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    I do the same thing with manga xD
    Plus I hate when they have those annoying little voices, and when those remain in my head. Ugh.
    I didn't like Hidan no Aria, but the rest were cool. It's probably since I started with reading much earlier than with anime so I already read quite a lot.
    Campione tho xD
    I can't wait till I learn Japanese fluently. Such power! Much LN!
    I do read light novels quite a lot. Does it really seem that obvious that I read light novels quite a lot?
    The best one I read lately was Mokushiroku Arisu.
    And the title is? The closest thing I ever read to that was an LN about a vampire nee-san (kinda nee-san).
    Imma be at home dying of heat. So no problem here...
    I don't agree with most of what the new changes will represent if they take effect, I believe the internet should be equal for everyone. At the same time though, I really don't have much of a issue with Comcast, or AT&T having Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime or other streaming service like that pay extra, they use a ridiculous amount of traffic, and if that means I have to pay a few extra dollars for those services then I'll decide if they are worth keeping or not. And again, I don't agree that smaller sites that can't afford to pay should have their speeds slowed down either, it's all just a huge mess. All we can do is wait and see how it turns out, but so far things are not looking to good.

    More competition will be good, but like you said the US is made up of many states, and each state can offer vastly different options for what is available in terms of a internet provider. I live in the state of Illinois, so unfortunately for me it's really Comcast or I have no internet :/ I wish I did have more choices available but the truth is the smaller companies that offer better service always end up getting absorbed by these huge companies like Comcast, and I agree something needs to be done about that, less options means less innovation.
    It might not impact your internet service, but it can impact people around the world in other ways. If this ends up greatly hurting the US economy that is something that will easily be felt around the world, not only in the US

    I think this whole thing is absurd, greedy companies just wanting more. The small internet providers that actually offer the best service in the US will be put out of business, leaving really only Comcast. Which is a day I hate to see.
    Thanks a lot for helping in the thread.

    Aha, so which thread are you guys translating titles on? Also, if you don't mind if i ask, what program do you use to get out the kanji's?
    Do you have EA Origin? If you do, Dead Space is free to download on there for a few days. It's only single player but still a fun game
    Etto, sorry for the late reply. I was kinda busy back then and my internet connection, lagging. T^T
    Introduction uh.. I mean, introduce yourself. :3
    Hi, been a while. I was just wondering how many pages of Nightmare maker you read since then? I've been busy as hell these days and knowing that it will take me more than half an hour with taking out kanji and translating it hasn't been quite tempting to do.

    I will add a new page now if you still will help out that would be great. :)
    I don't have a sleeping fetish! i promise! However, i just need to know what she said when she woke up to find all the stuff running down her leg.

    I'm going to take a few more pages, it would be great if you would help me out on translating them. :)
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