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  • Users: sunflower
  • Content: Threads
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  1. sunflower

    One scene in particular works

    Watch Evil Dead Online It is then that all hell breaks loose. Throughout the movie the Necronomicon shows pictures of Doctor Who Season 7 Episode 8 each stage of horror. At times you wish the book didn’t spoil what was going to happen Watch Evil Dead Online but other times it adds to the...
  2. sunflower

    New youtube format sucks !

    yes it's "that thread" again. every time youtube changes its format someone will always open a thread to complain about it, and this time I am that guy. last one really grew on me because it shows the new videos grouped by the channels I subscribed. now it's not even grouped together any more...
  3. sunflower

    How Much Time do You Spend On The Internet?

    Simple question, and yet, so many results. There are those who don't use the internet for more than 30 minutes, or never use it at all, to those who literally live off the internet. I go for around 17 - 20 hours a week...roughly 2 - 3 hours a day. Are you a real life goer, or is the internet...
  4. sunflower

    Wondering what a certain Japanese art style is.

    Alright, there is a style I'm curious about. It looks heavy on ink and has some splatters over the portrait. Something like this.
  5. sunflower

    Which do you prefer? Coffee or Tea ?

    Which do you prefer? Coffee or Tea? Benefits vs disadvantages of Coffee. Benefits vs disadvantages of Tea? Let's discussion begin!
  6. sunflower

    What is oldest/youngest age you would date someone?

    How much of age difference would you date someone?:D I date a boy who was two years younger than me... And that was a big mistake because he wad immature and didn't treat me right, then I dated a boy who was three years older than me and I found our relationship sinking down into nothingness and...
  7. sunflower

    Whats Your Worst Fear ??? :(

    Tape worms is my number one fear
  8. sunflower

    HP D530 SFF PSU Problem + Epic FAIL

    I finally found the video my ex-boss told me about. But before I link the video, a little back history: Last year, I worked in a warehouse that either refurbished computer equipment or recycled them. During my tenure there, we worked with all types of PCs and a few Macs that did roll into the...
  9. sunflower

    Beyond Our Reality (Dreams)

    ...had changed at the moment I flashed into the outside world, infact it was still showing a movie i was seeing noticeing this security was after me *damn i did nothing to get in trouble I just got here* I ran up stairs took an elivater and suddenly another flash happend putting me in the...
  10. sunflower

    Over power CPU + suck ball GPU? What the hell?

    Every time I shopped around for a decent pre-built gaming machine, I usually came across this kind of system configuration: take Compusa for example, they are having a discount for Acer and Nyx system for less than 1k, the CPU for both machine is i7, 8GB RAM, 1TB to 1.5 TB HDD sound good? yes...
  11. sunflower

    Building a New Computer ^^!

    I think it's about time I looked into getting myself a new computer. My current computer is a Dell Inspiron 530S. Vista 32 bit, Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, 2GB of RAM, standard Intel GMA 3100 graphics card. Even though she's over 4 years old, I've been taking very good care of her and she still...
  12. sunflower

    Do you own a gun?

    In a response to the "Gun Control" ad, I was wondering how many of you guys actualy own a gun(s). If so, what do you own? My /k/ folder is always accepting new pictures, so post them if you got them! Personally I own a Marlin 60 and a Pheonix Arms HP22 (both are chamber in .22lr). However, I'm...
  13. sunflower

    ??? Your favorite 13+ Cartoon aka Family Guy, South Park etc.

    Which show is your favorite? For me it would be Futurama considering the following: Family Guy: Downhill ever since season 6? I mean nowadays they rely on sudden shock like Peter ripping his face off...I WAS EATING!!! Simpsons: It over-lived its life expectancy. American Dad: Never been good...
  14. sunflower

    Where to run ?

    Today I happened to come across an article about the piratebay. After reading that, I think about megaupload and other file sharing sites. At first I thought that as long as the owners don't live in the US, they can't do anything. But I was wrong. Now when I sit down and think about it, there is...
  15. sunflower

    If you have a chance to do something before the world ends, what will you do? :(

    Some people said that the doomsday will occured at 2012. For me, i don't believe it. But, If you have a chance to do something before the world ends, what will you do?For me, i will apologize to all of my friends and family. How about you?
  16. sunflower

    How old is too old? :)

    There's this girl I work with (well I can't really call her a girl cause she's... much older than me...). She's pretty and really friendly/nice to me as well. She gave me a nickname and everything ~ now, the problem is... she's 10 years older than me kekekekkeke (born on June 16th 1982 ). I just...
  17. sunflower

    What's Your Favorite Cartoons?

    On a site such as Hongfire, I feel it's safe to say aside from the occasional troll, we're all fond of Anime to some degree. But what's not often discussed is the various other Cartoons and Animations the world has offered. This topic is dedicated to such a discussion; what are some of your...
  18. sunflower

    Time Warner Cable or Verizon?

    I am curious as to what is in general a better deal. Time Warner Cable, or Verizon FIOS? I am talking about everything in general, from TV to Phones to Internet.
  19. sunflower

    Taiwanese teacher gets 4613 years sentence

    Just going through some local news and this caught my eye: from taipeitimes, another page: Man gets 4,613 years in jail The owner of a private school in Greater Taichung surnamed Wang (王) was sentenced to 4,613 years and 10 months in prison by the Taiwan High Court’s Taichung branch for...
  20. sunflower

    [NEWS]Here we go again~ Forget SOPA/PIPA... Meet CISPA :)

    CISPA = Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011 Quoted directly from techdirt This is a really bad bill and it looks like it's going to pass unless people speak up.