[Hentai game] [120928] [ソフトハウスキャラ] 門を守るお仕事 + Manual [H-Game]


The Fallen Devil
Global Moderator
Oct 18, 2010

Remember: Keep seeding after the download ^^

baka girlcelly - NemuAndHaruka Happy download ^_^

girlcelly said:

PS 1: Direct Links for this game could be found at here: :)


PS 2: If you have problem about my torrents, make sure to check and read this thread for solutions before asking same questions ! ^^

http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/torrents-47/[Question & Answer]-24181/

Edit: Finish Seeding ^_^
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in the top left corner:

1. recruit/hire a new unit (militia - basic type)

2. research
--(submenu) musketeer unit(->catapult unit) / samurai unit / wizard unit(->dragoon unit)

3. convert a unit type
-- click a unit on the map and choose a desired unit type
-- or click 'a list of units' in the bottom right corner for the list

4. frontline
-- you can build a wall, trap, shelter or etc after clicking a targeted area on the map
-- or click 'confirm battle plans' in the bottom right corner for a special buff during the battle.

5. R&R
-- see events
-- 'soldiers' 'Maybell the blond chick' 'Lua the red-haired secretary' 'Di the knight' 'Leaf the elf'

6. town meeting
-- raise the approving rate of a certain class, and collect money from them at the expense of their approving rate
-- drag a card at the bottom to a class of your choice
-- noble class / merchants / commons / church / underground syndicate (in order)

7. enemy info
-- collect information / avoid an upcoming battle / sabotage the enemy / provoke the enemy

8. skip the turn
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in the bottom left corner:

1. map of surrounding areas
2. world map

on the top line (click a picture...):

1. tent - a list of approaching enemies
2. fortress - home map
3. street - rumors on the street

4. number of units
5. condition of the city

6. date and turn no.
7. budget
here is the walkthrough wiki:


a few tips are:

A combo of knights and traps is recommended for strong defense.
Militia units help repair damaged structures and gain exp faster than other units, so you can convert it to other type at lv max.
Unlike Ouzoku 王賊, wizard units suck in this game.
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The main screen goes like this (judged from my short playing experience) -
I dont know yet what stats in upper center mean.

Research is pretty straightforward - select a tree and tech, and you will be able to make a new type of unit.

Build Defences action consumes one turn - you can build/move whatever you like (or rather whatever you have money for) and then finish the action with middle button in lower right corner. You can move your units around the field in this mode.

'Diplomacy' is based on using cards - you have 5 factions and several cards down the screen. Using one of cards, you activate two actions - on the upper half of card and on lower half of card. Upper half is pretty straightforward, lower half could have positive or negative effect.
You can reroll your cards, it costs some money, and the cost increases with each use.
Which color cursor ends on defines your bonus:
Blue - add 5-15 to relations.
Red - substract 5-15 from relations
Green - gives you 5xRelation in gold and decreases relation by 15
Yellow - gives you 10xRelation in gold and decreases relation by 30
Purple - random effect (for me it happened twice, faction scale was converted to one solid color)

In battle, you can move only one unit per turn so plan your moves.

I am still playing so cannot say anything about best strategy for beating (or even surviving) the game.
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Reactions: The Cutting Edge
So far, Ive had best luck in doing the following thing regarding the soldiers.

From the beginning, get 2 militia as soon as possible. Leave 2 militia in the back with one foot soldier. Leave another militia on the upper (left?) side with a horse soldier. Use the same area and create a large hole trap. I was able to shrug off a few attacks without worry this way. Gave me time to get money, research, and use the free time.

Edit: Haha, ended up beating it. Definitely not a very good ending as it just ended with the defense contract ending and thats it. I thought I checked a few girls enough time as it just repeated the same scene near the end.

Edit2: Seems like story is slightly different with the second run like they are usually with softhouse-cara.
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I am tired of beating the game. My best combination is to do first a single research on wizard, then do full research on long range unit. Long range unit allows you to build the strongest walls with with a cannon which allows additional defense and offense. Also, any units behind the walls recovers hp.

Put a peasant behind each wall so that the wall has a recover rate. And walls that are wider, put a wizard next to the peasant. Once the wall is destroyed, move your troops back and repeat.

I know the game was made to defend, but it is kinda boring since i can't go out and conquer other territories. My guess is that we have to capture the captains like in 巣作りドラゴン. But heck, i don't even know how to H the regular troops that are captured. And the personal captains repeat the same H-scenes over and over.
4 horse troop + lot large hole trap ftw
dont forget to research atk+/def+ and horse troop special [% to deal -1 atk count to enemy]

place it in 2row space before the gate
place some reserve in the back if necesary, dont wait till your troop hp red to change because hp = atk/def power
each horse troop can deal 5x100+ dmg to enemy each turn @ full hp enough to kill enemy each turn ^^

Note : dont place wall/building in your horse place it will lower their atk
Battle Guide:

Enemy Morale determines whether they will retreat. If you manage to lower it below 30, they will retreat for your victory.

Lowering Morale can be done with tactics(- up to 10), or with making enemies retreat with lower than around 50% HP(-3~4 or something), or defeating them (-10).

Every time enemy reinforcements come in, they boost morale by around 2. Similarly, if they defeat your units, they get a morale boost as well.

If enemy breaks down the door/gate, you will get a negative emotion from all factions.

If your unit retreats out of map or survive the battle, they will be back with full HP after the battle.

Destroyed buildings will not be recovered, and you need to rebuild them.

Even if your unit dies, you can easily recruit them once more, similarly you can recruit past units in NG+.
Unit List(Specials need to be unlocked with research):

Normal: When situated at a place with a defense building, attack is boosted.
Special: Heals every turn.
Retreats at 50% HP when there is no defense building.

Normal: When situated at a place without a defense building, attack and number of attacks are boosted.
Special: When situated at a place without a defense building, 30% chance of reducing enemy number of attacks by 1(Stackable)
Retreats at 30% HP when there is no defense building.

Normal: Deals additional damage to knights and dragon riders
Special: When situated at a place with a defense building, 25% chance of reducing enemy number of attacks by 1(stackable).
Retreats at 50% HP when there is no defense building.
Unlocks tactics: Big Arrow - Deal Damage at a specified area.
Unlocks tactics: Spring Shower Rain of Arrows - Deal Damage to all enemies.

Normal: Additional damage to walking enemies, knights and dragon riders.
Special: When attacking, 30% chance to attack again(Stackable, up to 9 times).
Retreats at 50% HP when there is no defense building.

Normal(More of description): High attack.
Special: When attacking, 50% chance to do 1.5 times the damage.
Retreats at 50% HP when there is no defense building.

Normal: When fighting walking enemies, attack power increased.
Special: Number of attacks increased by 2.
Retreats at 10% HP when there is no defense building.

Rock Tosser
Normal: Deals additional damage to mechanical enemies.
Special: When attacking, deals damage to all enemies in the area.
Retreats at 50% HP if there is no defense building.
Unlocks tactics: Stone Toss - Deal damage to all enemies, allies and buildings in a specified area.
Unlocks tactics: Ice Toss - Deal damage to all enemies, allies and buildings in a specified area.

Dragon Knights
Normal: Ability to move while ignoring enemies other than dragon riders in the area
Special: When attacked, 25% chance to dodge enemy attack.
Retreats at 10% HP when there is no defense building

Civilian Soldiers
Normal: Repairs structure every turn.
Special: None
Retreats at 70% HP when there is no defense building.

Tactics: (For easy reference, money will be in units as seen in game)

All Power Up(50 units) - Boost attack and defense of all units for 5 turns

Attack Up (50 units) - Boost attack of all units for 5 turns (Requires Soldier tent)

Structure Defense Enhancement(50 units) - Boost defense of structures for 5 turns

Emergency Recovery (150 units) - Recover 30% HP of all units in a specific area (Requires Hygiene/Welfare Camp)

Door Repair(500 units) - Recover 300 HP of your door (Requires DOOR! DUH!!).

Ambush Attack(Snow) (50 units) - Deals damage to all enemies in areas where there is no building, traps etc(Requires Snow)

Ambush Attack(Field) (50 units) - Deals damage to all enemies in areas where there is no building, traps etc(Requires NO SNOW)

Rock/Castle Explosion (150 units) - Choose a Rock/Castle, that building is destroyed and large damage dealt to all allies and enemies in the area.(Requires Rock/Castle)

Follow-up attack on hole (30 units) - Enemies that fell into the hole takes a large damage(200) (Requires hole/pit)

Plain of Maze Attack follow-up attack (10 units) - Deal Damage to all enemies in Plains of Maze.(Requires Plain of Maze)

Bridge drop (20 units) - Bridge of selected area is destroyed, causing damage to enemy in that area.(Requires Bridge)

All Bridge Flushed (100 units) - All bridges are flushed away by a massive flood, dealing damage to all enemies in areas with bridges.

Stone Toss (30 units) - Choose one area to toss stones. Damage is done to all allies, enemies and structures. (Requires stone toss unit)

Ice Toss (50 units) - Choose one area to toss Ice. Damage is done to all allies, enemies and structures. (Requires stone toss unit and ice).

Big Arrow (70 units) - Choose one area, damage is done to all enemies units in that area. (Requires archer/bowmen)

Spring Shower Rain of Arrows(150 units) - Damage is done to all enemies units. (Requires archer/bowmen)

Lance of the dragon knight (230 units) - Choose one area. Dragon knights does a special attack to all enemies in that area (400++?). (Requires Dragon Knight)

Fake Intel (200units) - Reduces up to 10 enemy morale. The more enemies there are, the less effective.

Enemy Movement Interference (20 units) - Enemy movement is hindered at certain rates for 3 turns.

Retreat Negotiation (500 units) - (I am not too sure on this) After 20 turns, if the battle is still ongoing, you are considered to have won.

Recommended way to play, though you need several playthroughs to prepare the units and money to get them fast.

In NG+, before it starts, if possible, do the search that allows you to hire units at 50% cost.

The easiest way to win(So far, at least):
For all areas with 2 or more spaces, fill them with Knights.
Then place Large holes/pits there as well. Behind the 3 spaces area, place a Hygiene tent to enable heals. Behind the 2 spaced area near the front, place a soldier's camp to allow Attack Up tactic. Enemies should not get past your knights, so the camps should be safe.

Place some units like dragon knights etc at single area locations, or behind your door/gate. Personally I have 2 dragon knights with stone walls to block off the paths, or at least buy some time. And there is 2 Mages behind the door, and a footman(cause I can't think of what else to put). Mages are not entirely useless, they do a single large damage to one enemy. The door protects them, and their attack can do around 300~+ especially if skill is activated.

At the start of the battle, use "Enemy Movement Interference". This will likely make only 1 enemy move to where the knights are, if there is any.

Then use "All Power Up" the next turn. The knights should kill most units in a single turn, especially if they fell into the hole(60% chance of that)

Then use "Attack Up" to boost their damage further.

Go back to "Enemy Movement Interference".

Repeat process, heal if necessary. Their morale should drop rather drastically, so you may not even have to deal with some of the bosses!
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Is there a route for the enemy female general and the enemy princess? I got their H-scenes, and I automatically released them afterwards but no more events are happening. It seems like there should be more.
Is there any way to avoid and event that half all of your troop that happen after the first battle ?

It cripple my defend to much that i have too much trouble in the second battle.

And does factions affect gameplay ?
Is there any way to avoid and event that half all of your troop that happen after the first battle ?

It cripple my defend to much that i have too much trouble in the second battle.

And does factions affect gameplay ?
almost all between turn event is random, just do save&load
you can get money and several event by using card on faction [it depend on how many times you use card on that faction to get event, % will determine how many money you get]
Is there a route for the enemy female general and the enemy princess? I got their H-scenes, and I automatically released them afterwards but no more events are happening. It seems like there should be more.

How did you get their H-scenes? I've run through 4 different routes and never been able to capture them.
Is there any way to avoid and event that half all of your troop that happen after the first battle ?

It cripple my defend to much that i have too much trouble in the second battle.

And does factions affect gameplay ?

Half all troops? The events I know either halve your door/gate HP, or reduce all troops by 20%.

Most events have multiple options, those that boost people's feelings for you usually means you using the troops to do them favors. If you choose not to help, you can usually avoid the decrease in soldiers. I won't recommend this unless you are having difficulties surviving. Alternatively, you can consider taunting the enemy into attacking you before your armies are too weak(I once started with 40% HP on most troops). After each attack, all HP is recovered after all. And it is generally harder to increase the emotions of people, so I say just let the soldiers suffer!

P.S. there are events that let you recover full door and army HP anyway, if you are lucky.

How did you get their H-scenes? I've run through 4 different routes and never been able to capture them.

Well, I was on Final Route(5th I think?) And just winning the battles let you capture one general in event, then the princess(?) eventually after some battles, was assaulted by men and you finally found her or something. Then you can choose whether you want to *a-hem* her. I think that is what he meant by getting their H-scenes. Can't be too sure though.
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That's what I meant, I didn't even realize for a while that there was a "final route" that you needed to unlock. With that route I'm up to 99% on CGs (missing 21 and 237) and 96% on events (228/237). Now to figure out the rest.
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Anyone know how to win ウェンディモード?
I clear all 60 turn and capture enemy general once.I still can't clear this mode yet.
Anyone know how to win ウェンディモード?
I clear all 60 turn and capture enemy general once.I still can't clear this mode yet.

This character is from the church. Keep using diplomatic cards on the religion/church. Eventually there will be scenes where you see the nun naked, and eventually *a-hem*. There seems to be some talk about human trafficking, and her being concerned about it, but I am not entirely sure, I can't read Japanese. I did see a scene where people seems to be put up on auction near the end of the 60 turns.

NOTE: cards that affect Church does not mean using cards on Church. You must use the cards on Church itself, I think.

Upon completing this arc, you get the final route, where it is 3 years instead of 1.

That's what I meant, I didn't even realize for a while that there was a "final route" that you needed to unlock. With that route I'm up to 99% on CGs (missing 21 and 237) and 96% on events (228/237). Now to figure out the rest.

I didn't even know you can get the H-scenes of the generals in a year... 99% CG on it, thats fast.
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Anyone know how to win ウェンディモード?
I clear all 60 turn and capture enemy general once.I still can't clear this mode yet.

Windy Mode has no winning condition. All you have to do in that mode is to gain as much money as possible.
Is there any way to avoid and event that half all of your troop that happen after the first battle ?

It cripple my defend to much that i have too much trouble in the second battle.

Most events are random. So you can save and load to avoid it. Or you go to vacation with Marybell, second in command, for the first time so you get a h-scene and your troops and the door may get recovered.

Half all troops? The events I know either halve your door/gate HP, or reduce all troops by 20%.

There is an event where the enemy instigates the town to riot, after which all your troops get halved... Once the event takes place, it does not offer any option to avoid it.
Windy Mode has no winning condition. All you have to do in that mode is to gain as much money as possible.

There is a winning condition, I did that route twice to realize you need to do church events. That or I just saved up enough on the second time round.

There is an event where the enemy instigates the town to riot, after which all your troops get halved... Once the event takes place, it does not offer any option to avoid it.

Maybe that is due to people's bad emotions to you? I never encountered this event.

Is there a route for the enemy female general and the enemy princess? I got their H-scenes, and I automatically released them afterwards but no more events are happening. It seems like there should be more.

They had an appearance in the ending of "Final Mode".

P.S. Completing "Final Mode" Unlocks Crazy/Berserk Mode, seems enemies are boosted in stats? Not too sure.

P.S.2 Just tried... First battle I was fighting level 36 enemies... zzz
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Can anyone tell me the effect of all defense building in game ?

I knew the first two building is wall and stone wall with block enemies except Dragoon attack. And the last two building on the right side are Hygiene Tent which allows you to you heal your troop and Soldier Camp which boost attack.

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