PS3 Stuff


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Jul 7, 2012
Talk about Ps3 Stuff
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actually i wanted to talk about something
i Bought P3F From Ps3 store but i got a problem now i cant use My memory card
from the Memory card utility which means i cant load my save file :(
Try connecting your PSP to your PC then move the save file from your PSP onto your PC. Afterwards format your PSP and then re-transfer the save file. There's a possibility that your save data may have corrupted however but it's worth giving it a shot.
by P3F you meant to Persona 3 FES right?
dk it had ps3 HD port....

but i got a problem now i cant use My memory card
from the Memory card utility which means i cant load my save file

what did u meant? o_O

Try connecting your PSP to your PC then move the save file from your PSP onto your PC. Afterwards format your PSP and then re-transfer the save file. There's a possibility that your save data may have corrupted however but it's worth giving it a shot.

don't he was talking about his PS3?
or that Memory card utility is on the PSP and meant to be used as transfer progrem for the ps3?
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well there's and memory card utility in the ps3 in the game menu
you can make a ps1 memory card or ps2 i maked a ps2 memory card but i cant use it in P3F
and yes i meant Persona 3 FES

Try connecting your PSP to your PC then move the save file from your PSP onto your PC. Afterwards format your PSP and then re-transfer the save file. There's a possibility that your save data may have corrupted however but it's worth giving it a shot.
i play in the ps3 not psp :)
You have P3FES on PSP store...What?! UK no has D:

Well I believe you can still transfer the data on a USB device. Though I'm not sure how that's going to help in this situation now.

Actually, it doesn't help at all...

But I think in order to use the built in memory card you have to save in game.
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First i made a ps2 Memory in my ps3 then i transfer the data in my usb then to my ps3
but the problem is i cant use the ps2 memory card i made :sigh:
How can you place memory card into the PS3 or to any other device aside from the PS1/2 ? xD

what ps3 model you have? the very first one with the chip that let u run PS2 games correct?
Yea but my question is how you use it?

i don't know a way to take the save files from my old PS2 memory card xD

Also how can you play P3F in the PS3?
it have HD port or you just have the first model of the PS3? : o
the store sell the game i bought and about the save game i donwload it from gamefaqs xD
theres a way but its hard :sigh:
Oh i see,

so there's a PS3 port after all? o_o

never heard that P3 had one...
:bigeyes: i have been searching for a long time to how to use The memory card then
i discoverd there are people who have the same problem :(

so basally people upload their saves and you just need to dd them with your PS3 right?

i don't think that it will work for all PS2 games since the PS3 and PS2 have different saves mechanisms, sure some games may work with it... but i don't think that all will =\

why you need saves anyway though? xD
won't it be better to play the game yourself ? :P
first it work if you convert the save file to PSV Files
second if i cant use the Memory card how can i save if i reached a high level ? :sigh:
Ahh pressing on the "Save" button not works there after you put the PSV file in the right place ? xD
i can assign the memory card to slot 1 or 2 lets say i assigned the memory card to slot 1
after i run the game the assigned memory card automaticly remove the assign slot :sigh:
if there no assigned slot there's no memory card :sigh:
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It is impossible to get the answer from us, since we do not have the same problems. Search up the problem on Google and if you cannot find it, then tough luck.
I still don't get how PS3 have memory cards slots ;D

did he need to connect it to the PS2 and then connect his PS2 with USB to the PS3 in order to see the save files? xD
You can create a memory card on the PS3. There are no slots to put the PS2 memory cards in, so Sony decided to make digital memory cards on the PS3. And there are also memory card adapters that you can buy, so you can put in your physical PS2 memory card into the PS3.
Oh i see

i have 2 PS3 and singel PS2 and never even bothered to search for something like that :surprised:

Well... i don't really was needed to take any saves from my old PS2.....

you should try to restore all the files on the memory card.

or simply call customer support they should be able to help you out

hope this helps.
I will try that thanks for the help

It is impossible to get the answer from us, since we do not have the same problems. Search up the problem on Google and if you cannot find it, then tough luck.
And i wouldnt ask here if i didnt search on google :sigh:

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