[100802] 副島成記 ART WORKS 2004-2010 - Soejima Shigenori Artworks 2004-2010 (212MB)


Jan 22, 2013

Title: 副島成記 ART WORKS 2004-2010
Title: Soejima Shigenori Artworks 2004-2020
Puplisher: Enterbrain Inc. (エンターブレイン)
Edited by: Nomoto Harumi (野本晴美 - ファミ通書籍編集部)
Distributor: Kadokwa Group Publishing Inc.
Artist: Soejima Shigenori
Release Date: August 2nd, 2010 (2010年08月02日)
Genre: Artbook, Fanbook, Games, Interview,
Size of Book: A4判
Number of Pages: 152 pages
Amazon.co.jp page: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4047267473/
Originally Scanned and Procesed by: "Anonymous" ("someone")
Related media: Games:
:: Stella Deus, Persona3, Persona4, etc.

The Folder: Soejima-Shigenori-Artworks_2004-2010
:: This scan file contains 104 images plus 3 cover images. However it covers all the pages of the original book (possibly). There are many spread images.

Total number of Images included : 107 images
Book pages etc.: 104 images
Cover: 3 images (spread, front and rear cover)

Resolution in Scan: ca. 400 dpi (maybe)
General Image: Type 1: ca. 2818 x 4062 pixels (various)
General Image: Type 2: ca. 3500 x 2500 pixels (various)
Image size: ca. 1.4MB to 3MB (various)
Image format: JPEG

art Images file (211MB)
(including 5 pc rr - recovery record)

This file is orginally scanned and processed by the certain person or group. Many Thanks to Them.
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_ mrd [/COLOR]

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