
I Am Admin, Hear Me Roar!
Oct 16, 2010
An imouto that hates her brother and plays imouto eroge - if that didn't catch your attention and raised your interest, you're hopeless. :p

Her friend is more than just a bit psycho. ~_^
Who would've thought. :p Quiet emotional episode this time around - but the line "I like you as much as my eroge." still wins the cake. :D
And we got a love confession this time as well. :)
'You were in your sister's room, using your sister's computer to play a game about doing indecent things to your sister' takes the line of the season ~ kyosuke is closet GAR. Nice dodge and epic grope 2. JUST AS PLANNED!! kyosuke
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Manami centric episode. Fairly funny episode because i find manami kinda plain~ They sounds like a good couple on paper but they probably make the dullest couple. Active grandpa 'zombie' suggest hw dull they are make me LOL. Plus point for manami taking the initiative. Kirino showing her dere side when kyosuke is not with her and her brocon side is growing. Nico nico douga commets style in the OP make me lol. Preview kirino and her light novels?
Airhead-centric episode - she's so boring. ~_~ Oh well, at least her family is funny. :P And he's staying up for studying all night - right. :D I think he's playing eroge all the time instead - and that he loves it by now. :P

And has anyone else noticed the increased number of skirt shots?
It wont be AIC if they dont include little fanservice XD. Well, at least it is not too jaring >_>.
I have to say... That main character, Has all my respect.

I mean, To be able to throw away all your dignity... 3 times.... For your little sister... I don't think I could do that..

Respect + 3
Quite funny episode

The imitations are funny. Kirino and Kuroneko have a very interesting hate-hate and hate-some-more relationship, which we all know is pretty much the best you can expect when moe and plot collide in the anime world. I read Kuroneko's novel anytime though =P.

Kirino realized that Kyousuke was surfing for porn on her laptop was LOL. Kirino took some drastic measures to make Kyosuke comfort her too, right in front of good old Sister Mart. It’s where incestuous relationships are sold! LOL~
No plot development, but pretty much the funniest episode so far. :D
"What kind of host invites a friend over then goes to play eroge alone?"
"Didn't I just do that?"
"Imouto Planet"
:D :D :D
Something about 8th episodes must make the creative team accelerate the story. :P
Anyway, Kirino finished writing her book some time between the last episode and this one. It also has become quite a success, so they are turning it into an anime. She then goes into complete obsession mode - wanting to add everything that has rank and name to the staff. Her fantasies are quickly turned down and she goes into complete depression mode, where she stays for the rest of the episode. At least that's what I think, because you she is moping in bed. We get to see more from Kuroneko and Hatori, though. A lot heavier on the emotion and a lot less funnier than the episodes before...
The front character on the DVD somehow reminds me of Railgun. >_>
I thought i was watching Bakuman.....

Serious episode dayum~ KURONEKO AND KYOSUKE BANZAI !!! i hope i have a big bro like Kyosuke. Really like Kuroneko's personality~ Is Iori Fate Setsuna even a name lol.

Here’s a screenshot of Kirino’s profile in the idol magazine that she works for a few episodes earlier:

To quote herself, “I spend my weekends shopping (in Akiba) with my beloved onii-chan.”

Proof of Kirino’s brother-complex is actually right under Kyousuke’s nose all the time. lol

In the novel, it was mainly about how Kirino’s work got plagiarized as someone else’s (Fate was the culprit), stealing all credit from her, leading to Kyousuke and Kuroneko to go and claim it back.

Reason for change of source material quoted from 2chan:

The original storyline is basically about how her novel was stolen, but Dengeki Bunko which publishes Oreimo, had a major crib scandal this year. One rookie writer “wrote” a novel and made a pretty good hit with it. But people soon found out it’s practically a plagiarism of Baka Test. All prints on the market were withdrawn and the writer got banished. This Kirino’s novel episode is in the 3rd volume of Oreimo, and it was written way before the incident, but if the anime version reiterated the original storyline here, obviously it would have been major embarrassment for Dengeki, so some changes were inevitable.
Hmm, interesting information, but yeah, I can see why they changed it. :P
Kirino waiting for and subsequently playing the über-eroge. :P Quite funny how she doesn't see the parallels between game and reality. :D
We also get to see more of Kuroneko's home and family - and she caring for one of her imoutos, even watching Nemuru with her. Of course, the whole thing is overshadowed by how poor they are. Then again, her having a crush on Kyousuke is quite cute. ;)
Saori is revealed to be very, very rich and that's pretty much it with this episode - backstory and that's it.
My Oreimo anime can't be this meta.

Watching Kirino play eroge was hilarious, with it parodying OreImo even in the character design. The humour through hypocrisy when Kirino was hating on the eroge version of herself. Rinko-chan practically quotes all her past/future lines even those within the same episode. LOL at her seemingly to have not made the connection.

I also love how the eroge gave us some insight onto how Kirino may feel. Especially with that last few lines in the eroge. It actually made me a bit sad the first time around seeing her reaction, that is, before she reverts back to her bitchy mode, i.e kicking Kyousuke. Also made me think it’s possible there may be more to Kirino’s “100%” tsun side than meets the eye, it raised a couple of ideas.

Kuroneko flag triggered ~ I don't mind since Kuroneko is a good character. Her imouto is an angel XD. AIC stop trolling and show Saori's face damnit !!

*Raising hands - both hands and waving frantically like some Bonkuraazu(Azumanga Daioh reference)*

Just wondering here, but where did you guys/gals watch this anime?
Did you watch it on the air(TV), stream or torrent/DL it?
Ayase, Kirino's psycho friend, is back. :P She now wants to make amends a bit and get some otaku stuff for Kirino. Who has to find out what she likes should be obvious by now. ;)
Anyway, Kirino goes all jealous about her brother meeting with people she knows and actually slaps him after he jokes about her acting like a girlfriend. She definitely has a brother-complex. >_>
Saori has the idea to hold a Starwitch Meruru themed birthday party for here, so that's what they'll roll with.
The present they pick for Ayase to get? A figure that can only be won in this particular cosplay contest...
Ayase goes ballistic, but finally agrees to it. Great fun is to be had with Kyousuke hinting that she is too well endowed for most characters and finally suggesting she plays a villain in a skimpy outfit. :D
Instead they go with tricking a loli classmate of Ayase's into a Meruru outfit. The pedotaku audience is overjoyed, but Kirino (who naturally is watching as well) had to be quieted down first.
Kanako is also not just a bit of a bitch, but they felt the need to salvage her image a bit at the end. :P
Funny episode with lots of parody.

Things get pretty heated between Kirino and Kuroneko in this latest opening, and Kirino’s drenched with a tear running down her face. Foreshadowing much?xD Obvious brocon face is obvious~ Kyosuke must be a closet masochist, taking hits from Kirino and Ayase. One vote from me for wanting to see Ayase in Thanatos Eros’ EX Mode outfit anime form. Kate/starry night: Unlicensed Blade Works was hilarious.

Tamura Yukari fits triple role as
1. Kanako
2. Meruru
3. Hoshino Kurara – the fictional seiyuu who does the voice of Meruru
since she plays Nanoha in MSLN. It was quite a LOL fest when Kurara introduced Kanako to the audience, only to hear her own voice replying.
“Kyoudai na power de~ Kira☆!”. I have become a Meruru fan.

Kyosuke looks good with that new hairstyle and formal wear. Kirino got her present from the trash was also LOL. Lastly, some Ito Noizi Meruru art~ Next episode, MAID SERVICE !

I should probably mention that the official website has just confirmed that there will be eight DVD/BD volumes released for this series, with the 7th and 8th ones containing four episodes (two each) that won’t be aired. The television broadcast is slated to end on episode 12 with a “Good End”, whereas these four episodes will lead to a “True End”.

From a novel reader perspective, this make sense as last episode is title 'This cant be my sister's last counseling' which can be say as a 'Good end'. The dvd/bd's 'True end' which will be released later can give the light novel time to wrap up properly and animate it later.
As for the content of the true end, obvious hinting is obvious =P.
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Manami is asked to cook for everyone (it's the mothers day off), sending Kirino in a jealous fit. She immediately equates her coming over with copulating in the living room - a perverted mind for sure. Since Manami wants to avoid any fighting she offers to be essentially a slave for a day - and is promptly ordered to clean the living room before making lunch. Afterwards she fails to find any serious faults, not for lack of trying, she goes back to her room to out and scheme. She actually plants her laptop with an eroge on it in Kyousuke's room. While he is busy trying to hide it and the game (why not close the lid?) Manami finds the porn magazines planted on his bed. That plan (as well as Kyou's new imoucon screensaver) backfires though, because Kyousuke apparently has a megane fetish and Manami is the most subservient girl ever. She even offers to call him Onii-chan from now on. :rolleyes:
After the A-part concludes on that note the anime jumps to Kyousuke making his way to "Kirino's Anime Celebration Party". Saori organised it in a love hotel and reserved the rooms under Saori Vageena (yes, it is pronounced like what you're thinking), much to Kyou's dismay. Not as much as the giant sign saying "Kousaka Kyousuke's Personal Harem" though. Once he enters the room he is greeted by Saori and Kirino in maid cosplay and character. Well for a few seconds, at least. :P Kuruneko is also there, having spiced up her uniform with nekomini accessories. Enough to catch his interest, it seems.
Anyway, each girl had to prepare some entertainment and the maid outfits were Saoris turn. Kuruneko continues with a manga bearing uncanny resemblance to the actual cast of the anime, right down to Kirino's brother fetish. Sadly it is cut short after a few pages, because the tsundere imouto intervenes.
She is embarrassed, so some small-talk is used as a gap filler. During that Kuroneko adopts an imouto role and comes on to Kyousuke, sending Kirino in another jealous fit, just like she planned. That final fit of anger puts Kyousuke over the edge and he rants how he's been depressed and how his sister is ruining the party. This in turn triggers her to start her entertainment part - consisting out of her giving him a present, apologising for her behaviour, thanking him for all he did, and finally opening up. Kyousuke is shocked. He then starts to cry and we get an insight into his feelings once more: He's basically the perfect brother and undercover imoucon.
By the way, the present is an eroge.
Seriously, Kirino sometimes has those cute looks and annoying characteristics. but nevertheless a imouto to me XD. back to episode 11, Rules for playing eroge (based also on experience) NEVER EVER LET THE DOOR OPEN!!! noob of a kyousuke was almost caught by his mother while playing a eroge should let the viewers know to (whilst playing) TO KEEP THEIR DOORS CLOSED PERIOD! good thing he knew the escape button which is common on most Eroges.

the opening seems like a connection to the previews opening vid's. if someone like to make an AMV of it. it might actually fit in the whole music and video synchronization. (hope someone make it.)

another note: Megane comes to home! Manami comes with kyousuke in order to make lunch and guess what kirino makes her childish act yet again. but with some illicit imaginations (I'd think the same thing if a guy brings a girl at home without their parents.)

next - my sister can't make traps! JUST REMEMBER TO CLOSE THE DOOR! POOR KYOUSUKE!. One common thing that you'd expect from a boys room is pornographic materials. with a slice of anime. it becomes a deadly trap for fetishes. as Manami and Kyousuke enters his room. all kinds of Megane Fetishes is scattered like traps for intruders! (in this case for guests!)

Finally - my personal favorite the maid scenes. Saori , Kirino and Gosurori Kuroneko wears maid cosplay! most notable in this one is Kuroneko. having a almost real like nekomimi's and a moving tail! (if you look closely the tail changes it's position) she did show her "fictional story" (hahahaha:073:) my highlights for this is the "You don't need to hold back Nii-san" of Kuroneko.(it really turned me on seriously. with that look on her face someone greater than god must've stopped me!)

Kirino's childlessness turned a good point. she actually and DID appreciate all what Kyousuke made for her. which he really deserves for all those kind efforts he made.

Overall what I've watched today. I'd say only half was enjoyable. (with the first half was either hilarious or just annoying because of Kirino's act.) I'm starting to like Kuroneko. IMO she might even surpass Kirino into the viewers eyes.

Now on to the next episode.
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kirino ≠ cute. its official. kuroneko shows how to seduce your goshujin-sama in perfect 15 year old girl manner. and which sister gives her bro a porn game to make up? thank the anime gods that next week is finally the last episode.
There’s No Way My Sister’s Otaku Friend is This Cute.

Oreimo sure is meta. Nice engrish at the OP. I will admit that I was LMAOing hard at Kyousuke’s misfortune at being set-up by Kirino. That said, I would still admit Kirino is surprisingly cute when she does softens up. It may not be enough to atone for her aggressive tsun all this time, but at least it’s a good start IF she keeps it up. (And that’s a big IF. )

Casting Hanazawa Kana as Kuroneko is a master stroke for the casting director, as she clicks onto what makes Kuroneko stroke the hearts of us all. As if her mimicking Kirino during the narration of her doujinshi wasn’t enough, she had to kill me with her “Nii-san” while dressed as a maid with nekomimi and tail. I died a little inside.

Kyosuke crying is something i didn't expected. HE IS AN EPIC BRO TO HAVE !!!!!!
This episode is also the turning point in the LN. LET THE SHIPPING WARS BEGIN. I’m clearly on Team Maschera.

Next episode is the last episode and is titled the good end :P

@shitotaku - Kuroneko stole the show and wait for shironeko !

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A-9000 wrote on Shine's profile.
Legend says this one was available in 2023 before it's demise...thanks in advance!

🌟Shine🌟[230713][umyn] 異世界転生マジカルチンポ (Ver1.2) [RJ01044906]
redbeamff wrote on Shine's profile.

pls upload new NAKK videos :D
tim30069 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
hello, do you have this drama cd ,thank you!
AsterN20 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Can you reupload [Magi White] エグザミネイター?
nobis_c wrote on ramori's profile.
Hi, if you would reup the mexashare links for this one, that'd be great. Thanks