[LPW #193] This Is Magic

My kid was really looking forward to the kindergarten sleepover, but he got a cold and I just made him take antibiotics. So, sadly, he'll be absent tonight.
When I opened the window there was a pleasant, cool breeze and the beautiful sound of a piano.
In a wild voice he proclaimed that he was totally "pissed off" at his wife for "pissing" on his face every night while he was sleeping.
Thanks to everyone, we could go to the quarter-finals of the Japan National High School Baseball Tournament held in Koshien stadium.
The doorbell rang while he was in the middle of pooping and he rushed to the door without wiping his butt.
The arm‐wrestling challenger crushed an apple in his right hand, showing off the strength of his right hand.
The water in the pond was green yesterday, but it's totally cleared up now. What happened?
It seems that my uncle shook a tree with a beehive in it because he had never been stung by a bee and wanted to try it out.

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