[LPW #30] Numbers go lucky

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Elite Member
Elite Member
May 22, 2012

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Like the previous thread, once 888 posts have been made, the thread will be closed and the user with the 888th post can make a new LPW thread or pass it onto another person.

Since 8 is considered lucky in Chinese culture, I thought I may as well try for this number~ Let the games, begin!

Depends on who's the 'lucky' one :lmao:

Ahhh, I forgot to add tags :X
The number 8.

Congratulations AhGwee~

Hmm... my birthday is on the 8th. Not this month though.
888 posts can fly by quickly.

The best sharpshooter might win~
Maybe I should have said 'Oriental' people instead =]

Born on the 8. Lovely~

I guess the topic was more inspired by how I thought there were many lucky things happening this week, and how 8 has an influence in gambling too, card games as well, which then made me remember you talking about the time where your parents went gambling while you were left babysitting your cousins. :lmao:

So I thought I may as well try this topic.

Try to make a topic Ralium =]
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Reactions: renano
im just going to lurk like a ghost~~ watch all the fun~~
im not in for the win
once upon a time a guy named Ralium won an Lpw so he passed it to a guy named AhGwee

topic of the day:thumbup:
I count myself as Asian in my soul. <- my claim. noone can change it
Lol. Gambling~

Can't say that I haven't 'dabbled' in it before... illegal and legal.

The number 8 does look lovely when on its side, making it appear like the 'infinite' symbol.

Hideki has an 'Asian' soul. Sounds funny in yet true.
This is the topic of the day: Squidward Jesus.
Oh... Minecraft. :3

I like the mods for it very much.
You were offline when Ralium was going to pass the honor of making a new LPW to you.
Oh well... My bad...

So, what's going on here..?

Discussing luck numbers?
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