[Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Sorry to post this here...does the mod release thread require admin approval/screening before the post will appear? I made a post there yesterday, took a while to appear and now after editing it, it disappeared again, presumably it needs another approval?
What is your swap threshold setting in options, I don't know if increasing that value could help.

I set to 8192 and didn't help. But i replaced with dxt1 since it's a grayscale image, so there won't be much difference.between dxt1/dxt5/rgb format. I'll release it and give credit to you for main file if you don't mind. :)

Edit: It's the face specular map.

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What is your swap threshold setting in options, I don't know if increasing that value could help.
That limit is only relevant for the old Illusion engine (pp/xx).

Sorry to post this here...does the mod release thread require admin approval/screening before the post will appear? I made a post there yesterday, took a while to appear and now after editing it, it disappeared again, presumably it needs another approval?
There is no post from you I can see, not even a deleted one. Every registered user should be able to post there.

Do what you want to do with a smaller texture, cut the generated script from the Script window, adapt your environment or the script and run it with the script version of Sb3UGS.
@enimaroah that's the thing. The post vanished after I updated it. When I posted the first time, a popup came up saying something like the post will only appear after being reviewed. The post eventually showed up today that's how I managed to edit it just now.

If it helps, the post was between Animat0r's and Belgar17's.
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Do what you want to do with a smaller texture, cut the generated script from the Script window, adapt your environment or the script and run it with the script version of Sb3UGS.

Would you mind look at it?

//opensUNITY3D0 = FormUnity3d("E:\illusion\HoneySelect\abdata\chara\cf_m_face_01.unity3d", "opensUNITY3D0") // GUI only
unityParser0 = OpenUnity3d(path="E:\illusion\HoneySelect\abdata\chara\cf_m_face_01.unity3d")
//unityEditor0 = Unity3dEditor(parser=unityParser0)
//opensUNITY3D0.OpenAnimator(componentIndex=-1, virtualAnimator=False) // GUI only
//animatorEditor0 = AnimatorEditor(cabinet=unityparser0.Cabinet)
animatorEditor0 = AnimatorEditor("cf_face_body_00_00_00")
//opensDDS0 = OpenImageFile("E:\illusion\HoneySelect\Plugins\SkinTexMod\Textures\AC_PR_Female_Skin_Direct\pc_f_face_s.dds", "opensDDS0") // GUI only
image0 = ImportTexture(path="E:\illusion\HoneySelect\Plugins\SkinTexMod\Textures\AC_PR_Female_Skin_Direct\pc_f_face_s.dds")
//GUItexture = image0
//GUItexture = image0
animatorEditor0.ReplaceTexture(id=0, image=image0, flip=False)
unityEditor0.SaveUnity3d(keepBackup=False, backupExtension=".unit-y3d", background=True, pathIDsMode=-1)

It said "Couldn't match args for AnimatorEditor<>".
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Ah, I see your post count is very small. The first posts might have to pass an inspection by admins. Or was your post very small with not much text? Then it might have been rated as spam automatically. Advertise your mod a bit more and attach images, if it doesn't show up by tomorrow.

No, dont change any argument types until you have a bit of a feeling for this object oriented scripting. Also, use the main menu Options / Plugins then click UnityPlugin.dll. You will find the signatures of all public member functions.

To get an AnimatorEditor you have two constructors, but none of them accepts a string as an argument!

The minimum would be:
unityParser0 = OpenUnity3d(path="E:\illusion\HoneySelect\abdata\chara\cf_m_face_01.unity3d")
unityEditor0 = Unity3dEditor(parser=unityParser0)
unityEditor0.GetAssetNames(filter=True) [color=green]// this reads only the names of all assets. You should leave this call in.[/color]
animatorEditor0 = AnimatorEditor(cabinet=unityparser0.Cabinet) [color=green]// this opens a Material & Texture Animator[/color]
image0 = ImportTexture(path="E:\illusion\HoneySelect\Plugins\SkinTexMod\Textures\AC_PR_Female_Skin_Direct\pc_f_face_s.dds")
animatorEditor0.ReplaceTexture(id=0, image=image0, flip=False)
unityEditor0.SaveUnity3d(keepBackup=False, backupExtension=".unit-y3d", background=[color=#E25041]False[/color], pathIDsMode=-1)
Code not verified! I couldn't because you weren't working with vanilla files.

I'll add a few helper functions of the class AnimatorEditor:
int GetTextureId(string name)
int GetMaterialId(string name)

If you want to use the name of a texture, then you would insert before the replacement:
texId = animatorEditor0.GetTextureId(name="cf_s_face_00_00_00")
animatorEditor0.ReplaceTexture(id=texId, image=image0, flip=False) [color=green]// and replace the id argument from the literal to your variable texId[/color]
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Oh, good, so it's not just me! I mostly see the impact in the CM, though sometimes in the Studio, as well.
It could also be skintexmod if you are using it with autoload. Any charas using overlay would take that avg skin load time per each chara, direct mode(DDS) should be quick.
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anyone know if Hairset are just saved profiled (ie. cooridinate) or a separate asset? I can't seem to find either.
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It could also be skintexmod if you are using it with autoload. Any charas using overlay would take that avg skin load time per each chara, direct mode(DDS) should be quick.
I might agree with you on that, but I'm not currently using it.

Just to clarify, removing it from the Plugins folder removes it completely, correct? Just want to be 100% sure, since awhile ago, I thought it was to blame for something else, but it turned out to be the WideSlider mod needing to be repatched. I'll wait a little bit before reinstalling it, since I read Gil mentioning something about a bug with it.

*Update* - I just figured it out: It's ReShade 3.0's "Clarity" that cut the fps all way down to 40-45fps; turning it off raised it to about 55-57fps, and turning off "Adaptive Sharpen" got it up to 60fps. Thankfully, LumaSharpen is a less demanding option, but I'll miss how Clarity makes the game look. : /
Though, a curious thing... Clarity has little to no effect with the Studio, but impacts the character creation in the way I mentioned before. Strange.
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anyone know if Hairset are just saved profiled (ie. cooridinate) or a separate asset? I can't seem to find either.

All hair pieces which shows as Hair sets are located in the same files as the back hair (cf_hair_b_??). There is a flag in the corresponding customlist which determine if they will show in the Hair set menu or in the Back hair menu.
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All hair pieces which shows as Hair sets are located in the same files as the back hair (cf_hair_b_??). There is a flag in the corresponding customlist which determine if they will show in the Hair set menu or in the Back hair menu.

thx, figured it out once I found sitri's hairset in customlist
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I might agree with you on that, but I'm not currently using it.

Just to clarify, removing it from the Plugins folder removes it completely, correct? Just want to be 100% sure, since awhile ago, I thought it was to blame for something else, but it turned out to be the WideSlider mod needing to be repatched. I'll wait a little bit before reinstalling it, since I read Gil mentioning something about a bug with it.

*Update* - I just figured it out: It's ReShade 3.0's "Clarity" that cut the fps all way down to 40-45fps; turning it off raised it to about 55-57fps, and turning off "Adaptive Sharpen" got it up to 60fps. Thankfully, LumaSharpen is a less demanding option, but I'll miss how Clarity makes the game look. : /
Though, a curious thing... Clarity has little to no effect with the Studio, but impacts the character creation in the way I mentioned before. Strange.

Removing the dll stops the mod from loading at all.
Ill see if i can fix that bug GIL came across.

Also studio uses foward rendering path, while the rest of the game uses deferred rendering.

Deferred is the quality rich rendering mode but its more demanding.
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@enimaroah Excellent code! The file size become crazy 460MB now, lol. And i noticed the script can be executed successfully without GUI image view in SB3UtilityGUI. That'll be better if it has a switch. Thank you very much.
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Removing the dll stops the mod from loading at all.
Ill see if i can fix that bug GIL came across.

Also studio uses foward rendering path, while the rest of the game uses deferred rendering.

Deferred is the quality rich rendering mode but its more demanding.
Ahh, well, I have everything saved, still, so just throwing the dll back in shouldn't be an issue.
Thanks for the Studio info! Yeah, past experiences with even the SBPR Studio should have hinted at that, as well.
@enimaroah Excellent code! The file size become crazy 460MB now, lol. And i noticed the script can be executed successfully without GUI image view in SB3UtilityGUI. That'll be better if it has a switch. Thank you very much.

Keep in mind that when you run scripts in SB3UtilityGUI, then the GUI doesn't update to reflect your changes automatically. Also, script variables are not cleared and hold all their memory afterwards. So when you are done with the scripting part of your work you should restart Sb3UGS before working normal again. SB3UtilityScript.exe is the better option for running scripts.
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Following your external material example, I manage to get new hair meshes to reference material/texture from default mat_cha_00.unity3d file by creating an add** file & adding the external references.

The only glitch is it won't show the material/texture, unless I choose another hair slot first (ie. have it in hairset, need to choose a back hair first) So character saved with new hair won't load with the correct material without toggling it first.

Is there something I'm missing?
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If there is need to select anything else before your creation then there is something wrong. Hm, the only thing I can think of would be the name of your mod geometry file and list file. They break the name pattern, of course. In my last test I used an unmatching name for the mod geometry file and the external material wasn't found. I will check if an unmatching resource file causes the same problem.

And I had forgotten to mention that you have to move or delete backups of the add?? file. All these files in the abdata are read and backups from Sb3UGS confuse the game.

Yes, we have good luck here! I first used an external material from mat_cha_00.unity3d in the head accessory example. It was shown, but on second thought this was no proof, because the default girl in the maker most likely causes the loading of that resource file already. Therefore, I used another material from mat_cha_01.unity3d, and yes it was shown likewise. So I am sure that the resource file doesn't have to match the filename pattern.

This means, I have no further clue. Please attach your workfiles, and I will try to find the problem.
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I think I might have found the cause(s)
first was that it was still referencing 'abdata' instead my new add** in the list since I basically copy paste from default hair file.
the other was putting it in my custom folder. moving the mod geometry file in back into chara/ fix the errors.

everything seems too be working as it should now. gonna run some more test to see if there's any more errors.
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Hi :)

Firstly thanks to all the modders and developers that are making this game so much more :D

I noticed that there are many 'cool' 'Swimsuit Bottoms' that cannot be mixed with the Normal Tops in the clothing section.

I read a post on HF by Belgar that the tops cannot be swapped from Swimsuit to Normal as the body meshes are different, however, most of the Swimsuit Bottoms appear to be short skirt like, and I wanted to try to see if they looked ok.

I have read through over 100 forum pages and am totally lost to say the least. :(

I have made clothes for PPD in the past, and I realise that Unity is quite different, but if someone could take a few minutes just to explain how I would 'rename' the 'cf_swim_bot_00' package to 'cf_bot_XX', I would be extremely grateful :)

Whereas I realise this may not work, and may require additional steps, if you could point me in the right direction it would help me learn for more complex creations.

Thank you in advance :)
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Did I get you right?

I added a swimsuit bottom as normal bottom with a copy of an entry in the list file.
Yes ! :D

Thank you :)

Ok ... still working my way through the threads for instructions :)

But I have got it to work thank you so much :D

If I can work out a way of separating them into a new list package then I'd be happy to upload it for others who may like the option :)

I'll check the other 'skirts' to see if they clip too much as well :)

Many many thanks in advance :)
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I have a week off from my program. So I need to know the updates. Like. What is latest SB3UGS tool. Any tutorials links. Also I heard item resolver tutorial what is that. I can complete most work in a week and submit it to the Release thread. Thanks.

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Hello, could you reupload the Katfile link? Thanks.
Title: Happy Valentine ! with Homare
Circle/Brand: GOLD
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Release Date: 2021/01/29
File size: 408.84 MB
File Format: m4a
Information: https://www.dlsite.com/girls-drama-touch/work/=/product_id/BJ278143.html

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