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  • Also mainly my job, lately I've been working more weekend and night shifts. On top on of my normal hours
    Sadly we can't control certain thing in our lives, and they end up taking more time than we would like.
    Thats a good attitude, well yeah we can try too be, though I think we all have our moments with some melancholy anyways.
    Aih it was your profile pic...the obvious one not as cute as the rest ^^ You seem to have thought about a lot of things in order to reflect on such things in life. Indicative of some experience too me. I guess I have too, and I agree..though I'll try and refrain from the ol' "if life gives you lemons....." idiom haha. Even though it's true, one might be tempted sometimes to just say "skrew the lemonade, you can keep you damn lemons xD" Oki I got that last line from a game called portal2~

    Ah well, I should have figured that.

    optimism, I guess I can be hopeful, and even faithful :J (in the other sense of its meaning) Guess I'm also careful somewhat, but might have an other side countering it...oh maybe that was the bravery hue hue, otherwise I would have just called my self mad or crazy at times. And finally, well I've always claimed: "Best not to be immature, but be as childish as you like!" I like red primarily because I find it's comforting, warm, personal and embracing though. It's ironic in a way, I actually associate myself with green a lot...but I keep picking red anyway for the sheer likableness of it, and i like it warm, But I can honestly never settle with anything or decide how it truly should be.. But your colors are way more intricate and open, with sense of greater space and mystery. Yellows combined with purples & Violets~ Beautiful. Opens my mind and heart for higher things.
    It's here at AS us type of family members meet :P
    Yes thats exactly what I meant ") thanks for the reminder. How's the mood btw.....your current profile pic seems to tell me life has it's up's and downs..and right now it's......? Supposedly up from the last I saw.

    That isn't an imouto fox by any chance is it :?

    Oh and tranquil background there, quite nice and peaceful.
    Damn you erobeku

    Just kidding

    What's going on buddy, you never bothered using that horo sig i made for you...
    Nee.. i think i should say sorry... :sowwy: i say too harsh about uninstalling youu... it a purpose to tease not to harsh... :deadsad: gomeenn
    Ahah~ sounds like we're on the same boat then. Most of my time is currently spent playing games and I'll start getting on revision in a few days. The week will get boring for me pretty soon. x_x

    I see. Well then I'll try catch up with you whenever possible. Good luck with college, and play less games if you're doing so!

    Thanks for the welcoming return, but I feel like I might not able to carry on going back on ASF like I used to, even though only a day has passed. I'll try. =]
    *knock knock*

    Musang! Haven't seen you in a while! With all the months that have passed, I miss you (lot) too. ^^

    Hope you're still as lively as before I left, unless the little fox has been captured/tamed~ :desire:

    Feels good to be back~! ^^
    No sorry man.. maybe someone else can help you.
    I never had to solve that kind of problem so..I wouldn't really know :(
    Oh..I see.. Well if other website don't have problems with it, it's probably ASF =/
    And dunno if it''s the imagehost, just a random reason that popped up in my head :3
    Hiya Musang~

    Hmm..kinda strange :o
    I have an avatar too with transparency and I don't seem to get that problem. And I never had to be honest :o
    File > Save as > PNG
    That doesn't solve your problem?
    If not, what imagehost are you using? I've never had any problem with Tinypic :o
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