
So many people think that Sex and Love tie together. I think Not (a little but not as gigantic as society thinks)!
Love is the feeling of wanting to care for the person and wanting to make them feel happy not to come in the room with a boner say "I looovvee you! lets do it cuz I loooovvvee youu!"

What is your opinion?

(Yeah you probably thought I was gonna write my fantasies here I bet.)

I think you are totally missing the point, and looking at this the wrong way. If you don't understand that having sex with the person you love is a important part of a relationship, then you obviously still have some growing up to do, you sound very immature and bitter.

Doesn't apply to those Western people. It's all sex for money, no love...

But then again... as long as it was known to both parties the "love" was superficial.... no one is hurt.

That is incredibly raciest
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Wow, This is a good topic :D
I think everyone have different opinion about 'sex and love correlations', and no one will have exact same opinion about it, because the answer is based on personal individual experience :)
About what I think, "Sex is just one way from so many ways to show and prove love. Love itself is just one trigger from so many triggers to that act. In one possibility, Love and sex can become a cycle that exist to make each other continuously. But, since there are so many ways to show love and to trigger sex, there will be many possibilities too as the result of this combination. In one result, love and sex can tie together, but in other result, it won't tie together."
Well, this is just my little point of view about the correlation between love and sex :D

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