DDL Automation?


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Jun 2, 2011
As a long time user of torrents in RSS feeds it strikes me that DDL should be possible to automate somehow, but for the life of me I can't seem to figure out how.

My only notion so far is kinda far-fetched and involves silly scraping and "JDFeedMe" a RSS plugin to jDownloader that seems to have last been updated 2010 and is now broken.

Anyone got any better ideas?
What do you mean with "automation"?

If you meant that the Manager downloads whole media and extract automatically. That's quite possible in IDM with all file hosts as well. You just have to manage queues and write some batch codes.
I meant how uTorrent works if you give it a RSS feed, it refreshes it on it's own and polls it against a user configured filter and automatically downloads anything that fits, no user input required except for initial setup.
That's a good question. I'll see if I can find out something about it and maybe even write a tutorial. Give me a week or so, since free time has been sparse lately.
corocoro I have the same issue, I just got a job again and I'm all of a sudden short 8 hours of leisure time on weekdays, and when I get home I want my content there waiting for me, not having to do the manual dance each time I get home, then wait for it to download.

I've had some success and some failures;

The good part: jDownloader nightly has JDFeedMe inbuilt, and it works, though it's a bit crude compared to uTorrent's RSS features, it allows you to input an RSS feed to download items from and you can filter (very basic filtering, allows you to set "words" is has to have, and can't have) it, but it doesn't have the "smart episode filter" uTorrent does, thus if you get a duplicate entry for a show it downloads both, this means you need to either get curated RSS feeds or filter them, here is where I've ran into issues, it's also lacking uTorrent's feature that allows you to set the download location on a per feed/per filter basis, thus all hits on your feeds will go into the default folder what ever that is, and you'll have to move them yourself or use a tool to move them if you like me organize your media, not just dump all the video files into the same folder.

I've tried to filter entries in various ways, the primary issue so far is that I can't find a good source of anime RSS feeds, anime-sharing doesn't include the links of items in the RSS feeds, you need to open the page proper, also there isn't a way to get an RSS feed for new posts in a thread, just new threads on a forum it seems, which isn't exactly useful for this.

The subscribe to thread feature might possibly offer a solution, if I can figure out a way to convert incoming emails into an RSS feed, since the email contains the file links.

I've had some success using the RSS feeds from FilesTube searches which has a fairly extensive search feature that lets you narrow down your results, but you still get duplicate entries, this is where I tried to use yahoo pipes to try and filter the search's feed further using the "unique" feature, which kinda works but all these steps makes the total process very unstable and prone to going sideways.

Best solution I can come up with for now: subscribed thread emails getting converted to an RSS feed and then piped into JDFeedMe, should work nicely, if I can figure out the email -> rss part, haven't had time to look into that yet.
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In my opinion the best solution for you is to download jDownloader from this page: http://jdownloader.org/ After download the jD run and will be automatically updated. The program has an interesting feature catching link...
Well, this forum was set up for updates to threads:


So, update to NIGHTLY, use JD FeedMe.
With the filters you can determine what to download (I have the names constant for each series and always add the group - since a single group only releases the same thing once, there won't be any need for a "Smart Episode Filter"). Filters also allow you to exclude certain bitdepths.

With the Package Customizer you can change target directories. Sadly you can't use it to prioritize hosters or to exclude certain ones, but the JD support team plan to include that in the next major update.

Things to fix:
Better OCR handling. (high priority for free users)

Note: Files appear twice in the download window, but JDownloader will only get one. Also note that it will only grab from one of the filehosts, not all of them. You can select a preferred one (or to use premium accounts) in the feed settings. Sadly you can't prioritize yet.
You're a god amongst mere mortals corocoro, nice find.

I use premium myself and you can limit JDFeedMe to a particular host per feed (smells like just a simple additional filter for the file name...) still it works, I'm using filesonic atm and yeah your method works nicely, bypasses the issues you highlighted that free users will run into.
Great to hear this sorted it for you. :)

Now to write a tutorial and find a way to get the OCR going. ;)
Managed to get it to work fairly well, strange thing is that I get more than one episode per post, I get the current one but I also get the previous or a one a couple episodes back for some reason in some of them.

Some further instructions are in order I think:

The package customizer allows you to use regex to customize links/packages including where to put them, it only applies this to the LinkGrabber though, and by default JD FeedMe skips the linkgrabber for obvious reasons, there is a work-around though, enable the scheduler addon from the settings and make a new item using the + button bottom left that "Starts Downloads" set it to repeat fairly often (I picked 10mins), and set JD FeedMe to not skip the LinkGrabber (tickbox per feed). This way they land in the LinkGrabber, get modified by PackageCustomizer then start a maximum of 10 mins later.

Btw here is an example of regex filters that work: "(?i)ben.*?to" (matches ben*to) remember to remove the quotes, the name and package name fields aren't as fussy, can make it anything you wish it seems, location speaks for itself.

Works perfectly except for those old episodes sneaking in.
When you set up the feed, you should be able to select how far back it goes. Try setting that to 24 hours.
I do, but I still get old episodes from the new posts somehow, I basically get more than one episode per post sometimes.

Next step I'm looking into is some way to automatically re-name the files, I have a tool that scrapes files and re-names them, but it's manual, and it requires 1x01/s01e01 in the filename to match anything to begin with :\

Anyone knows of a (windows) tool that lets you re-name files using regex that once set-up monitors a folder/a series of folders/a folder and all subfolders for new files and matches them against your regex?
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fockgy wrote on Stetmann's profile.
Nice to meet you!

[ニート社長] Neet Corp Patreon animations 2018/08~2023/12
https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/ニート社長-neet-corp-patreon-animations-2018-08-2023-12.1348159/ doesn't download
i am very like this
please reuploaded🙏
thank you!
Sirvipe235 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
I'd like to request a game for you to upload.


Would itbe possible fro you to upload this one?

Not sure if best to post here or in PM
Ignaus wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hello, do you have this one by any chance? If so, can you please upload if possible?


Thank you.
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thank you as always!
present for you!!
[東出イロドリ] みがわりのお勉強 [DL版] ↓
please enjoy!!
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[110624] [OVERDRIVE] 電激ストライカー this version of VN you don't have in stock?