I took "Computer Science" as my major though. (i am in college right now so i chose it because i really love it)
So its already planned out for me.
Hm... i didn't know that was the case in your country. Usually in my country(India) its a must to go to a university after college because full course of education is a must. And we are not allowed to work untill we receive it. Its actually more of a parents duty to work than us, untill we finish our education completely.(so its fully dependent on them to make arrangements for us for these things)
Its kinda hard at my college because we have tests every saturday's so no room for fun or time for ourselves the teachers are always there to keep telling us "this is your turning point it will effect your future" and being absent in class also effects your grades.I wish you and your boyfriend the best of luck in university!

And living here is more of wanting to study more and get recognised like all the people in my class are like at each others necks(not literally) wanting to be first. So yeah if you get a low grade or marks you'll get laughed at.
Since i have taken a different college which specializes in (IIT) in my country i have to take three exams JEE Mains, JEE advance and normal college exam(which is common).
For all three subjects Physics, Chemistry and Maths whereas for normal college exam its 2 languages(thankfully its not three anymore like my school days), Physics, Chemistry,Maths and Computer Science.
(By all means only selected colleges have this kind of structure whereas if you go to a normal college here, they only have just the normal college exam).
So yeah..