute to all individuals who argue "all games have a chance to shut down", I ask for them to take a look at a cliche MMORPG, Maplestory, that has still not shut down after many (10+) years.
Furthermore, not all games simply "shut down": remember Crazy Arcade's BnB? Still running in Korea despite being operated for longer than 15 years. It really just depends on the company that runs it, and the players who play it (and also pay for its extra features).

In that sense, a lot of the games that you mention "City of Heros" or even "Aion", I have not even heard of these games, nor do I know of who hosts them. On similar note, a game that I played a while back "A tale of Solstice" or something along the lines, was also shut down.

"All games will eventually shut down" is a completely valid and logical argument, but it's flawed greatly in the sense some games run for much longer times than others before shutting down. With the examples I've shown, I hope to inform the readers that many of the games hosted by a company called "Nexon" tend not to shut down (except for NA Nexon's Dungeon Fighters... NA Nexon sucks anyways). Likewise, many of Aeria Games' MMOs will also close down relatively early due to their huge advantage to paying players compared to P2P in Nexon games.
In this topic of games shutting down, I have to be inclined to agree with Joyjason post about games shutting down.

More often that not, it comes down to what type of company hosts the game and the player base that is investing into the company. Not only that but there's also a company values and goals that must be put into the mix before we can say who's going to shut down and for what reason. I will not go into the full details about different companies I encounter and what not. But I will say that each company has a habit they tend to follow and you only need to find them at certain points of history to know what kind of management they are under and their intended goals.

However, I have played games that have shutdown and sometimes get bought out by another company with the player data or had the data freshly wiped to reset the game. A example I will use for this case is Audition Online for NA and Shin Megami Tensei Online. Both games were shut down by Nexon America and Aeria Games respectively and was reacquired and now being operated by another company. This is however rare cases I've seen that only occurred in every 2 out of 10 online games.

Currently in addition to games that have been running for a long time in the market, I only know Ran Online that is currently a Asia server is still running with slightly outdated models. Personally I haven't played that game but I do now it's relatively popular in Asia. Maple Story is running for quite some time and developers are considering updating the graphics and playing style of the game in the future. That's in development so I hear. Magic Gathering Online is a TCG Online game that is still running but I have the details on it so I'll give a benefit of the doubt that it's relatively new so it can fall or stay afloat for the years to come.

Personally I see Elsword staying alive in KR for a longer period of time at this rate due to the excess amount of people playing on it still until the other releases and competitors come out to contest it. However, I won't know the outcome for the game survival until it's fully fleshed out.

[MENTION=251]Joyjason[/MENTION]: I forgot to mention that I'll be attempting to download the client first and seeing if it connects up to the log in screen before I decide anything. But I also want to mention that another similar game in development is called Closer Online that is relatively the same arcade style to Elsword except it's in beta and haven't fully been fleshed out. And... Elsword NA is starting to feel the heat in it's game Economy with Arch Angel Ara IB set being released along side with (so called unpopular yet overpriced) Royal Blood IB Set.
Your argument is completely valid, but as I refute to all individuals who argue "all games have a chance to shut down", I ask for them to take a look at a cliche MMORPG, Maplestory, that has still not shut down after many (10+) years.
Furthermore, not all games simply "shut down": remember Crazy Arcade's BnB? Still running in Korea despite being operated for longer than 15 years. It really just depends on the company that runs it, and the players who play it (and also pay for its extra features).

In that sense, a lot of the games that you mention "City of Heros" or even "Aion", I have not even heard of these games, nor do I know of who hosts them. On similar note, a game that I played a while back "A tale of Solstice" or something along the lines, was also shut down.

"All games will eventually shut down" is a completely valid and logical argument, but it's flawed greatly in the sense some games run for much longer times than others before shutting down. With the examples I've shown, I hope to inform the readers that many of the games hosted by a company called "Nexon" tend not to shut down (except for NA Nexon's Dungeon Fighters... NA Nexon sucks anyways). Likewise, many of Aeria Games' MMOs will also close down relatively early due to their huge advantage to paying players compared to P2P in Nexon games.

Wow for real you have no heard of City of Heroes or Aion? what about console mmo like white knight chronicles 2? Yeah that got shut down as well, ruined my gaming experience as I was just getting into it with a friend and bam they notice shut down and I even had bought a guild and items off their PSN store and they screw me over I lost my money worth 200$ off psn I bought everything out Sony and the game company D3 i think it was that did White knight chronicles 2 screwed us all over.

Some games may still be around thats good and lucky but how can we really tell they will be there for 50+ years an entire life someone might want to play it till they die, how can we really tell which company will go down and which will stay up and for how long up ? Their terms of conditions agreement are all blah blah blah should we choose to terminate account info blah blah blah accept. So really we have to accept on their terms they basically all telling us they may shut down at any time and we have to sit here and take it.

I'v never taken anything in my life, I wouldn't just sit there and take it I'd want justice or revenge whichever comes first for wasting my time terms and conditions or not, thats just bureaucratic bullshit, man in suits controlling people, lawyers and judges can suck my dick only the heavens and the stars can judge, humans stay human thou shall not judge others less he be judged himself.

Anyways my point is, we should all be allowed to download the game for offline play, some of us might want to play local in the house or LAN party, or online with a friend with hamachi. and Then I wouldnt mind if they shut down cause at least id still get to play it in my own time.
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I apologize in advance as I admit that I do not have any experience with console games. With only experience in "Nintendo Gamecube", my childhood was probably quite boring compared to others.

Regardless, it is rather unfortunate that console games are often rather difficult to host something we call a "Private Server" on.
Yes, you heard me correctly. Games like WoW or Maplestory all have private servers to give the community not only a choice how to enjoy their game, but also whenever.

I have no knowledge on the titles you've mentioned. However, even for console games, I do believe it's possible to host a "private server" similar to how Hamachi can create such an environment temporarily.

Despite this, I am inexperienced with this subject: you won't hear much other from me, other than the fact if you have enough passion and money, you technically could host a server where you're the master, and everyone plays by your rules.

In the end, that's how gaming should be--something you enjoy, and put money in because you like it; not because you're given extra stuff for it. There are plenty of players all over the world who gathers up in-game currency and purchases "cash items" with the collected currency. In the end, all they're spending is their time, and who is authoritative to judge them for how they spend their time?

I beg your pardon for using such a rude language, but if you are complaining about how games shut down when you spent no money on it, you should play a free-to-play game, and watch the reactions of the highest-ranking players or the players who spend a good chuck of their paycheck for it, as the game shuts down. It's quite a sight, and you might even giggle while you sleep thinking of the rage they post. On the other hand, you should also realize that is how I'm looking at you right now.
I feel this thread has already derailed from the original purpose of discussing which online game you prefer to play from this point onwards. Although discussion is welcome and some detours, I hope this discussion about servers longevity doesn't get any more heated.

Though I agree on the fact people do get upset about spending money on a online experience. You should be aware of what you have spent on and that they're providing a service as they see fit. Whether we like it or not. Terms of Service is always made in a way that protects the company interests over players interests at most times. If not all the time.

If you feel that you need to leave a legacy for your future generations, a better way to invest your income is to purchase stand alone games without the requirement of having a server to play on it. Otherwise your passionate opinionated post about spending a large sum of money on a service is merely an bad experience on your part. At the same time, everyone else has their own bad experiences and needless to say, I already had quite a few myself. Although I don't complain too much about it since it's a service in the end of the day where you can choose to pay them for it or not.

A good example is League of Legends where the only thing that gives you an advantage in terms of money is that you can unlock champions faster and more skins since it's relatively limited to those who pay for it. Whether it will last throughout the ages, I can not say since it's up to the respective host directives to decide they meet their goals or not.

Finally, you're within control of your spending habits. If you desired something that will last the ages, then stop for a moment. Sit down and think about what you want to do with your time and money.
lol what ever happened to good old fashioned the customer is always right? I miss those days, nowadays its no respect for us even if we pay for online games, now its all scam and advertisments.

Its funny when some people don't agree with what I was saying are the people that prefer companies to control you. Think about it a minute before deciding what online game you want to play, do I want to be controlled by online bureaucracy? I did a quick test and started a few online games Continent of the ninth seal, Kabod online, Scarlet Blade while I found Scarlet blade more interesting that the other 2 I checked their prices just to get some gear in the game and its apparently 50$ for around 5000 Aeria points, which buys you practically nothing for 50$ lets think about that a minute, it will take over £1000 1600$+ just to get anything half decent in the game, it maybe free game to play but those with deep pockets get ahead and have the benefits to go with it, in other words a cheating system. I'm probably going to end up stopping the games because none of them have any respect for us gamers all they want is to make money plain and simple so offering free gameplay is just the bait. Us gamers who just want to enjoy the game without people cheating, but in this life you get what you pay for.

£1000 i could buy a ps4 and xbox one together with a couple games each. lol I think I'd rather spend the money on consoles and games than play an mmo with benefits.

Nah don't worry guys this is just a side debate on the topic which i think is helpful to the original poster, I wouldn't want him/her to start an online game we recommend only to have it shut down on them in 1-3 years or so, just gets them thinking and its upto them in the end which game to play. Just don't say I didn't warn you lol As for private servers I used to start on them Private server for World of warcraft and Ragnarok online. I have to say the greatest mmo of all time for me was probably playing with friends age between 24-26 Ragnarok online, however after things are broke and get boring, moving to City of heroes which was great too for a while until its shut down, lineage 2 was decent when it came out but this one too much grind, I can probably recommend Scarlet Blade if you like your mmo to be a bit ecchi with decent gameplay because its easy to continue questing, has auto quest search etc, easy to customize a good looking character, mech stuff reminded me of xenogears. Otherwise I would have said city of heroes you could fly and use cool powers and have your own base like marvel agents of shield, but officially its dead.

Just a side note I asked someone in Scarlet Blade whos been playing it over a year and they told me he doesn't think it will last longer than 5 years.

Have fun ;)

oh yea and edit: that's link to Scarlet Blade 17-18+ only well it has ecchi lol
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Thanks for your reply, Shizusan.

Generally speaking, despite my apparent lack of knowledge on online gaming, it's not so. I've tried all forms of "popular" games regardless of whether it's a browser game or a client-based, and I can tell for sure which games will continue and which games will not be worth investing in, after about a few minutes playing into the game.

Elsword just happens to be one that's actually worth investing in... if you do it with moderation.
While this "trait" is only restrictive to the KR servers (since again, NA servers suck), it's also a general rule of thumb that you don't spend on your account, no matter what game it is, because in the end, you'll regret it.

So when spending on online games, I make a double-self-check and ask myself: "Will I regret this purchase?"
Well, the answer is obviously Yes, but sometimes, you just get caught up in your impulses to say "No". In those situations, it's a red-flag for some excessive spending.

Scarlet Blade? I was one of the Closed Beta and Open Beta Testers. It's actually not that fun since it's just like any other game where it's Pay2Win, and I think it was the girl who uses the whip...? who is pretty much "OP" (although I can't say the same because the game probably has classes that are more powerful).
The characters are pretty much a bitch (they have bad mouths and a haughty personality), and I think Aeria could've done better with the scripts.

Hey, but they're only translating crap, right?
yes its true Scarlet blade does have its flaws bad voice effects included I totally agree with you but dude its ecchi ;D lol *ahem* ^_^//... anyways one day even world of warcraft will die and that was the best mmo out there, it already lost over 3 million players due to its unforseen changes. I don't think there is any mmo out there thats worthy to be honest not anymore at least and not yet. When mmo's were fresh their were few that's decent, but there are so many crap online games nowadays its not even funny anymore, just plain sad. I think if they worked on Scarlet Blade Give it a better game balance, more lively creatures, much much better voices, more fluent special attacks, less clutter more simplified shops, no Aeria points thats just pure cheat for players who would rather spend money in game than a real life hooker? lol well the game to be more like an mmo of Xenogears or Xenoblade Chronicles I would fall in love with it. as it stands now the game will die I guarantee it unless they make these changes it might attract more players and then it may last for a while longer.

How about Aion ? or you could wait for Black Desert and Blade and Soul.

Do you know I've yet to see an online game that has an offline character creator or some mmo that saves your editing on the fly, as an example while connected to Aion for instance during character customization lost internet connection guess what it shuts down the game even during character setup and you lose it all, I was thinking of a name everything is already taken damn geeks. -.-
who would rather spend money in game than a real life hooker?

QFT. But you'd be surprised at the number of people who paid $500 for the Legendary Package during Open Beta.

Do you know I've yet to see an online game that has an offline character creator or some mmo that saves your editing on the fly, as an example while connected to Aion for instance during character customization lost internet connection guess what it shuts down the game even during character setup and you lose it all, I was thinking of a name everything is already taken damn geeks. -.-

That would be due to possible fraudulence. If a game was at least offline for even a split second, that's enough for some hackers to change the values within the game client. This is where your "hacking" nets you duping gold or rare items, and leads to even more of a screwed up economy.

Hey, even in Maplestoy? You could smuggle PQ items out of the actual PQ by unplugging your LAN cable, clicking on the Exit NPC, hold the Pick-up Key, and replug the cable. This is done even on other PvP games (where they're called "cable-pullers"), and it's the result of "going offline for a split second".
ah hackers, well I think hackers will always exist regardless of what they do to games, they are smarter than developers or rather developers can't stop them everything in the world if its creatable its hackable. Though now I guess I see your point. So have you chosen a game what mmo to play? Id personally stick with PC or console games can still play them with people, mmo's are dead to me personally.

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Glaymez wrote on Shine's profile.
Will you upload this game by any chance? That would be amazing - 犯られたままじゃおわれないっ!!
Mistersmiles wrote on ramori's profile.
Hi Ramori,

Could you please upload this?

The draught seems to be over, and interesting games are coming out one after another.

Thanks a ton!
In the trenches desperate to play Shiro to Kuro no Alice
awsater wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Could you update RJ01114470 please? It's in 12 parts, but parts 7 and 9 are missing. There are no problems with the rest.
Irish99 wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello can you please reupload いたずらっ娘 ~うちの娘にかぎって to katfile or mexashare if you have the time.