Fate Zero


New member
Apr 9, 2011

That's I waiting for it. After I watched the anime and the movie of fate stay night I can watch fate zero XD

I waited to see it

This anime will be more crazy than fate stay night :)

Kudos to ufotable for excellent animation and production levels and Urobochi Gen for writing the original Fate/Zero novels. The first hour long episode have definitely matched up on all the pre-hype and excitement of whats probably one the top and darkest shows yet this year.

Myself, I have prior knowledge to the actual events of this prequel, having read through the novels briefly and playing the original PSP games, but I loved the entire 48 minutes + long build-up. All type-moon fans must feel for Sakura, after seeing her getting corrupted by the cesspool of disgusting bugs at the young age, and more horrible things later in the F/SN storyline. Kariya's portrayal as the only one who cares for Sakura in that cursed family makes things more complicated but with a heartfelt consolance, given that he gave up the family's dark practices, but only to end up giving all his life to bid and save Sakura, who is his childhood friend and love, Aoi's other daughter from Tohsaka Tokiomi. Yes, for all who didnt know in F/SN, Sakura and Rin are blood-related sisters. Kariya's current situation makes it only worse, when he is corrupted beyond salvation and only has 1 month left to live.

The true reason behind Kirei's introduction into the war, and why Kiritsugu is too revealed for masses. Kiritsugu fears someone he does not understand, after going through Kirei's personal records, it furthers solidify his fears for that man. No doubt, Kirei would still remain the chief antagonist until the F/SN timeline. Why the Holy Grail has chosen Kirei to the war, a man who has 'no' ambitions for the grail, was more or probable, to give Kiritsugu the thrill and reason why he will strive harder to realise his dreams of the obtaining the grail. Heaven's Feel was also brought up in the episode, novel readers know damn well what it is.

Entire episode was great build-up and introduction to all our masters, Kiritsugu, Tokiomi, Kirei, Waver and Kayneth at this moment. These events and characters ultimately have an impact on the later F/SN timeline, with Illya being the actual daughter of Iri and Kiritsugu, and Shirou would actually end up fighting her along with Saber, who is Kiritsugu's servant also revealed in F/SN. I cant believe Tokiomi for allowing the adoption of Sakura by Matou, it just goes to show how sickening his real character is, and his eventual fate was nothing but befitting. Waver and Kayneth's danglings will result in the birth of 2 masters in them.

Top quality animation from one of the better studios, the whole master-servant summoning process at the end of the episode had all my hair standing. Solid delivery and whats better, is the BGM by Kajiura Yuki, which just adds another layer of awesomeness.

OP and ED themes have been equally impressive, I am loving both songs, because they fit the show a bit too damn well. Nice to hear LiSa again after Angel Beats. I am really excited for this show, a relative first despite knowing majority of the story already. I am so sold.


will update tv size anime op and ed when episode 2 kicks in with correct credits
Let me get this out first, good art =/= good animation (so many ppl praise the animation and got it wrong, see I never praise S;G for having excellent animation since they are mostly talking scenes, but they did make it better with unique camera angles). Ufotable sure is cutting cost (hopefully using it for later fights) with lots of shots with characters in the distance and no motion except for a tiny mouth flapping; lots of shots with the speaker off-screen; close ups with upper bodies moving straight across the screen. I recommend ppl to watch the sakuga AMV which is a compilation of excellent animation for anime each month.

The first step was probably the most complicated one for Ufotable regarding F/Z, considering how lengthy the introduction and setup are, yet they certainly did their best in term of pacing, packing a lot of information left and right.
I'm unsure how newcomers to Fate franchise would feel about this lionshare of explanations, but imo, they managed to balance properly the motivations/hints regarding the masters.

What's actually a major point in this adaptation is that you see the stark difference between the masters ambitions, capabilities and objectives, along with their own personality being exposed.

45 minutes for this episode was definitely the best call: it would have been terrible in term of pacing and mood to span the intro for 2 weeks, so with the preparations being ready, the meat of the story should be unfolded quite soon.

Anyway, a solid start, that's for sure.
^ our bad then.

i suck at the technical terms, will look out
Lol, not pointing at you though.

Anyway, split into 2 cours + extra scenes in BD (need to rewatch)......... not actually welcomed :(
dont really like the idea too..
the novels were long enough, given the break, people need to refresh, they may have forgotten. probability of a re-cap episode also went up, its something that should be avoided.

anycase, that doesnt change the fact that it will still be one of the most anticipated shows. way better than the other shows where i cant see why they attracted some much un-necessary attention when the debut sucked. *cough*persona 4*cough*
A quick front word to those who didnt know, the identities of the servants who are past heroes/historical figures are secret that cannot be revealed to other servants, as they can find out their weakness.

The build-up continues, with excellent pacing carried over from last episode. Episode goes to reveal the current situation before the start of the war, such as the introduction of Rider, aka Iskandar, King of Conquerers, as Waver's servant. His rather overbearing nature makes Waver thinks that he also looks down on him, but it simply just Iskandar's ambitions to once again conquer the world, which he nearly did when he was still alive. Simply state, he as with Waver, have no direct desires on the Holy Grail, as Iskandar wants to re-conquer his land, while Waver's ambitions are small.

The last servant was called by serial killer Ryuunosuke, 'Bluebeard' the caster. If anyone was wondering how it happened, Ryuunosuke accidentally used the blood(s) of a murdered family and called him out. 2 sickening murderers pairing up to indicate the start of the war, Bluebeard would later be heavily involved with trying to capture Saber, who he thinks is Joanne D Arc, the person he was infuataed with when he alive.

Back to Einzbern, we see an already grown Ilya and Kiritsugu playing, with the latter showing some fatherly traits. While Saber repeatedly casts doubts over Kiritsugu because she was a female servant, Irisviel talks her out of it. She reveals Kiritsugu was most likely feeling down because they made a young girl like Saber rule the country and fight in wars, ultimately resulting in her death. At this point, Kiritsugu still remains a mysterious fellow to follow, you will see how more when the story and fights unfold later.

Assassin dead? Believe at your own peril, but its just a blatant scam to show that 'Assassin is dead, so 1 master down.', a plan that Tokiomi and Kirei formed in order to allow more shadow actions from the other Assassins, whose true identities are a bunch persian thieves, which are counted to about 100. Gilgamesh remains bad-ass with Gate of Babylon, raining down endless streams of weapons. While, thats the reason why he was placed in the Archer knight class.
Loliya is the miracle of the universe.

If you compare the Bluebeard scene in this episode with the comical guro in Blood-C, it's really a beautiful demonstration of how to do horror vs. how not to do it. It's skillful, thoughtful terror vs. mindless and clumsy splattering violence - a scalpel vs. a sledgehammer.

Much better episode, and here we do indeed get to see some fantastic animation (particularly during the final Assassin scene).

At a personal enjoyment level, I'm glad that this anime has given me avery likeable pairing (Waver/Rider) and a pairing that I'm probably going to find fun to love-to-hate (the Blue Beard pairing). Saber looks as beautiful as ever, and I enjoyed her dialogue in this episode.

Rider's personality is particularly appealing to me though, the gregarious and hearty conqueror. A nice compliment to Waver, and their scenes were exceptionally well-done in my view. Rider is totally a bro

Not digging assassin killed this early (if he is in fact killed), although I have to admit it made for an outstanding cliffhanger moment and a great badass scene for Gil.
Sick animation - checked! (Assassin scene at end of episode 2)
Beautiful characters - Saber + Iri combi - checked!

Yes, in fact, the pairings of Master/Servant in Fate/Zero is much more appealing than those in Fate/Stay Night, with exception of some of course. (Shiro/Saber, Rin/Archer)
Kiritsugu/Saber - cant see eye to eye, because their ways of doing stuff contradicts each other. Kiritsugu does 'stealthy' stuff, while Saber wants to do it honorably in the open. Because of that, Saber pairs with Iri more often.

Tokiomi/Gilgamesh - Gilgamesh doesnt like Tokiomi, although he sorta wants to see what Tokiomi's actions after he obtains the Grail. Bad relations between Master and Servant, as Tokiomi does not really like Gilgamesh's 'kingly' ways.

Waver/Iskandar - Very fun to watch. Iskandar is like a personalised bully towards Waver, who wants bullies outta his life, and his motivation to obtain the grail is to earn respect. Despite all that, both care for each other, with Iskandar being the big guy between the 2 of them, the deep respect is just kept unknown.

Kirei/Assassin - Stealth-like actions behind the scenes for the story.

Kariya/Berserker - Kariya is probably one of the saddest(if not, the) characters in the whole franchise, Berserker's ability would deal fatal things on him. Despite that, normal relations, but focus is on Kariya's drive and eventual fate.

Ryuunosuke/Bluebeard - You will love to hate this pair. Murder antics top their list, and the obsessions on it spelt their eventual fate in the world. Their personalities match, both happy to kill people(irony of the sentence).

Kayneth/Zero Lancer - Similar to Kiritsugu/Saber, but Zero Lancer bears absolute loyalty to his master, unlike Saber who would doubt and bicker. Their relations are low at best though, theres a third person here, who should be revealed shortly.
Assassin dead?? Hehe, bite yourselves if you believed for one moment. True identities are utomost important in this war, as revealed by Lancer in the end, he regrets not able to name himself before a fight.

Iskandar and Kiritsugu finds the fact too good to be true, Kiritsugu in particular raises more supiscions around Kirei. And no to all fans who may be ripping their hair out because Kiritsugu 'cheated' on Irisviel for Maiya, its not exactly 'cheating'. Maiya is his partner in crime, raised by him singled-handedly to be a perfect partner in his missions And of course, as a relief partner to pour his sexual pleasure on.

Iskandar's relationship with Waver still remains damn fun, with him taking into liking the current warfare and various aircrafts. While he doesnt show it, he does care for the victory, despite his ambitions to re-take his land being very strong too. While he believes the war has started, things didnt really move again in this episode, except for the introductions of Assassin(s) and Lancer, who is actually one of favorite classes. In fact, I love all 3 knight classes.

Drawings and animations remain top-class this week, with the dark shading slightly over-excessive, but definitely well done.

Waiting for this series to air is killing me, some many introductions! So many characters, thats what make the whole franchise so nice~

Saber, you look so ever awesome! :D
It's really lived up to all of the hype everyone had for it already. Every episode just doesn't disappoint at all.
I kinda like Saber in FZ more than I did in FSN. I don't know why. Maybe because I find her black suit sexy or I like the chemistry between her and Irisviel more than with Shiro.

Can't wait for the next episode.
Well its only natural everyone loves her.
Just to note, that doesnt mean she is the 'main' character, the novel did not really have a main character, but story does somewhat revolve around Kiritsugu's faction, with other characters and their stories told in the process.
Fate Stay/Night is more shounen style

while Fate Zero is EPIC, no main chara is EPIC :D
i cant wait for ep 4 the saber vs lancer duel, i love FZ berserker he really rocks
Never a saber fan myself, I like Illya character and personality more.
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Like i said, I like her personality and character in the fate universe, not for her appeal of a rori or for the sake of just being a rori.

Does that count as a rorikon? I don't know. (Though i think rorikons tend to stray towards having indecent thoughts)
Nah, I ain't angry, I sorta expected you will post that.

I admit, Illya is very moe.
Never a saber fan myself, I like Illya character and personality more.

Was never that big on Saber either.

Favorites I don't know, deep down maybe it's Gilgamesh for me since he has sooooo many moments through all the VN's that make you love to hate him.

But in general Zero has so many to love really. Berzerker is awesome, Caster is such a great villain that gives Gill a run for his money, Rider is such a BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, etc., etc., heh.
the only thing i like from saber.... Kawasumi Ayako, that's all

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