[Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

There is no texture in 00 and there never should be. In 00 are TextAssets only. Your texture would go into the copy of the lip texture file.

Sb3UGS creates backups if you haven't switched it off. Just rename the .bak0 file and you are fresh.
One tangent - one vertex. One way would be to weld the mesh. Another way would be to use "Copy Nearest" for normals when replacing.

Tangents are the result of UVs and normals. So even if the normals at these vertices (at that position) are the same, and they have different UVs, then the tangents must be different. And this is correct that they are.
One tangent - one vertex. One way would be to weld the mesh. Another way would be to use "Copy Nearest" for normals when replacing.

Tangents are the result of UVs and normals. So even if the normals at these vertices (at that position) are the same, and they have different UVs, then the tangents must be different. And this is correct that they are.

found out the cause was from the weight painted fbx, reverted back to the body mesh and that fix all the normals & tangent.

Can we merge two front hairs with different bones into a single one? I'm supposing it's not possible, but I needed to ask anyways.
Durp, yah I knew that. I got 00.unity3d mixed up in my head with ct_t_tattoo_b.unity3d
Of corse 00.unity is used for the list.

What I meant was when I went to delete textures from ct_t_tattoo_b.untiy3d.
Particularly my prototype tattoo texture, I was left with the all white china doll girl.
When I restored my backup ct_t_tattoo_b.unity, it was fixed but I made that backup overtop my old one, so Im stuck with my prototype tattoo.
I tried this again. Deleting my prototype texture and removing it from the ct_t_tattoo_b.unity list in 00.Unity3d at the same time and again I was left with an all white china girl in my character creator.

Im curious what causes that or is the cause simply deleting textures from the games core file.
I dont see a reason why this should not be possible.

  1. Merge the skeletons in the destination Animator
  2. Merge the other hair
  3. Add DynamicBone MBs - one per bone chain.

To know when exactly an original asset is used requires to reverse engineer the game. But it seems pretty clear by the result that an asset is missed. Or the file had been corrupted by Sb3UGS (I wouldn't know why this should have happened but I would need the file for verification).

Sb3UGs always tries to replace a texture in place when you use the file's Asset menu / "Replace ..." or Replace in the Texture editor. May be you had replaced an original and then had deleted it?

I would need the texture and the commands of the session from the SB3UtilityGUI.autosavescript.txt to reproduce this.
I resolved my problem by the way by reinstalling the base games cf_t_tattoo_b_00.Unity3d...

If you want a rundown of what caused my problem Ill do my best to list my steps.

1# Opened abdata>chara cf_t_tattoo_b_00.unity3d
2# Opened abdata>list>characustom 00.unity3d and scrolled down to cf_t_tattoo_b_00.unity3d and selected it.
3# Switched back to cf_t_tattoo_b_00.unity3d and selected "replace texture" imported testtex.PNG
4# Switched back over to 00.unity and scrolled down to the bottom of the list and added the necessary data.
5# 271019 19 proto chara/cf_t_tattoo_b_00.unity3d testtex 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
6# Saved 00.unity3d, and saved Cf_t_tattoo_b_00.unity3d.
7# Opened up the game and found my tattoo prototype there and working.
repeat step 1 and 2
8# selected texture testtex.PNG
9# selected "attention" then selected Delete.
10# switched over to 00.unity3d and deleted 271019 19 proto chara/cf_t_tattoo_b_00.unity3d testtex 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 from the list.
11# saved 00.unity3d and Ct_f_tattoo_b_00.unity3d.

I open the game and My girl is all white as in the picture I posted on the previous page.

Replacing abdata with backup of abdata fixes.
#3 is not precise enough. That's why I wanted to have the session log. But lets assume you had used the Texture editor, and the texture would have been selected when you pressed "Replace". Then you would not have seen the tattoo in game when you clicked the entry. There would have been no testtex Texture in the file. So I guess you had pressed "Add Image" instead. I had continued this way added both things, checked the result, removed both things, checked the result, and all was fine.

The other question is what is "My girl" / chinese girl? Is it a customized one or the vanilla?
#3 is not precise enough. That's why I wanted to have the session log. But lets assume you had used the Texture editor, and the texture would have been selected when you pressed "Replace". Then you would not have seen the tattoo in game when you clicked the entry. There would have been no testtex Texture in the file. So I guess you had pressed "Add Image" instead. I had continued this way added both things, checked the result, removed both things, checked the result, and all was fine.

The other question is what is "My girl" / chinese girl? Is it a customized one or the vanilla?

I don't think it had anything to do with the addition/removal of texture, but the editing of the list. he might have missed a character while removing the entry or delete one. having the default 'my girl'show up all white (chinadoll) is mostly due to a bad list (notice a lot of game breaking is because of this)
Well to elaborate on step 3
With ct_f_tattoo_b_00.unity3d open I clicked on "assets" and then clicked on "replace files" I then went theu the files and selected my prototype tattoo file named testtex.PNG.
Up until that point it was not on the list.
I hit open and it was imported into the folder. The *appeared next to the name which I have figured out is the indicator that the file has been altered but not saved.

It would later be the deletion of this one texture file testtex.PNG, I had inserted that caused my problem.
That or the list as Dilldoe suggested it may be.

When I refereed to "my girl" I meant the default girl in the editor, as well as every other girl in the game. They ALL had flat white skin like porcelain or glass dolls, thus the nick name China doll.
It being a issue with the list is least something.
Hello guy!
I am quite new to SB3Util and i want to get the animation files (best in fbx format) from HS. Can you help me how i can do this? I came so far that I placed the .unity3d files in the female anim folder into SB3Util but I could not export the single Animations shown in the bar. would be great if u would have a answer for my "problem"
I dont see a reason why this should not be possible.

  1. Merge the skeletons in the destination Animator
  2. Merge the other hair
  3. Add DynamicBone MBs - one per bone chain.

Great, I thought we'd be limited to the ones we have in the current animator. Thanks for the answer!
Hi :)
I'm having a problem trying to make a new necklace.

I have altered the necklace very slightly and after importing it back into the package, it appears to work in every aspect except it's now not scaling in game :/

The movement and rotation work fine, but for scaling it almost appears to 'move' rather than 'scale' and from a rotation point high above the character.

I have tried numerous methods, and even setup Blender and tried the very slight re-working in fbx >.>

I have no idea what I am doing wrong, when it has worked perfectly for other clothes I've 'tweaked' .

Perhaps some kind soul could have a quick look and give some guidance please :)

Thanks in advance :)

Yay :D Thank you enimaroah :D

I guess this begs the questions as to what is the difference between skinned and unskinned meshes, and when would you use either, and what constitutes a blendshape or morph ^^

If you have any sage advice or can point me in the right direction for 'simple' explanations I would be most grateful :)

Many many thanks yet again for resolving my crisis :D
You should try my Glossary. While I it is bigger on HF, I still have one with basic information here on AS.

For simplicity, an unskinned mesh might be positioned, rotated and scaled, but its form is the same always (we ignore what shaders can do here). A skinned mesh might be bend right in the middle in addition to what can be done to an unskinned mesh. That's what skeletal bone animations do to skinned meshes. But while skeletal bone animations are used for unprecise deformation of areas, morphing can be used to precisely move single vertices. The latter is most often used for facial expressions. See the head meshes in HS, SBPR.

Unity has the special requirement that morphs can only be applied to SkinnedMeshRenderers. Although the mesh could be unskinned, with a morph you have to use a SkinnedMeshRenderer by definition. Such information can be found in the Unity manual.
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Hi :)
I've been experimenting with transparencies and I think it may be a common problem, but the clothing beneath seems to be taking priority over the transparent item.
I have tried various settings, and searched the Unity database, but can't seem to find good explanations of DstBlend or SrcBlend ... and trying different values randomly only seems to make things worse :(
Any help would be most appreciated :)
Thanks in advance :)
Your attachment isn't visible to me.

Transparency - and I tested hair layers with this - should be designed with SetRenderQueue MonoBehaviour's attribute m_queue data and the Material's CustomRenderQueue attribute. Their values define the render order of the meshes. Please read Belgar17's post with the information from the manual.

I used existing hair material for this and never edited SrcBlend and DestBlend attributes.
That helps a lot thank you :D
I have checked it again, and well without a picture, it's a transparent skirt, and the panties show through ... but upon checking, some panties work fine, whilst others show through ^^
I shall do more testing thank you :D

EDIT: Yep ! That did the trick :D
Seems some clothes are set at RenderQueue of -1 and some at 3000 ^^
But setting the transparent part to 3500 makes it appear perfectly :D

Gawd ... I wish as I was clever as you enimoroah :D

Thanks so much :D
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How do you import rotation/translation from a 3d editor back into sb3u?

I exported cf_O_shoes_03, changed some geometry including rotation in 3dsmax, fitting it to cf_O_body_00. Then exported with Tangents and Binormals, TurboSmooth, Convert Deforming Dummies to Bones, Triangulate and Preserve edge orientation. When importing the fbx into sb3u, I see ImportedFrame, Imported Mesh and ImportedAnimation.

It seems like ImportedAnimation contains Rotations but I expect that information to be stored in ImportedFrame after reading the sb3u glossary.

When I drag the cf_O_shoes_03 node under ImportedFrame into the same in the object tree and merge, it created a new node under the existing cf_O_shoes_03 node. I assume that isn't what I want.

I dragged ImportedAnimation into the same node, I don't see any change.

Regardless, back in the character maker, I see the expected mesh change but the rotation/translation is not imported.

Would appreciate any pointers. I must have missed some key information but I couldn't find it in sb3u glossary and links.

Not sure if there is a solution to this, but I have a mesh, with alpha texture, SetRenderQueue Mono of 9999 (way beyond transparent/overlay), cast/receive shadows set to zero & unchecked and normals/tangent looks good. in theory it's suppose to be an invisible mesh (sans area of the texture that's not alpha) yet it gives a dark outline, like there's a shadow over the whole mesh.

even tried editing the shader to make sure queue & render are set to overlay, but nothing works.
Dont rotate mesh objects in 3DS Max! I had sometimes fallen into the same pit in Maya too. Switch to Component Mode and rotate, translate or scale the vertices instead.

The mesh nodes in said 3d editors have their own extra transformation matrix, which is not considered by Sb3UGS on import.

The ImportedAnimations are most likely pointless. You might have created a key frame by accident? Animations can not be applied to the Object Tree of the Animator. Exchanging animations is handled in AnimatorControllers and Animations.

I hope you had not changed the skeleton because changes would be overridden by all animations. Additional Transforms could added to the leaves though. And there you would drag those parts from the ImportedFrames into the Object Tree.

Bones (which define the rest pose) are part of the skinned ImportedMesh. They come into the mesh automatically with the "Replace" for bones option in the replacement dialog.

The SetRenderQueue MB value define the rendering order but not how a mesh looks. The problem must lie elsewhere, material or texture attributes I would suspect and the shader of course.
Wow that worked! Thanks a lot @enimaroah, not sure how I would have found that if not for you!

So that worked without me having to do anything with the ImportedFrame. What is actually stored in the ImportedFrame? See screenshot. If I drag the cf_O_shoes_03 under ImportedFrame into cf_O_shoes_03, it would create a new node under cf_O_shoes_03. What kind of additional transforms would I be able to add as you describe? Feel free to point me to one of your articles in the glossary but I don't think I came across this topic browsing through the glossary.
Frames are synonyms for Transforms. They build hierarchies and each includes a transformation matrix. They are used for different purposes. One purpose is to create the skeleton which is required for skeletal bone animation. The other purpose is to store meshes in an organized and hierarchical way. You are free in this part and can create new transforms for new meshes.

Your workspace of flat1.fbx looks incomplete, as if you had excluded the skin from the export. Only the path to the mesh is present, but the skeleton is missing. If you had not deleted the skeleton in the workspace and the skeleton really wasn't included in the file then the ImportedMesh will kill the skin of the replacement if you would use "Replace" for bones. Please check your export options in 3DS Max and include the skin.
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Circle/Brand: GOLD
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Release Date: 2021/01/29
File size: 408.84 MB
File Format: m4a
Information: https://www.dlsite.com/girls-drama-touch/work/=/product_id/BJ278143.html

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