What is your favorite anime...right now?

Still Naruto :fulfilled:

for the ongoing anime : SAO and Little buster are my favorite
for last summer season that already ended : oda nobuna
My "all-time" favourite tends to be Lucky Star.

But right now I'm really obsessing over Milky Holmes. I wish I could find someplace that has the second season subbed...
This new season:

-Chuunibyo demo Koi ga Shittai
-Sword Art Online (still)
-Muv Luv Alternative -Total Eclipse- (still)
-Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
-Onii-chan demo Ai sae areba kankeinai yo ne?
-Busou Shinki
my all time favorite will be tied with yosugu no sora and FLCL
my recent favorite will be robotics;notes and binbougami ga!
All time favorite would be Sailor Moon.

That I've seen recently, Rosario to Vampire.
My all time fvrt anime is NARUTO
as for now Steins;gate, Gosick, Disappearance of haruhi suzumiya
Current airing favorite: SAO

All time favorite: I like too many anime to pick one as favorite...is there an equivalent word for 'harem' for this?
My favorite anime right now is:

The Legend Of Legendary Heroes ( MUST WATCH REALLY GOOD!!!)

Code geass R1/R2 (I really liked this anime I watched both the seasons 4 times I still can't get enough)

Naruto (I skiped the fillers lol.)

Bleach (First 5 episodes are boring but then I was like omg what will happen next. *_*)

Angel Beats (My very first anime. Q_Q This anime is sad yet happy.)

Linebarrels of Iron ( I know some people will rage quit this anime because of the personality of the principal char but please continue it you will not be disapointed)

Death note ( If you watched code geass it's about the same type of anime just different story and soooo awesome! Like code geass of course)

Darker than black ( This anime has an awesome story and powers)

Zetsuen no Tempest (Epic on going anime nice story so far and I like their powers.)

K anime (futuristic anime with comedy on going anime)

To love ru (>.> If you know what I mean. >:3)

Sword art online (Really awesome story first time I see people being trapped in a mmo, on going anime)

Sorry for taking so much space. >.>
Think my user name says it all in terms of all time favorite~ xD

~All time~ (According to my MAL)
1.) Evangelion anything but 2.22 would probably be my top for NGE.
2.) Kara no Kyoukai
3.) Steins;Gate
4.) Fate/Zero
5.) Code Geass (Not Akito)
This bothers me though because there is so many wonderful animes that its near impossible to list them as a favorite. I would love to put down Canaan and Furi Kuri as well. D:

1.) Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai!
2.) Sword Art Online
3.) Robotics;Notes
4.) Psycho Pass
5.) K
Almost the same how on [MENTION=35321]Evangelionheart[/MENTION] about me...~
I've been watching Onegai Teacher. I haven't finished it yet, but I'm truly impressed!
I last anime I watched that has become a favorite is Eureka Seven. I seem to have a soft spot for mecha shows, but I did become attached to the various characters in that show.

I've heard AO isn't as good... so I'll wait until the season finale before I actually watch it haha.

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