
This is quite interesting: I once heard that there actually is no such thing as love and that the only thing that makes people "fall in love" is pure sexual attraction. For a while the sexual attraction is enough to keep the relationship together, and during this time the love between the two people "grow". After that stage the sexual attraction kind of goes away, but the "love" that grew during the first part of the relationship keeps people together. Now this "love" is supposedly a combination of familiarity and the desire not to be alone. Apparently you unconscious calculate how advantageous it would be for you to leave the current safety and familiarity of the current relationship, and search for a new relationship. If, internally the safety and familiarity of the relationship is enough for you, you'll stay in that relationship.

Tl;dr: There is no such thing as love, only sexual attraction and then safety.

Source: Talks with friends on this topic

This isn't necessarily true. For example, there are asexuals. They feel absolutely NO sexual attraction towards anyone, yet can sometimes still maintain a platonic relationship despite not being physically attracted to a person.
sex without love can definitely exist. some even use sex to get at others without even thinking about the person they're having sex with. Of course, for some they may feel sex without any ties is great, for others its degrading to feel used in such a manner.
Its all about sex even love... its just Hormones overflowing... at least dat's what I 4 love well um :reallyconfused:

Love and sex is the same thing. Everyone wants to have children with their lover, so, the goal is sex really. Hard to admit but true.
I strongly disagree with all the ones saying that there is no "true" love and all it is, is sex lol or attraction...Well I assure you all Love exists!.....with sex, or without it.

If anyone would say otherwise...then they obviously haven't experienced it, and if they haven't experienced it, then they can neither say what they haven't experienced doesn't exist based on their lack of that experience ^^

Person A says there was a bicycle behind a building that was observed on the way home. Person B says that bicycle doesn't exists because person B never saw it.

So if person A says X exists because they have seen it, and person B says it doesn't exist because they have not seen it....Then obviously the trustworthy person would be subject A, since A has reason to say it exists...whereas subject B has no other reason than the lack of one...
Yes, I believe love and sex are to completely different things.

Although not to many people do it, my parents did, is to not even kiss until the wedding ceremony (after dating years or awhile). That way you will know whether the love is sexual attraction or love. and they have been married like 40 years now.

But what do I know im a loner and its very unlikely that ill ever have sex, so I don't have much room to speak...Its a personal choice I suppose.
Hmm... i feel like the first time for stuff should be for the your true love~ Which basically means after marriage~ Or at least... i feel like it would be more special to have the first kiss be with the one i would spend the rest of my life with... Doesnt really appeal to me as much if it wasnt... But i guess theres people that want more...
I won't ramble on about it like the elderly or ancients. But I'll openly discuss how I think about sex in a very quick down on what I think and believe in it.

Sex can be, to many people and their peers, as something that can lead to another thing. Be it for love, pleasure, culture, spur of the moment, to gain or to lose something. I feel there's many form and opinion of love but when it comes to does having sexual intercourse with the preferred partner means you love them. It will depend on the individuals feelings and belief acting in that manner. Some do love each other and it leads to sexual intercourse eventually as a natural course in their relationship. Others may chose to do it to confirm their feelings with each other. And there's others who choose to go through with it with other desires or gain in mind.

With all that said, if people ask "Does love exist?" I would say "yes, it exist." But if it comes down to "Do you need sex to confirm each other feelings?" Then my answer would be "Not necessarily, but you should find what best suit you and your partner."

Omake Corner: "Communication between couples is one of the most important thing in the world. If you don't communicate with each other, then your relationship has certainly turned cold."
ehh... I think love is overrated, both sex and caring for a person.
how to explain my self in a good manner ehh... its not that I hate people or something its jest that I think love is caused when someone wants/needs something from you.
when no one needs something from you they wont talk to you or even look at you, it dosent need to be something real it can be emotion or an opinion or or a chat or even somesort of look.
I learned that in order to get something you need to exchange something else, same in marrige, and the bad thing there is no refund once you exchange, like in real life.
[MENTION=39762]LioNeeZ[/MENTION] ; Then what your describing is not really love, or at least not a pure love.

Love will give even when it knows it will get nothing in return, and even in some circumstances when it is unappreciated.

Pure love is not self seeking, even though it naturally likes to be loved in return.

True pure love can make your heart go doki doki, but...That is not what love is, and it is not reliant on something like that. But it will love consistently and wants whats best for somebody. But if you wish to attain such love, you might have to look elsewhere than the whims of the flesh alone. For such love is of the spirit, and not of the flesh.
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Ahh, i don't buy it than, if there is such a thing as pure love, why do people break up, or worse lose interest in there partner, everything has its conditions in the bottom line even if you refuse to believe it.
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Ahh, i don't buy it than, if there is such a thing as pure love, why do people break up, or worse lose interest in there partner, everything has its conditions in the bottom line even if you refuse to believe it.

Mmm... yeah. I agree. Human relationships are based on a trading. Thats why people should be
able to forgive and understand others more. Long lasting relationships are more about confidence and trust than
pure chemistry.

You keep being friends or lovers with someone because the good parts outweight the awful ones. You enjoy so
much the good times that overall the issues are not enough to make you want to sever ties.

Nowadays im wish i had a girl with me, because i feel a need for the emotional support that only a lover could
give you. Damn, the pump of having someone who genuinely thinks that you are awesome is beyond what mere
words can express.
So many people think that Sex and Love tie together. I think Not (a little but not as gigantic as society thinks)!
Love is the feeling of wanting to care for the person and wanting to make them feel happy not to come in the room with a boner say "I looovvee you! lets do it cuz I loooovvvee youu!"

What is your opinion?

(Yeah you probably thought I was gonna write my fantasies here I bet.)

I respect your opinion, however i disagree. Love is not necessarily tied to sex, i love all people. I don't have sex with all people. But sex is the basis of all relationships as close as the love you're speaking of. Without sex, these relationships don't exist. The relationship between a man and woman cannot exist without sex. after all, when i hit puberty, i got the whole "When a man and woman love eachother" story. You can love someone without sex being involved, but it would never be the same kind of love that you would get from a sexual relationship.

Sex is also very financially and socially important in our society and culture. In humanity, really. Sex is infact so prominent, that we don't even really bother to consider it's impacts on us and our families personally. We and our families wouldn't even exist without Sex, and that's not even the tip of the iceberg of the effects of sex in our culture, on our society and on history.
Well I'll two my two coppers into the pot.

What most people don't seem to realise that there is a big diffreance between sex and love making.

To me personal sex is something you do for your own pleasure
Love making on the other hand is a person's way of showing their love for the one they love by making the one they love writh and scream in pleasure as well as a bonding of not not only bodies but mind, hearts and souls as well as emotions between to people who truely love each other.
Sex can be the result of love but never should the meaning be confused with one another. Love is the acceptance of another person as they are, even their flaws. Sex is the raw desire to be joined with another's flesh as a result of lust/physical attraction. Lust is not the same as love, please never get these two mixed up with one another. It will only cause problems. Wanting to be with a person just because you want to get in their pants is not love nor is it a healthy basis of a relationship.

Through love, sex can be strengthened to be powerful, passionate, and an act that can help solidify a bond between two people or it can be little more than recreation. Unfortunately it seems in today's society it seems the purpose of sex leans towards latter, leaving chastity to be easily discarded and worthless.

One of the basic human needs is to feel wanted/loved. People use sex as a ways to satisfy that need whereas love is giving that feeling away in hope that it may be returned.

For I grow older I could care less about either one. Sure in theory it would be nice, but I'd rather not go through 50 people (or more) just to find the right one, nor do I have the time. I'd also rather not have sex with some random person just for fun either. I'm perfectly fine finding the strength within myself and I have more than enough content to satisfy the constant urges I may have ;p.
"It's all about teh luvz" man you guys are making my stomache turn with all this love talk.

All this stuff about love is a lie, people don't get together because of love. it's all rooted in our animal nature. People get together because they want to f***. people don't get girlfriends and they don't get hitched because they 'love' eachother, maybe they do but the main reason is because of sexual attraction. Marriage and other acts of union are just a way to regulate sex.

There might be love involved, yes, but a healthy romantic relationship involves sex. The very basis of human romantic relationships revolve around the act of sex.

Maybe i'm just seeing things in black and white, but i don't know too many married eunuchs.
If you really want to understand the physiological functioning of the sexes read these two books. It's really an eye opener and it's written in a way that's easy to understand and enjoyable to read, not some dry textbook. Both are available at the public library or you can purchase at Amazon or any major book retailer.

The Male Brain by Louann Brizendine
The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine

The chemical reactions between males and females were designed to promote procreation and parental units. The way mainstream society is living is actually going against how human bodies were designed to function. The books cover sexual development and the various effects sex has chemically on the brain.

Anyway I personally believe love is a commitment, not some magical feeling that fades away and once it's gone oh no! I think what fades most often is lust, which was misinterpreted as love. There is great interconnection between emotions, sexual drive, personal traumas, culture, religion and it makes things difficult for people that's for sure. I think the more self aware we are, about what we are doing and why we are doing it, the more control we have over our lives and for making better decisions.
Sex without love is meaningless

I agree wholeheartedly.

The seventh commandment says that you shall not commit adultery. I think it is sad that sex has become nothing more than an act of fornication and entertainment.

I have pretty strong beliefs on the subject, that sex should be between two people in the bonds of holy matrimony, who love eachother.

It is sad that our society has devalued sex. I think sex has become too easy, it is eroding society, devaluing women and it is hurting the emotional stability of our youth, in my opinion.

Our society devalues these morals, once sacred. In middle school and high school in the U.S. atleast, sex and drugs are everywhere. I've had many opportunities to have both, but refused by personal choice. I think this has to do mostly with the culture these days that glorifies sex, drugs and violence in media and entertainment.

I think we as human beings should try to create long-term, monogamous relationships, sex is much more fulfilling and meaningful that way. Sex should be an expression of love between two married people.

I was surprised find that most girlfriends I've had actually appreciated my stance, considering how society is these days. that's not to say I'm not a sinner and haven't sinned.
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