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  1. Langesha

    Nyaa situation

    Re: Problems with Better check and change those passwords to something incredibly difficult now...
  2. Langesha

    Nyaa situation

    Re: Problems with This is ridiculous. I can understand, why they would do this to chinese sites since a lot of mangas are also published in chinese but what about...
  3. Langesha

    Nyaa situation

    Re: Problems with But would the jap government really use DDOS attacks to get the sites down and not some legal means? Maybe it's really just a case of extreme cracking?
  4. Langesha

    Nyaa situation

    Re: Problems with tokyotosho still has updated stuff. Just get the magnet links and not the torrent files and you'll get your new episodes.
  5. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    They will be in that thinking about it stage for a long time... J.J. can't work on two movies at the same time. XD
  6. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    Doesn't this poll has a deadline or something? It'll never stop otherwise! XD
  7. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    16 VS 18? But that's still almost a tie!
  8. Langesha

    Male or Female?

    female. cool, does that mean I can have a reverse harem?
  9. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    Oh yeah, that vulcan girl is definitely cooler... and somehow this stern selfie makes it even better.
  10. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    but those merchandise lightsabers break so easily... the screwdrivers light up and make sounds and are pretty much indestructible! 8D
  11. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    Talking about screwdrivers ;)
  12. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    T-ELOS; and this dude also regenerates from time to time and changes his looks and personality... which is a great excuse how the series can keep on going even when changing the actor who plays the doctor. There have been 11 doctors officially in the series and soon the 12th will start. AND...
  13. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    Yeah, I honestly didn't expect it to be that good! And it was so great Tennant had a mayor role in this. How he always though Elisabeth was not her and how she forced him to marry her after all... haha. I wonder what will be the next great mystery of the series. They new something new now. And...
  14. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    Went to the Doctor Who Anniversary special movie yesterday... they finally solved the why did the timelords die?!-problem in a unexpectedly good way. I expected something strange and confusing but hey, you have 3 doctors at the same time. And Tennant and Smith doing simultanious and synchronized...
  15. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    Okay, yes, I totally forgot about Battlestar Galactica and Doctor Who. It is just that most new series on channels like Syfy are just damn strange, don't really look good and have bad CGI and mostly no clever ideas to make it look better. Or maybe I just manage to catch the worst episodes from...
  16. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    First time I heard of this either. Okay... but this will be hard to pull off, Scifi-series on TV these days aren't really good, because the budget is never enough...
  17. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    Oh, I've seen Bujolds books quite often, he's very popular in Russia. Thanks for the recommendation! Finding good books by yourself is hard nowadays. When the bestseller charts are dominated by Twilight and 50 Shades...
  18. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    Returning to the books issue, the books based on Episodes 1-3 and the Interlude book for the time between Ep 2 and 3 were actually pretty good, way better than the movies. I actually liked the book-version Anakin more. And R2's sarcastic comments were the best ever... but the movies were meh...
  19. Langesha

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    If I could, I would vote for Stargate. So for now my vote is for Startrek. Starwars came first into my life but it was destroyed by episodes 2 and 3 (yeah, I liked Ep1!!!*) and I really can't stand Luke Skywalker. And while most people can laugh about the new Startrek movies, it's impossible...
  20. Langesha

    What does your family think of you playing games, reading manga, or watching anime?

    When I was a little kid, my grandma used to think that Pokemon makes kids into zombies. The newspapers in Russia even printed such crap and she really believed it. And Sailormoon was the greatest evil of them all! Now, like 15 years later she's still worried but because of radiation from the...