[HELP!] [M de PINK] しすたー・すきーむ2HD


New member
Jun 16, 2013
I'm getting tired of playing the game since I don't understand japanese and I found its story quite long. So I decided to download its save data although I don't know where to put it! HELP! I'm using the cracked version with a nodvd so I think the problem is that I did not use the setup.exe file so it did not install the necessary files including the save folder. please help me out here. I would appreciate it.
I don't know if you haven't solved this yet, but if you still need help then could you please take a screenshot of the game folder? Save files could be anywhere in the folder. I've also noticed that some games have their save files in My Documents..
save go to:
   C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Mink\sische2HD\save\

username refers to your computer name

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