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  • Lol have one due tonight and didnt read the book yet... :dead: actually i started yesterday and about % done... Then theres the 30 sec short aka 720 frames to draw but that has time... and sketchbook... need to finish about 150 drawings in the next two weeks :dead: and here i am chatting... xD
    Quite busy... :dead: With how theres a couple large assignments due soon... i really shouldnt be here... :dead: Hmm... how about for you?
    Hmm... i really dun agree with their modkills all that much =w= Easier to let people go kill themselves...
    Lol game ish finally starting again so hope it works out~ Wonder about the interest level for it though... =w=
    Well somehow managed to make a group anyhow =w= So should be fines..~ Game is sort of impossible though...~
    Lol so we lost our strongest player right from the start xD So much for the civ side... Hmm... you had the dual blades ability or something similar?~
    Hmm can i asks what your role was in the mafia game so i can keep tracks?~ Not that the game is actually moving atm =w=
    Don't worry about time, I know all to well how it goes, even when I have plenty of time, I still don't get around to do as much as I should/or would want to. mm hai, I'l let this cat say it for me:

    ~Hai, we need some plain prioritizing ofc.

    SHe looks at you ...Like that. I guess she tries to take care of you some then perhaps as well huh hehe :redface: Yes yes,...we're pervert gentlemen after all :D

    I suppose right and wrong becomes biased somewhat, at least for many, Idk rly. But I do believe there are absolute rights and wrongs, but metaphorically speaking even though Pure Black & Pure white exists, there are still far many more shades of grey in between that's relative.

    Np, I got an example for you "I just like to be a simple and modest people" Where "people" should be "person" And yepp, think he seems really nice too.
    ~You too, and likewise. Ja matta.

    P.s. I like my new background as well >J Oh the colors, And I woow colors ! Why choose, when I can just pick all of them~
    yeah, i don't have an excuse. i was just not using the internet as often as i usually do. well, have fun in your village
    lol i definitely should be online more often now. you better be too! :objection: when i left you were almost never online anymore :sowwy:
    yeah i haven't really been online much this month huh? :wasclose: well, i'm gonna be online more often than i was in july. i hope so anyway. but i'm back :thumbup:
    Continuation part2: >.< (atleast you don't have to worry about you typing long now)

    Mature colors by the sound of it and imo. I actually have had and still do I guess have a lesson to learn when it comes to ambition. Learning to relax and find contention in the little and everyday things... You said it~ I sometimes stress too much, seems like ambition and high requirements of myself can be a bit of an Achilles heel for me and my happiness, and not allowing myself to just relax and be happy as much as I could, something I've learned about myself more and more recently. Thanks for reminding me of that. I'll try to "let go" of things more in life so I can be more carefree and happy :) I like gaming for relaxation, yet I don't want to be left behind by the rest, and be like just a " gamer" forever (unless everybody else does the same hue hue) without growing as everybody else might move on in life and grow to new heights. I suppose subconsciously I might feel that if I don't develop as much as everybody else, then I won't be loved anymore or something...Or be outgrown, so to grow apart.

    Don't worry about the long talk, thats usually "my line" hehe. I'm wouldn't be bored, just sometimes struggling to find both the time and energy to do all that I would like too, which is also the reason my reply came a bit later. And your English seems pretty good to me like 95%, any grammatic mistakes or unclear wording is just minor 'wrinkles' that can be ironed out with some time I'm sure. Your way easier to understand that nanashi :D But I think I can understand him pretty well simply by trying to get a feel for his sentiments rather than going all grammer nazi. Also as far as I can tell he speaks English using Japanese grammar ^^

    Well time for me too scurry off, I should be sleeping, and mustn't look too much at a bright monitor lest I be kept awake atm. Bye for now, and nice talking too you.
    I absolutely agree, shouldn't let our feelings be an excuse for treating others badly...not cool.
    I do the same thing, one learns that there is quite a lot wrong with us sometimes, but thats when the magic happens and we become so much better, especially with love, and then it doesn't really matter even anymore that we're not perfect. I think that if we can just do that one thing right, we in a sense becomes perfect anyway, not trough doing everything right, but with a good and right heart, made perfect by love.

    You sound like a person with much love to give, I can't help but find that heartwarming too see. I find that sometimes when life gets a bit rough, and we easily start to become more self centered caring for someone else can get us back on track. It's really quite therapeutic even I think.

    Hope & Faith~ they most often only starts working at times of pain and when we need them the most, but they are resilient....
    Aih aih, yes, I love being childish, guess thats just an other way to say that I am :P But just like you also agree on, having the ability to have character and maturity when ever it's called for is highly necessary unless we live in a world without anybody else in it. Or else our immaturity will do bad and wrong things at the expense of others.

    Yes perhaps there is more red about me than I myself realize. Actually I think red was my first favorite childhood color, before it shifted to green. Makes me think about remembering and rediscovering my roots perhaps.

    To be continued...
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