Operation AngelFall

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Elite Member
Dec 1, 2011
Operation AngelFall
A story of how Tenshi will be mine

1) Retrieve, by whatever means, the target (Angel).
2) Effectively secure the shipment (gift wrap).
3) Delivery of Angel to target location (my private quarters).

Deadline: 12-25-2011 00:00 am


Executor of Plan A:

Possible Executor of Plan B: Second_Flight

Benefactor: Code Name: Baka

Persons of Interest(possible interference, nature of subjects=unknown): Subnet_Zero, Him_Dox, UnownHGSS, alexsdu, Greenoceandrop, Troll, moyoyi, MoreDeath-11, AzuAzu, Checkmate...

Part A:

It all started with a letter. An innocent letter among the billions that I had been sent asking for various presents on Christmas. This wasnt exactly a new wish, but it was somewhat difficult to fulfill. It came along with it was a large sum of cash which I would rather not return... This seem like a job for the dark side so i once again put on that heavy suit and set off into the night. The elves should have delivered the letter to the victim target's home by now requesting that he prepare. I do hope that the elves didnt ruin the letter again...

My Angel senses were tingling. I instinctively looked up, and what I saw was a group of little Hobbits walking across my lawn. Unfortunately, I had set-up booby traps, so before I knew it, they were all gone. I shrugged. Since there was nothing I could do about it, I continued packing my luggage.

I arrived to see the target packing. It seemed that this would have been a simple job until i saw some hobbits sneak onto his lawn and fall into hidden pits. This place was quite close to that magical forest so i guess some protective measures were in order. I leapt onto his roof and caught the needles that shot at me. This place was quite fortified... I checked the chimney and it seemed that there was no traps (like a boiling pot waiting for the unwary wolf) so i silently descended.

While packing, my Angel senses continued to pester me. I quickly realized danger was still lurking about.
"Guard Skill: Harmonics." I whispered.
The clone appeared beside me. Having mastered the skill in my previous life, I was no longer afraid of him her myself. We glanced briefly at each other and came to an understanding. We both nodded, then I rushed out of the house, while behind me, I heard:
"Guard Skill: Hand Sonic."

It seemed that those elves had probably ruined the invitation letter... What a pain. Some instinct had alerted the target and he rushed out of the house leaving a clone behind. Well... He wasnt the only one who knew how to make clones so i made a clone of my own and went to pursued him. I left the house with the clashing of blades resonating behind me.

After running for several minutes, I could no longer see the house. I sighed.
"My eroge music," I moaned.
Suddenly, I felt a gaze on my back. I dared to take a quick peek behind my back and saw PEDOBEAR this fat dude running at a speed unbeknownst to his body figure. I did the mistake of staring too long at this incredible sight and ran into a tree. Before I knew it, he was upon me and started molesting me. In a situation like this, there was only one option. I slowly turned around to face my pursuer . . .

Sighs the stupid fat suit was a pain to run in... Why did i have to keep the image that the original santa had left... Even santa could go on diets right? Those rules that were left behind by the first shouldnt apply anymore.. The world is changing, global warming is happening and the North Pole is getting warmer. Anyhow the target seemed to be in shock at the seemingly large person chasing her and gave me time to catch up. She mumble something i didnt catch right before i shoved her into the bag. The mission was over. The bag was nearly impossible to break (santa need a really strong bag) so i guess i would just return to the North Pole and wait for Christmas.
There was little chance of her escaping from hq so i guess it would be safe to let her wander. I doubt she could do too much trouble since all the workers had training themselves and could deal with most threats. She was unconscious sleeping peacefully when i took her out of the bag so i left her in one of the guest rooms. Her clothing seems to have changed since i had bagged her but it had been too dark to tell at that time so it might just be my imagination.

Any further detail will be added from future posts.

This is purely for entertainment purposes. Any person, place, or event is in no way related to that in real life.

Anyway, what ever you guys post will be copy and pasted into first thread.
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It all started with a letter. An innocent letter among the billions that I had been sent asking for various presents on Christmas. This wasnt exactly a new wish, but it was somewhat difficult to fulfill. It came along with it was a large sum of cash which I would rather not return... This seem like a job for the dark side so i once again put on that heavy suit and set off into the night. The elves should have delivered the letter to the victim target's home by now requesting that he prepare. I do hope that the elves didnt ruin the letter again...
Was gonna wait 'til Baka edited the thread, but guess I might as well go; also, edited first post again since I apparently had never received the letter yet. orz

My Angel senses were tingling. I instinctively looked up, and what I saw was a group of little Hobbits walking across my lawn. Unfortunately, I had set-up booby traps, so before I knew it, they were all gone. I shrugged. Since there was nothing I could do about it, I continued packing my luggage.
You could assume that you had :/ I said i had sent earlier so you could have gotten the letter... Anyhow baka where are you D:< This is your random story so get in it somehow xD

I arrived to see the target packing. It seemed that this would have been a simple job until i saw some hobbits sneak onto his lawn and fall into hidden pits. This place was quite close to that magical forest so i guess some protective measures were in order. I leapt onto his roof and caught the needles that shot at me. This place was quite fortified... I checked the chimney and it seemed that there was no traps (like a boiling pot waiting for the unwary wolf) so i silently descended.
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Oh well. ┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌

While packing, my Angel senses continued to pester me. I quickly realized danger was still lurking about.

"Guard Skill: Harmonics." I whispered.

The clone appeared beside me. Having mastered the skill in my previous life, I was no longer afraid of him her myself. We glanced briefly at each other and came to an understanding. We both nodded, then I rushed out of the house, while behind me, I heard:

"Guard Skill: Hand Sonic."
It seemed that those elves had probably ruined the invitation letter... What a pain. Some instinct had alerted the target and he rushed out of the house leaving a clone behind. Well... He wasnt the only one who knew how to make clones so i made a clone of my own and went to pursued him. I left the house with the clashing of blades resonating behind me.
Since when can Santa make clones? orz

After running for several minutes, I could no longer see the house. I sighed.

"My eroge music," I moaned.

Suddenly, I felt a gaze on my back. I dared to take a quick peek behind my back and saw PEDOBEAR this fat dude running at a speed unbeknownst to his body figure. I did the mistake of staring too long at this incredible sight and ran into a tree. Before I knew it, he was upon me and started molesting me. In a situation like this, there was only one option. I slowly turned around to face my pursuer . . .

Cuz im a ninja and its how i get presents around the globe in one night

Sighs the stupid fat suit was a pain to run in... Why did i have to keep the image that the original santa had left... Even santa could go on diets right? Those rules that were left behind by the first shouldnt apply anymore.. The world is changing, global warming is happening and the North Pole is getting warmer. Anyhow the target seemed to be in shock at the seemingly large person chasing her and gave me time to catch up. She mumble something i didnt catch right before i shoved her into the bag. The mission was over. The bag was nearly impossible to break (santa need a really strong bag) so i guess i would just return to the North Pole and wait for Christmas.
There was little chance of her escaping from hq so i guess it would be safe to let her wander. I doubt she could do too much trouble since all the workers had training themselves and could deal with most threats. She was unconscious sleeping peacefully when i took her out of the bag so i left her in one of the guest rooms. Her clothing seems to have changed since i had bagged her but it had been too dark to tell at that time so it might just be my imagination.
We should really just start over and actually plan stuff out.

There needs to be more people (participating), an actual backstory for the people playing, some guidelines / rules, defined roles, etc.
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Yep yeps :3 Need some backstory :3 And should get people to join before starting XD
Meanwhile at Stargate Command, situated under the Cheyenne Mountain, the Red Phone inside General Landry ringing.

"Landry speaking....Yes sir. I'll get team SG-13 on it right away."

After putting down the phone, the general looked at his visitor who was in the office when the phone rang.

"Is was the President, Alex. It appeared that our top operative, codename Angel, was kidnap at 0930 hours today. Based on her locator transmission implant, she is somewhere in the North Pole. How did they managed to get her there is still unknown. Get your team ready. You'll going there."

"Will do, General. We'll get her back, alive if possible." with a grin on the Colonel's face. "Do we have any backup, sir?"

"I've alert Eielson Airforce Base in Alaska, and they'll have 2 squadrons of F-16 as your close air support. A specter gunship AC-130 will be cycling high above the target area, just in case things get hairy."
Hmm so were just going to play till next Christmas? lol

A lot of movement was happening within the army. A third of the army operatives (who still believed in Santa) immediately jumped onto the naughty list. There was rumors of war and something about their top operative disappearing into the North. Could that girl be the one that they were talking of? It was unfathomable to me that a top operative could be kidnapped so easily. Even so, the army coming to the North could be a problem. I set off toward the library to find that book filled with Christmas magic. The cloaking magic that the first Santa cast should still be in effect and prevent the army from detecting us but i suppose a recast wouldnt hurt. The elves should be hurrying around to clear anything that might be found and the girl was still asleep. The army should notice nothing abnormal should they happen to pass by.
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25,000 feet above the designated location,

"Strange...the beacon show that she's directly below us, but radar and satellite picture show nothing down there except ice and lots of ice. You're sure we in the right place, Captain?" asking the Colonel.

"Yes sir, we sure she's down there....somewhere." replied the transport plane's pilot.

"It's appear that the enemy have use some sort of cloaking device, Colonel." said Troll, an alien who is part of the SG-13 team.

"Well, we'll wasting time waiting up here. Alright fellas, we'll going HALO. Hopefully they wouldn't detecting us until we're really close." said the Colonel.

Every members of the SG-13 team started standing up and don their pressurizes helmet. They going to perform a HALO jump into enemy territory, without any sufficient intelligence of the place.

The ramp on the rear of the aircraft opened and cold air started rushing into the cabin of the plane. After getting green light for jump from the cockpit, SG-13 then jumped out the plane one by one, followed a few second later a large crate that contains all the equipment they're going to use in the operation.

The altimeter on the Colonel's wrist showed 20,000 feet above sea level. They still have 13,000 feet more or less before they could open their parachutes. Reaching for his walkie talkie on his chest, he reminded everyone,
"Remember, we're going in hot. Once y'all hit the going, secure the perimeter immediately. They will surely come at us. Alright, I'll see y'all down there. Good luck!"
I watched as they jumped from my mirror. How they found this place was a mystery until an elf handed me tracking device they had found on the girl. I hastily used a little spell that would disable the tracker for a while and sent an elf off to dump it deep in the Sahara hoping that it would draw away their attention. The team shouldnt find anything abnormal on the surface of the ice and it would take days for a team that size to dig through the layer of ice and find the workshop with their current technology. Most people that had come before gave up after a couple hours of searching/digging and i was sure this team would be the same. Even if they didnt, the tracker should lead them away when the spell wore off tomorrow. The mob of penguins and polar bears should be running around hindering their progress further and i had a little spell that could reinforce the ice. How the tracker signal even got through the layer of ice was also a mystery but i suppose that a top agent would only be given the best. Being the time of year that it was, the seemingly eternal night should also wear away at them mentally.
Completely off-topic: How does Baka still have so much activity?

On-topic: . . . owait, I'm asleep. =w=/

Carry on.
You could wake up anytime soon~ I need something to happen so i could retaliate xD
Im not sure if being offline impacts you activity as much but people who arent online much seem to retain high lvls of activity. Izaya is currently the third in terms of activity but he hasnt been around for a week or so as far as i can tell... Scratch that hes second cuz coro actually dropped some and actually he hasnt been on for a week and half.
I like sleeping. \:D/

And dang, I should've stayed offline more then. orz
Idk it just seems to drop slower when people are offline (unless youre unown who has a lil glitch [i had it for a couple days too] where your activity nosedives no matter what you do) I dont actually know =.= Just a hypothesis...
Fine go sleep until [MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] breaks in or not XD And maybe even after that lol
Mines was dropping one every two hours during the glitch =.= And considering how people werent spamming too much it was hard to keep it up... I dont really know the specifics of how all this stuff works :/ Maybe if you ask checkmate on irc or something
Nah, it's a good representation of my activity nowadays, so it's fine.

Not like I can get Overdrive anyways. q_q
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