HELP! Translating Discovery's Aisaiger Series but need help decoding/recoding script files.

Tentacle Bandit

Active member
Elite Member
Aug 3, 2012
Hi, I was hoping and looking a little help from somebody that has some basic programming knowledge to assist me decoding and recoding a file type extension called "ID" for Discovery games - which specifically is the script file for their games.

I have not been able to find a program within the translation community (after much, much searching and experimenting) that can convert the file into a txt file then back to an ID file like other programs do for some games (like xp3). However apparently its very simply coded but I'm no programmer so I need your help!

I've attached/heres an example (as they are all the same format) of an ID file.

edit heres a direct link, however I had to first place it into a rar file to be able to post on here.

View attachment id file.rar

If you can assist me or direct me to a place/somebody who can assist me, please PM me or reply below.

IF your reading this I'm still looking for help!

For now I shall continue my translation work the hard way (via a basic clipboard capture) and eventually transfer it into the actually ID file once its been cracked. Until then I guess I'm turning it into a book lol!


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Re: HELP! Need custom compiler software for translation project for .ID script file

If you can assist me or direct me to a place/somebody who can please PM me or reply below.

xentax forum?
Re: HELP! Need custom compiler software for translation project for .ID script file

xentax forum?

I'll give it a shot, thx! In the meantime if anybody else has suggestions or can help please let me know!

Edit: I checked it out, you have to pay $5 euro just to join the forum...I'll look at that as my last resort but I'm not sure if they'd allow files from hentai games posted there anyway...

So again if anybody else here can help or knows somebody please let me know.
Re: HELP! Need custom compiler software for translation project for .ID script file

Edit: I checked it out, you have to pay $5 euro just to join the forum...I'll look at that as my last resort but I'm not sure if they'd allow files from hentai games posted there anyway...

sorry I didn't visit them in a long time, so I didn't know about that.
and you are right, they might not like hentai :D.
Re: HELP! Need custom compiler software for translation project for .ID script file

give me a link to the game, no promises though :D
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Re: HELP! Need custom compiler software for translation project for .ID script file

You mean the ID file or the game itself? The game itself I'll have to find an active upload somewhere, slurp!

The game, perhaps there is something you are missing (ie, text is in another file)?
Also we need to get the decryption/encryption routine from the exe.

(I don't really want to torrent the full game until I'm finished the translation.)

Perhaps you want to tell me where the text you are translating is exactly ? or how to dig it ?

The ID file itself is above.

Yeah I saw, that, tried with different hex editors (with different options) and I couldn't find the text, though I managed to get some Kanjis, but I don't think they're related.
Re: HELP! Need custom compiler software for translation project for .ID script file

The game, perhaps there is something you are missing (ie, text is in another file)?
Also we need to get the decryption/encryption routine from the exe.

Yeah I saw, that, tried with different hex editors (with different options) and I couldn't find the text, though I managed to get some Kanjis, but I don't think they're related.

Okay so the ID file IS the script file for the entire game, however its been changed to a different file format that the games exe reads the script from and cannot be edited unless its first converted.

I know the file (or part of the file) CAN be converted to a plain txt file as I had a friend look over it but he refuses to help "propagate" immorality when I told him what it was for...yeah he's a little religious, slurp!

According to him its a real simple file format but requires programming knowledge to create a program to convert, so a hex editor won't work. There ARE programs that do this for other game script files, but they don't support Discovery games.
Re: HELP! Need custom compiler software for translation project for .ID script file

[MENTION=30532]Tentacle Bandit[/MENTION];

I have tried to open your script file with various text editors. Granted there is text to be taken from the file, I was able to get about 2000 pages out of your script...but there was no text, just garbled # signs . <--- don`t know if that is caused by my app locale or not.

Theoretically, your script can be opened, read and compiled to some other document. But first is needed to find the correct way to open it.

Now I could build a shell program to attempt to read your script, but as for writing anything from your script to another file... that will be difficult since I don`t have the special codes that Discovery Software has.
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Re: HELP! Need custom compiler software for translation project for .ID script file

Thanks both of you for your help and interest.

I'm not certain as I'm no programmer but from what I have gathered these id files can't be viewed or opened via text editors or binary editors. It needs to be accessed via programming software suite like my friend did - at which point apparently its "simple coding" that can easily be converted to a txt file (then back to an id file) via a simply custom built command prompt like program as you described it.

I'll keep working on the Aisiager translation via software capturing to my clip board but I'll have to wait until I get actually access to the id file to actually do anything with it. Maybe it will be cracked one day.

I should also note this is just an example of an ID file for a discovery game, apparently the coding is all the same for all the ID files and they only use this coding for the games script/id file (if that makes a difference) and I'll be working from three different Id files eventually but again since the "package" coding is all the same it shouldn't matter which one I post here.

I should also mention the ID file is one ONLY ID file within the games directory with that extension and its the only file with the script.

I really wish I knew how to program lol...
All the program has to do is read whatever is in your script file and dump it in a text file.

Easy enough, but to successfully read and convert the script file to another document... a library file is needed. The library file will contain the codes that Designs Software uses to decode their script files.

Without the library file, all the program would do is simply copy the garbled text to another file... and make another file of garbled text.

Anyone is free to jump in and correct me if I am wrong. But I believe that is what is needed for your script compiler to work.
Tentacle Bandit said:
yeah he's a little religious, slurp!

hehe, that's not too bad, i'm trying to get rid of anime but I can't.

According to him its a real simple file format

The file's 'encryption' can be an XOR but it can be something harder.*

I know the file (or part of the file) CAN be converted to a plain txt file

and after you do that you need to reinsert the text back, so you need to understand the format first.

Will98 said:
2000 pages

Lines you mean?

TB said:
what I have gathered these id files can't be viewed or opened via text editors or binary editors. It needs to be accessed via programming software suite like my friend did

Right, but the first thing in analysing file formats is to open it via 'traditional' methods in order to figure out or find a pattern or a clue to make things easier,
going straight on writing a unpacker/packer is just wrong.

what do these 'programming software' do is what you tell them, like:
(psudo code (example,not real code) for a file format that includes images.

Read the first 4 Bytes, assume they are: 11XX
Remove padding text (if exists), ie remove XX
We have 11
Assume that we have 11 files in that file
Loop 11 times
	Get 10 Bytes for example 2241200XXX
	Remove padding
	we have 2241200 bytes
	Write those 2241200 bytes to disk
	Tada!, we extracted the file contained.

for text strings, it's usually different as there can be developer-specific characters like:
A87Hi I'm a character
Where A is for example, print on the screen, 87 is a character id mapped to something else.

Now that's the theory part.
Unfortunately, Even though I know all the above, I was NEVER successful in extracting anything from any game and this time is no different, I failed again :D.

*: More information of File format exploring with an example XOR 'encryption':
hehe, that's not too bad, i'm trying to get rid of anime but I can't.

What kind of anime???

And for the number of pages: Correction, I have 5,356 pages from my text editor... with some pages blank, partially filled or with only a few characters. All legible text was broken and separate, but translatable Chinese.

Interesting note though: The page number seems to vary between text editors.

[MENTION=60424]Anistahp[/MENTION] ; I did look at the script file with a hex editor. I used Unicode and ASCII, both had good results. Seems to be a lot of null bits in the script header. All the meat is at the bottom of the file it seems. When viewed with Unicode, all text converts to broken Chinese.

I think I will start toying around with this with my coding software... just to see what happens
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What kind of anime???

All of it :P
From innocent school stories to hentai.

Anistahp; I did look at the script file with a hex editor. I used Unicode and ASCII, both had good results. Seems to be a lot of null bits in the script header. All the meat is at the bottom of the file it seems. When viewed with Unicode, all text converts to broken Chinese.

I think I will start toying around with this with my coding software... just to see what happens

Good luck, I'll try what you did and I'll post if I find anything interesting.
When viewed with Unicode, all text converts to broken Chinese.

Er...but the game is in Japanese. That doesn't sound right...maybe its just showing specific characters that are similar to Chinese (and its garbling Kanji into broken code?)

Anyway thank you both for your help!

Good luck to you all! Slurp!
I guess that is correct. Google crapsulate said the text I got out of the script file was Chinese... so I believe the text is just broken by the text editor.
Slight necro here... but anyway.

Update: [MENTION=30532]Tentacle Bandit[/MENTION] I have built the shell program to open your script file. I can open the file, close the file, etc. Everything is working except saving the file.

I haven't figured out how to have the program save your script file in unicode format. Gotta search the internets more on how to get this working.
Slight necro here... but anyway.

Update: [MENTION=30532]Tentacle Bandit[/MENTION] I have built the shell program to open your script file. I can open the file, close the file, etc. Everything is working except saving the file.

I haven't figured out how to have the program save your script file in unicode format. Gotta search the internets more on how to get this working.

That's awesome!

Yeah I didn't want to pester anybody with my problem so I figured I'd let it stew until a solution was hopefully found, slurp!

I shall continue to wait with baited tentacles have baited breath? Slurp....
Bump! [MENTION=30532]Tentacle Bandit[/MENTION] Update here: I sadly have failed. My coding skills aren't that great (that or my logic :/ ). My free time is also getting less and less.

After forum browsing, book reading and youtube videos I have found that I can't right away have a unicode conversion function in that will do everything needed to convert script into the needed format for thread OP. (no laughing plox. That's all my college has allowed me until I get to my 3rd year) I need to programmatically build a function that will take the script provided on the OP post, covert to byte array, then read as string and then save as utf-8.

I am still searching for examples and teaching myself from youtube how to do what I need here. But between life, work and family... it is slow going. I am figuring somethings out though... I project that by the 2525 I will have this finished. :P

Damn, well I appreciate your efforts.

Perhaps...does anybody know another place to ask or a translation group who might have experience in opening different package files like this that could help me?

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