[NDS] Etrian Odyssey II - Heroes of Lagaard (U)


The 6th Platoon Guardian.
Trusted Member
Oct 31, 2010

Title: Etrian Odyssey II - Heroes of Lagaard
Developer: Atlus, Lancarse
Region: United States
Publisher: Atlus, Nintendo (Europe and Australia)
Release date: 06/13/08
Genre: Dungeon crawl / Turn based RPG
Ratings: CERO: A
ESRB: E (10+)
Released by: Independent

In the Grand Duchy of High Lagaard, it is said that the Duke is descended from inhabitants of a castle in the sky. When an unforeseen crisis befalls the nation, it is decreed that the first explorer to retrieve the Grail of Kings from that mythical floating palace will be rewarded with wealth and fame beyond imagining. Enter the central city of Lagaard and begin your journey to the clouds!

New Features:
-Create your own story!
-3 New classes: War Magus, Gunner, Beast
-Can now see character's equipment in shop and compare
-Can now strafe with L and R buttons.
-New mapping icons

Classes explained: pics courtesy of intothelabyrinth

Guild roster


- Maxim : "Stop following me..."

Previously the leader of Guild LOTT, now leads the newly merged guild. Continues to woo Celes. Best friends Kalad, Hope and Lamo.

- Rina : "I'm doing my job you baka!"

Previous leader of Guild TEPE, now works as the vice leader. Not honest with herself, rivals with Celes. Best friends with Mint.

Survivalists are damaging characters that uses their bow to strike down monsters fast. They can also boost their own speed and evasion. This time around they can inflict status effects.
They can be used on either the front or back lines but the back is preferred as they are squishy.


- Celes : "Let's do our best today as well."

Officially joins the guild at the end of EO1 along with her brother roland. Rivals with Rina?

- Roland : "Yes, elder sister!"

Young and potential protector he joined the guild following his sister.

Protectors are tanks who can equip sword and shields to protect their allies by reducing damage a row takes or by taunting the monsters to focus on them.
Preferred on the front-lines.


- Hope : "Let's play!"

Stayed as a girl because Master Maiyers didn't had an antidote. Accepts her fate and joins the guild to Lagaard.

Medics heal and resurrects the wounded. They also cure status ailments and remove binds done to the party.
Mostly used as back-liners. Can be used in front if you're going for Caduceus, it's damage when used at the back-lines is still pretty decent.

Dark Hunter

- Lamo : "This is so troublesome"

Followed the guild as he's afraid that Kalad will drag down the team in battle, also to continue bugging Hans.

Dark hunters are agile and can either learn sword skills that inflict status effect or whips that bind parts or a monster's body part (head/arm/leg).
They are more suited to be in the front-lines.


- Kalad :"...Huh, was i daydreaming again? *blush*"

Master of the elements, discusses the use of physical element magic manipulation with the locals of Lagaard and helps the guild with the labyrinth.

Alchemist are mages, along with fire,ice and thunder, they also learn physical elelment skills for slashing/stabbing/bashing types and a non-elemental skills.
They are much needed when monsters resists physical melee damages.
They are preferred to be at the back.


- Hans : "Osu, It's my turn!"

Continues to follow the guild and lending them a hand when he's needed. Hiiragi's boyfriend.

Landsknect can choose between a sword or an axe. Axe does high damage to 1 target while sword allows them to attack a group of monsters.
Front-line attackers.


- Hiiragi : " We will support the guild with all our might."

One of the guild's strongest member along with Hans. She tears up monsters with swift strokes. Hans' girlfriend.

Ronin uses katana and learn different types of techniques which splits to offense or speed.
They are front-liners.


- Mint : "Rina~ wait for meeee."

Rina's best friend, she's followed the guild to Lagaard. She helps the guild to earn keeps at the local bar and goes to the labyrinth if she's needed.

Troubadours are supportive classes that can sing songs to buff the party. Their buff range from increasing stats like attack, defense or speed to increasing resistance to elements.
Can be placed on either lines.


- Helen : "Once again our paths cross with each other."

Left the guild after the events of EO, she meets them again in the Heavenly keep. What is her real goal?

Hexers can decrease monsters stats like attack, defense, or speed and can inflict status ailments on them. They can also command terrified monsters to do various actions, like attacking the monster's ally or make them suicide. Back-liner.


- Cassy : "I wonder if my sister's ok..."

A local who asks the guild to help her find her sister who has gone into the labyrinth alone. Later joins the guild along with her sister and Leon.

Warmagus are a mixbag. They need to pair up with other classes for some of their skills to work. I.e Binds a certain part of the monster if they are under a certain status ailment. They can also buff party members and heal them. Can be placed on both lines.


- Yuki : "Ryaaaa *Rapid fires*"

Cassy's sister, the guild met her on the 3rd stratum. She is trying to kill a monster who was responsible for their parent's death along with Leon.
A snow tiger she saved from monsters. She and her sister joins the guild with Leon after they kill Scylla.

Gunner's learns binding skills and elemental shots. They do pretty good damage but are pretty squishy.
Preferred at the back.


- Leon : "Grrrrrrr"

Trapped, this snow tiger would have been killed by the wolves if Yuki wasn't near at the time. Leon then follows and protects Yuki as a show of gratitude.

Beasts are like semi protectors . They can take damage in allies place, reduce damage taken, auto heal/auto status recover. They can also deal average-high damage. Useful on either lines.



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One of the best RPGs out there :3 It's not as punishing as others might say, just needs a bit of patience and all. I wish they retained the old classes than having the new hybrid classes in the new EO games.

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