ALICE=ALICE Discussion


Elite Member
May 31, 2013
Hi, I just completed ALICE=ALICE (cries)

I loved the game! Even through there were things I didn't like at all, I loved everyone except that one person*cough*Ura Alice*cough*in the endings!

My favorite was Cheshire Cat because gosh he is so adorable >^< Especially his system voice for the load was kyaaaaa >< "今日もきゃわいいねえ~もー食べちゃいたい!" That's my phrase >O< I want to eat him! www And he had a doM side which made me love him even more ;W;
My love for Kuro Usagi and Sangatsu Usagi are equal @w@ I love both of them! The tsunderes >^< I went dokidoki when they said "I don't like you!" when you ask them do they love you in the special voices, but "W-well, I love you more than my favorite food" when you ask them how much they love you >W<
I guess my love for Boushiya and King are also equal .u. Because they annoyed me at the beginning of their routes but I loved them as they developed. I didn't listen to their special voices except for the forth one though. Because it was their first personality which I hated, not the changed people I loved.
I hated Ura Alice because the doS characters aren't for me ^.^ The only thing I loved about him is some special voice parts and his reality ending. Even Midorin couldn't make me love him, sorry Midorin

Edit: By the way, I hated the heroine because she was too alike with the DiaLover heroine -. -.
Pfff, what do you think, its rejet after all...

You like Cherish cat as well?? The cat is a cutie, especially with my bias as Nao-niii :nekopara_innocent:

I cant come to love the heroine and Uraalice as well, it too... urgh... :nekopara_staaare:

I love Sangetsu more than black but both of them are still my beloved :nekopara_cheer:
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hello, I kinda agree with you with certain points about alice=alice !!
I liked ura alice's reality ending too. it was so...convincing? about how to settle up the story. before the ending it was usual Rejet though. But I like his stand up CG so it was fine, I mean I already made up my mind to some extent of DV before playing the game lol
I guess my favorite one is Boushiya so far. He was narcissist but not in a way to offend anyone. people just get tired of his attitude and it was cute when he's depressed about that no one comes to his party. maybe I'm comparing him with King...
Cheshire cat was really...I was surprised that Rejet didn't include any actual bad endings. well, there's one or two supposed to be "bad or not happy enough" endings but overall the cat likes Alice fairly and didn't treat her like a slut nor dump her like the usual Rejet and I really liked that. I praise Rejet for making him.

dot kare and Alice= alice are my favorite rejet game >w<
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I haven't played all the routes or anything but I guess it was pretty cool (or maybe just okay) for what it was seeing as the eating concept wasn't really my thing: it honestly just creeped me out instead and made me skip those lines away; they'd just say stuff like, "Oh, you actually like this, don't you? Stop denying it, if you say no you obviously mean yes 8D" anyway (I know, something like Diabolik Lovers really isn't for me... ^^').

Like, I started with the King, ragequit because he was being a sadistic bastard and did Cheshire Cat instead which was the best decision ever: Cheshire Cat is probably one of my favorite dudes in otome games ever, he was so awesome! I did all of his endings and do not regret a single thing... I got back to the King afterwards and I guess he got better as the route passed so I was pretty meh towards him in the end although I would've rather done Leo, his lion (well, kinda...) for God's sake, than him. But still, I guess he was fine? I only did two of his endings by the way. LOL That one CG where his head was way too big though, that was awkward XD

Beyond those routes, I did bits of Sangatsu Usagi (March Hare?) and the Hatter but got bored because of that set of two choices that appears all the time: "What do I do today?" Why do you even need to ask, you have to get eaten in both choices anyway! Sangatsu Usagi's tsundere-ness was nice I guess and the Hatter's narcissism was pretty hilarious but I was getting way too tired of all the eating.

Recently, I decided to actually do Ura-Alice and just as I thought, he was a sadistic bastard too so it was thouroughly unenjoyable: when I got to hear his reasons for being like that to Usagi Nyanko (I named the heroine Usagi Nyanko XD), I did not feel sympathy for him because he was so awful to her before and to make matters worse, he would spam the damned reason for being a sadistic bastard over and over and over again to the point that I was just playing along with him so that I wouldn't flip tables ("Yes, it's all my fault, I suck, totally =_="). I actually got to his ending but hell if I do another one of his endings, I'm done with that guy lol.

I liked the art style but they'd always smile like some creepers in their sprites (except one of Cheshire Cat's expressions, dem hearts XD), can't they smile of normal happiness? It's not like they're only happy when they're eating the heroine so it's kind of weird when they're smiling like that in a situation when they're not supposed to come off as creepy. And lol
how did Cheshire Cat get to be a model in the Reality Ending, he's not that attractive (but he's awesome and that's all that counts) XDD but I guess that's a subjective opinion, huh.
So yeah, I guess that's what I think of the game... I write too much ^^'
I seriously don't get why this game got so much praise- it makes me paranoid that I missed something big that instantly changes the quality of it. I honestly think the whole "eating" thing was a lame attempt at baiting Diabolik Lovers fangirls. Not only that, but it has many hallmarks of a rushed (or just plain bad) game- inconsistent route quality, having many ass-pulls to tie the plot up (that sometimes ironically bore more questions and confusions), unexplained instances that are never touched upon again and shallow characterisations. It's average at its best, and at its worse, torture to sit through. The variation of quality must have been because of the many writers working on it.

Alice=Alice shot itself in the foot because of this little rule they created for those in Wonderland: "If you desire it/wish for it enough, you can have anything in Wonderland." Since it's not a place tied by the rules of the real world, this should have solved many issues the characters faced. How the hell does the mysterious forces of Wonderland gauge how "much" somebody wants something? What's the line between "desires it enough" and "not enough, so sorry, your lifelong wish won't be granted"? Where is the line between "a wish too fantastical, even for Wonderland" and "alright, I can grant that wish which could never, ever happen in ordinary circumstances"?

Was it ever adequately (or at all!) explained:

~ Why Asuka couldn't go back whenever she wanted? Yes, I'm aware there were times that "deep down, she didn't want to go back", but I'm sure Asuka wished for it enough when she thought her mother's life was in danger in Ura-Alice's route. We know that a key back to Japan can be materialised by Asuka's desires thanks to Chesire's route (in which it plays an important role. Chesire also mentions in his route that things can be obtained from nothing through deep desires/wishes). Why didn't it come out here? Or anywhere else?

~ Why can't Sangatsu wish to become a human? If people can wish for portals/doors back to a different dimension, how is it unreasonable for an anthropomorphic rabbit to become human? Sangatsu looks nothing like a rabbit. If nobody told me he was a rabbit, I wouldn't think he's not a human. On top of that, we know that humans can become rabbits, since Sangatsu can create drugs to achieve this. So let's recap: A human can become a fantastical creature thanks to drugs created without any magical means, but a rabbit-but-mostly-human-looking Sangatsu can't wish to the "forces" of Wonderland to become human? He biologically resembles a human far, far more than a rabbit.

~ Why did Asuka die in Sangatsu's Alice ending, but not in the real world ending? How do the choices reflect that she would not succeed?

~ Why do only Asuka and Ura-Alice have "two opposing sides of the same coin" relationship? Why doesn't anybody else on Earth or in Wonderland have this connection?

~ Why did Ura-Alice leave Asuka alone for pretty much 83% of the game? We know he is capable of interfering with Asuka's plan(s) of going back to Japan in the Alice ending of Boushiya's route. We know he LOATHES Asuka. He confessed to being able to know whatever she's thinking. He has the clear advantage here. What stops him elsewhere? Why?

~ How the hell does King hold so much power? He clearly was shown to not be able to deal with a coup d'état since we know King is powerless on his own. What stopped the many dissatisfied citizens, servants and assistants from rebelling against the King earlier? Is it because he'd curse them? If so, why did they decide to rebel him in the Wonderland end anyway? How did they know that they'd be safe from his "curse" when only King and Asuka knows that King actually has no such powers? What were they planning to do if he cursed them out of spite of being locked up?
Nope, not at all. There are so many more examples, but I'm sure the picture is painted well enough.

The only routes which I enjoyed were King's and Boushiya's- they're by no means something to write home about, but they were fun and usually, made the most sense. Chesire Neko and Sangatsu Usagi were just okay and don't get me started on Kuro Usagi or Ura-Alice- for characters seemingly advertised as the "mains", their routes were boring, badly written or both. Ura-Alice is the worst route and character in the game, even though he's sorta the most important character to Alice/Asuka!

I do praise Alice=Alice for Asuka though, since she's not your typical protagonist. While she does start acting like a typical heroine, it's usually AFTER she's established a friendship or relationship with the character. I like King's and Boushiya's character development.

Aines445 said:
Beyond those routes, I did bits of Sangatsu Usagi (March Hare?) and the Hatter but got bored because of that set of two choices that appears all the time: "What do I do today?" Why do you even need to ask, you have to get eaten in both choices anyway! Sangatsu Usagi's tsundere-ness was nice I guess and the Hatter's narcissism was pretty hilarious but I was getting way too tired of all the eating.

Every route has those sets of two choices, BTW. -_- They should have just added those events in the plot without making them choices. My theory is that they were going to be choices, but the writers couldn't be bothered writing around this. As for Sangatsu, he's so stereotypically tsundere, I got scared for Rejet. Is this supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek parody? Or was Rejet dead serious with this being "a good character". Don't get me started on why he wanted to become a human so badly. Talk about an anticlimax!

Aines445 said:
Recently, I decided to actually do Ura-Alice and just as I thought, he was a sadistic bastard too so it was thouroughly unenjoyable: when I got to hear his reasons for being like that to Usagi Nyanko (I named the heroine Usagi Nyanko XD), I did not feel sympathy for him because he was so awful to her before and to make matters worse, he would spam the damned reason for being a sadistic bastard over and over and over again to the point that I was just playing along with him so that I wouldn't flip tables ("Yes, it's all my fault, I suck, totally =_="). I actually got to his ending but hell if I do another one of his endings, I'm done with that guy lol.

God, his route is one of the worst routes I've read all year. Not only just because he's a completely unlikable bastard in any shape or form, but because the writing is so inconsistent and subpar. It's not entirely unreasonable for him

to be so angry, but why did he expect remorse from Asuka? Why did the writers think we'd care? Asuka literally had no idea how her negative actions were affecting Ura-Alice. When people are angry, they get irrational, then they want to blame others for their problems, which can warp into revenge... I get all that...
...Even so, Ura-Alice's route is such a mess. A badly written, a badly characterised trainwreck. Don't waste your time with his other endings; they're all garbage, though in terms of his character, I think the Wonderland one makes the most sense.

BTW, don't worry about writing too much. I nearly always do and we're all here to discuss what little there is to talk about Alice=Alice.
I like the king's very much! I didnt think I will like him but actually his path is sweet enough and the best ending too ^^
and the CV is my fav too! shimono hiro!
I like all of them though
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In my point of view, this was just Rejets game for seiyuu biased girls and at the same time take advantage of the fact that the artist is gaining popularity through the Hakuouki CD's.
Same as anime productions, they release supplementary animes (13 episode animes ) to gain a bit of money to add funds to their main projects.

Well that aside, indeed the game got my head scratching with the amount of plot holes it had especially with the rules but I pretend to add a sensible reason for it.

Why Asuka couldn't go back whenever she wanted? Yes, I'm aware there were times that "deep down, she didn't want to go back", but I'm sure Asuka wished for it enough when she thought her mother's life was in danger in Ura-Alice's route. We know that a key back to Japan can be materialised by Asuka's desires thanks to Chesire's route (in which it plays an important role. Chesire also mentions in his route that things can be obtained from nothing through deep desires/wishes). Why didn't it come out here? Or anywhere else?

Because she's lewd. /me points at Asuka's hidden hentai stash.
Jokes aside, I remembered in Black Rabbit's route that deep inside she was expecting to meet someone. She's expecting someone to change her. She desires to escape, true, but she also desires to meet that certain person. This contradicts her wish.
A key materialized in Chesire's route because she already met the person she expected and so the only wish left was to go home. But it took a while to find the key because Chesire desires to go with Alice to which she didn't realized it until much much later.

Maybe, just maybe wonderland can only grant One desire at a time. Who knows..

~ Why can't Sangatsu wish to become a human? If people can wish for portals/doors back to a different dimension, how is it unreasonable for an anthropomorphic rabbit to become human? Sangatsu looks nothing like a rabbit. If nobody told me he was a rabbit, I wouldn't think he's not a human. On top of that, we know that humans can become rabbits, since Sangatsu can create drugs to achieve this. So let's recap: A human can become a fantastical creature thanks to drugs created without any magical means, but a rabbit-but-mostly-human-looking Sangatsu can't wish to the "forces" of Wonderland to become human? He biologically resembles a human far, far more than a rabbit.

He's not capable of confirming if he's human or not. He can look human but he's not confident he'd fit in. He needed an actual person to observe upon and experiment on. Plus he's afraid that his difference won't be accepted. Remember that he's watching too many TV dramas and this could have affected his decisions. He's not sure if his skin feels human, he doesn't have the taste of a human, and he doesn't even know if he smells like a human.

I agree that UraAlice was the worse route ever. I was expecting a lot for him because he was suppose to be the last character route in the line-up. The writers should have wrapped things nicely in his route, at least make us cry or something.
I was expecting he'd switch places with Asuka and Asuka would be forced to watch him do better in the real world or something. the way I see it, he was begging to switch places with Asuka. He's like a mirror after all. Then Asuka would ask help to the Wonderland people and gang up on UraAlice and ultimately Asuka would say good-bye to wonderland or decides to make Ura-Alice her partner or something.
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Sakimichi said:
Jokes aside, I remembered in Black Rabbit's route that deep inside she was expecting to meet someone. She's expecting someone to change her. She desires to escape, true, but she also desires to meet that certain person. This contradicts her wish.
A key materialized in Chesire's route because she already met the person she expected and so the only wish left was to go home. But it took a while to find the key because Chesire desires to go with Alice to which she didn't realized it until much much later.

Maybe, just maybe wonderland can only grant One desire at a time. Who knows..

Those are some good points. Still... one has to wonder about Asuka's priorities if her believing that her mother dying isn't cause enough to find a way to get home. I wonder how much Asuka has to care about the guy before a way home can be found. If this is the case, then you have to wonder why she didn't succeed escape in one of the endings in Sangatsu's route. She definitely had a close bond to him by that stage... I'm so confused... :S

Sakimichi said:
He's not capable of confirming if he's human or not. He can look human but he's not confident he'd fit in. He needed an actual person to observe upon and experiment on. Plus he's afraid that his difference won't be accepted. Remember that he's watching too many TV dramas and this could have affected his decisions. He's not sure if his skin feels human, he doesn't have the taste of a human, and he doesn't even know if he smells like a human.

About Sangatsu, that's another interesting point I didn't think of. The website pretty much states he's a rabbit (his blood type is listed as "rabbit", basically), so that insecurity is warranted.

Sakimichi said:
I was expecting he'd switch places with Asuka and Asuka would be forced to watch him do better in the real world or something. the way I see it, he was begging to switch places with Asuka. He's like a mirror after all. Then Asuka would ask help to the Wonderland people and gang up on UraAlice and ultimately Asuka would say good-bye to wonderland or decides to make Ura-Alice her partner or something.
Yeah, I was expecting at least one of the endings to go that way. In one of the endings, it seems like Asuka literally gets eaten by the panicked citizens, thus absolving Ura-Alice of his connection to Asuka... Which confused me, since they made it sound like one can't really exist without the other.

Thanks for the interesting insights; it helped me understand the story better. It's slightly less of a mess! ;)
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I liked the King's route overall.
The big problem I have with the game, though, is just how short the routes felt :c

I think the game is made to advertise the CD's .n.
I felt shocked when I got my first ending from BM lol I couldn't believe it was that short
Those are some good points. Still... one has to wonder about Asuka's priorities if her believing that her mother dying isn't cause enough to find a way to get home. I wonder how much Asuka has to care about the guy before a way home can be found. If this is the case, then you have to wonder why she didn't succeed escape in one of the endings in Sangatsu's route. She definitely had a close bond to him by that stage... I'm so confused... :S
Just a question...
Didn't she just recently discovered that her mother dying in Ura-Alice route?
If thats the case, the only thing i can think of is that Ura-Alice wish is that he doesn't want Alice to go outside yet.
Since both of them are mirrors of each other and their desires are contradicts but are strong enough, this caused the warped space in Wonderland...
It's like wonderland takes them as individuals but also the same person at the same time.
I have yet to play Sangatsu's bad end route and maybe I'll change my opinion on this.
I seriously don't get why this game got so much praise- it makes me paranoid that I missed something big that instantly changes the quality of it. I honestly think the whole "eating" thing was a lame attempt at baiting Diabolik Lovers fangirls. Not only that, but it has many hallmarks of a rushed (or just plain bad) game- inconsistent route quality, having many ass-pulls to tie the plot up (that sometimes ironically bore more questions and confusions), unexplained instances that are never touched upon again and shallow characterisations. It's average at its best, and at its worse, torture to sit through. The variation of quality must have been because of the many writers working on it.

Alice=Alice shot itself in the foot because of this little rule they created for those in Wonderland: "If you desire it/wish for it enough, you can have anything in Wonderland." Since it's not a place tied by the rules of the real world, this should have solved many issues the characters faced. How the hell does the mysterious forces of Wonderland gauge how "much" somebody wants something? What's the line between "desires it enough" and "not enough, so sorry, your lifelong wish won't be granted"? Where is the line between "a wish too fantastical, even for Wonderland" and "alright, I can grant that wish which could never, ever happen in ordinary circumstances"?

Was it ever adequately (or at all!) explained:

~ Why Asuka couldn't go back whenever she wanted? Yes, I'm aware there were times that "deep down, she didn't want to go back", but I'm sure Asuka wished for it enough when she thought her mother's life was in danger in Ura-Alice's route. We know that a key back to Japan can be materialised by Asuka's desires thanks to Chesire's route (in which it plays an important role. Chesire also mentions in his route that things can be obtained from nothing through deep desires/wishes). Why didn't it come out here? Or anywhere else?

~ Why can't Sangatsu wish to become a human? If people can wish for portals/doors back to a different dimension, how is it unreasonable for an anthropomorphic rabbit to become human? Sangatsu looks nothing like a rabbit. If nobody told me he was a rabbit, I wouldn't think he's not a human. On top of that, we know that humans can become rabbits, since Sangatsu can create drugs to achieve this. So let's recap: A human can become a fantastical creature thanks to drugs created without any magical means, but a rabbit-but-mostly-human-looking Sangatsu can't wish to the "forces" of Wonderland to become human? He biologically resembles a human far, far more than a rabbit.

~ Why did Asuka die in Sangatsu's Alice ending, but not in the real world ending? How do the choices reflect that she would not succeed?

~ Why do only Asuka and Ura-Alice have "two opposing sides of the same coin" relationship? Why doesn't anybody else on Earth or in Wonderland have this connection?

~ Why did Ura-Alice leave Asuka alone for pretty much 83% of the game? We know he is capable of interfering with Asuka's plan(s) of going back to Japan in the Alice ending of Boushiya's route. We know he LOATHES Asuka. He confessed to being able to know whatever she's thinking. He has the clear advantage here. What stops him elsewhere? Why?

~ How the hell does King hold so much power? He clearly was shown to not be able to deal with a coup d'état since we know King is powerless on his own. What stopped the many dissatisfied citizens, servants and assistants from rebelling against the King earlier? Is it because he'd curse them? If so, why did they decide to rebel him in the Wonderland end anyway? How did they know that they'd be safe from his "curse" when only King and Asuka knows that King actually has no such powers? What were they planning to do if he cursed them out of spite of being locked up?
Nope, not at all. There are so many more examples, but I'm sure the picture is painted well enough.

The only routes which I enjoyed were King's and Boushiya's- they're by no means something to write home about, but they were fun and usually, made the most sense. Chesire Neko and Sangatsu Usagi were just okay and don't get me started on Kuro Usagi or Ura-Alice- for characters seemingly advertised as the "mains", their routes were boring, badly written or both. Ura-Alice is the worst route and character in the game, even though he's sorta the most important character to Alice/Asuka!

I do praise Alice=Alice for Asuka though, since she's not your typical protagonist. While she does start acting like a typical heroine, it's usually AFTER she's established a friendship or relationship with the character. I like King's and Boushiya's character development.

Praised? Honestly, I was already expecting ALICE=ALICE to be that bad even with all the praise which is why I think it's really an okay game 'for what it is': milking off the dummy mic thing in Diabolik Lovers with all the eating although that was definitely the worst part of the game for me ^^' Like, even when I first saw the Reality End I was just like, "Oh, so you're really gonna do that? You're really going to pull that? LOLOLOLOL Of course you are, of course you are..." I would've definitely liked the King more if not for the sour taste in my mouth that I got from the first part of his route where he was being awful to Usagi Nyanko (Cannon name for me, just sayin'), but his character development was pretty cool and the thing that made his route better for me.

I still think Cheshire Cat is the best though and that fact will probably never change ^^' (too biased).

Every route has those sets of two choices, BTW. -_- They should have just added those events in the plot without making them choices. My theory is that they were going to be choices, but the writers couldn't be bothered writing around this. As for Sangatsu, he's so stereotypically tsundere, I got scared for Rejet. Is this supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek parody? Or was Rejet dead serious with this being "a good character". Don't get me started on why he wanted to become a human so badly. Talk about an anticlimax!

Oh, I do know that those choices are in every route, that's why they were so damned annoying: Asuka (Okay fine, I'll drop Usagi Nyanko T_T) would just get eaten in both and I find the eating to be more creepy than anything ("Yes, chew on some more gum for me, seiyuu; that's all I need =_=''). Seriously though, those choices were basically there to make the game longer and drag the somewhat short route since it barely has anything in them that's actually relevant to anything, and it's not even fun to boot (this has exceptions)!

Damn, I guess I'm glad for not having done Sangatsu Usagi (Are you sure it's not March Hare?): I mean, beyond the tsundere which is way more welcome than Do-S as far as I'm concerned, it was basically him shoving drugs down my throat 24/7 and being a rude bastard so I quit by the next set of the 'what should I do today?' choices, as they were humorously written as the two different ways that I wanted to escape the place with obviously no success.

You did talk about the Hatter not being bad though, is that right? I actually liked him for his super fab narcissism (to be fair, he was the most good-looking of the dudes so he was right XD) and pimp ways (I just called him 'the pimp' throughout the playthroughs) but I just got kind of bored of the game in general so I never got to finishing his route.

God, his route is one of the worst routes I've read all year. Not only just because he's a completely unlikable bastard in any shape or form, but because the writing is so inconsistent and subpar. It's not entirely unreasonable for him

to be so angry, but why did he expect remorse from Asuka? Why did the writers think we'd care? Asuka literally had no idea how her negative actions were affecting Ura-Alice. When people are angry, they get irrational, then they want to blame others for their problems, which can warp into revenge... I get all that...
...Even so, Ura-Alice's route is such a mess. A badly written, a badly characterised trainwreck. Don't waste your time with his other endings; they're all garbage, though in terms of his character, I think the Wonderland one makes the most sense.

Yes, holy shizzle, you basically addressed all the issues that I had with his route! I mean, I can understand why he was like that, but he kept spamming the same stuff over and over again: "I'm supposed to like you, right? Seriously, this is supposed to be a romance, right?" Selfcest though, wtf ^^' That was like, the first thing in my mind when I went for this dude... besides the 'he's a damned sadistic bastard' thing but that's obvious enough... But yeah, it was difficult to care about a dude who was so unlikable which ruined the whole route. Don't worry though, I'm not going for anything related to him anymore: if anything, I might go for the Hatter if his route wasn't that bad.

BTW, don't worry about writing too much. I nearly always do and we're all here to discuss what little there is to talk about Alice=Alice.

Thank you ^^ I guess writing a lot would be a good thing for a discussion of a game, huh? Although I do feel like I should've touched upon more of what you wrote so I'm really sorry for that ^^'

Honestly, I think we should make more discussion threads about other otome games, wouldn't that be cool? I mean, at least I would like to know the opinions of other people towards a specific game (/many specific games?) since that sounds kind of fun; so, who agrees with me...? ;_; (My confidence is not the highest ^^')
Sakimichi said:
Just a question...
Didn't she just recently discovered that her mother dying in Ura-Alice route?
If thats the case, the only thing i can think of is that Ura-Alice wish is that he doesn't want Alice to go outside yet.
Since both of them are mirrors of each other and their desires are contradicts but are strong enough, this caused the warped space in Wonderland...
It's like wonderland takes them as individuals but also the same person at the same time.
Yes, she found out on a picture/video through Chesire's mobile phone fairly early on in Ura-Alice's route. It's not exactly made clear whether this is real or not, since Ura-Alice suggested that Chesire could have made it up to capture Asuka's interest. Then again, Chesire was shown to be mostly truthful in his own route and Ura-Alice was proven to be a manipulative liar. The reason why I assumed that Chesire may have been mistaken/making it up is because it's never mentioned that Asuka's mother actually is very ill/passed away when she returned.

The theory that Ura-Alice must have wished for Asuka to stay is the only thing that makes sense. Which makes you wonder why he doesn't interfere in that manner elsewhere, since the reason he lured Asuka was to 1) exact his revenge, and 2) switch places with her. Both are important to him, since if his business was to just switch with her, he'd just outright do it since he has a huge advantage over Asuka.

They're the same, but also individuals... I agree with that, though it creates more questions than answers.
Aines445 said:
Oh, I do know that those choices are in every route, that's why they were so damned annoying: Asuka (Okay fine, I'll drop Usagi Nyanko T_T) would just get eaten in both and I find the eating to be more creepy than anything ("Yes, chew on some more gum for me, seiyuu; that's all I need =_=''). Seriously though, those choices were basically there to make the game longer and drag the somewhat short route since it barely has anything in them that's actually relevant to anything, and it's not even fun to boot (this has exceptions)!

Damn, I guess I'm glad for not having done Sangatsu Usagi (Are you sure it's not March Hare?): I mean, beyond the tsundere which is way more welcome than Do-S as far as I'm concerned, it was basically him shoving drugs down my throat 24/7 and being a rude bastard so I quit by the next set of the 'what should I do today?' choices, as they were humorously written as the two different ways that I wanted to escape the place with obviously no success.

You did talk about the Hatter not being bad though, is that right? I actually liked him for his super fab narcissism (to be fair, he was the most good-looking of the dudes so he was right XD) and pimp ways (I just called him 'the pimp' throughout the playthroughs) but I just got kind of bored of the game in general so I never got to finishing his route.

I know you were just mucking around, but kiss sounds are usually made by the seiyuu sucking the back of their hand or their wrists. Just a bit of trivia, hee hee.

Sangatsu Usagi is the Japanese name for the March Hare. I just call him by his Japanese name since that's his canon name. Calling him March Hare is still correct, I think. Do-S is fast getting old- as much as Wonderland! xD Yeah, I remember having a chuckle at my "escape" choices. Asuka, you get brownie points for trying, you brave soul.

That's right; Boushiya is one of the two routes I enjoyed. Like most people, I found his narcissim to be annoying, but a) I'm a 100% completist and b), I was too curious about why behaves like he does (that kind of narcissim is often a sign of insecurity), so I read on.

Aines445 said:
Thank you ^^ I guess writing a lot would be a good thing for a discussion of a game, huh? Although I do feel like I should've touched upon more of what you wrote so I'm really sorry for that ^^'

Honestly, I think we should make more discussion threads about other otome games, wouldn't that be cool? I mean, at least I would like to know the opinions of other people towards a specific game (/many specific games?) since that sounds kind of fun; so, who agrees with me...? ;_; (My confidence is not the highest ^^')
No worries. :) You're exactly right, and I agree. Don't worry; just reply and talk about what you want. I tend to write long posts and I take no offence whatsoever if people choose to pick what to continue discussing. It's okay. I agree; I'd like to see more "serious" discussions about games. I love reading about what people think about the games I've played, too. Just talking about Alice=Alice today has made me understand more things, though its general badness of writing created more confusion for me as well. If I've 100% completed the game a topic is about, I'm happy to talk about it.
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I know you were just mucking around, but kiss sounds are usually made by the seiyuu sucking the back of their hand or their wrists. Just a bit of trivia, hee hee.

Yeah, I was just joking around (it did take me a while to figure out what I should compare the sounds with when making up that joke though XD) but thank you for that trivia, that's an interesting piece of information that I didn't know of.

Sangatsu Usagi is the Japanese name for the March Hare. I just call him by his Japanese name since that's his canon name. Calling him March Hare is still correct, I think. Do-S is fast getting old- as much as Wonderland! xD Yeah, I remember having a chuckle at my "escape" choices. Asuka, you get brownie points for trying, you brave soul.

That's right; Boushiya is one of the two routes I enjoyed. Like most people, I found his narcissim to be annoying, but a) I'm a 100% completist and b), I was too curious about why behaves like he does (that kind of narcissim is often a sign of insecurity), so I read on.

Oh good, I was doubting myself due to my mediocre knowledge of Japanese: "Sangatsu means March, right...? And Usagi means rabbit... OMG His name is March Hare, holy shizzle!" XDD Yes, that was me realizing that while playing the game.

Yes, someone that agrees with me about the Do-S thing (not that I ever discussed this kind of thing so no one even disagreed either XD)! I also agree with you on the Wonderland thing: like, I know that Heart no Kuni no Alice did well or was an awesome game or whatever (never played it, so I wouldn't know) but you don't have to do the same thing that they did, especially with the whole eating thing so you can attract Diabolik Lovers fans ^^' I don't really get the appeal of Do-S though: I don't secretly want you to treat me like garbage, if I say no then it means no, damn it!

Well, I guess I should get on with ALICE=ALICE one more time and play the Hatter's route then ^^ I wonder if I'm the only person that found his narcissism funny instead... Damn, I look up to Completionists because I'm not one at all, I usually don't complete an otome game since I don't want to do routes of dudes I don't like; that also kind of makes me afraid of discussing the game seriously since I didn't even complete it so I don't know that much...

... Not to mention how much I ignored Kuro-Usagi lol, but that's a given since I never played his route ^^'

No worries. :) You're exactly right, and I agree. Don't worry; just reply and talk about what you want. I tend to write long posts and I take no offence whatsoever if people choose to pick what to continue discussing. It's okay. I agree; I'd like to see more "serious" discussions about games. I love reading about what people think about the games I've played, too. Just talking about Alice=Alice today has made me understand more things, though its general badness of writing created more confusion for me as well. If I've 100% completed the game a topic is about, I'm happy to talk about it.

You're so nice ;_; I also really like reading about other's opinions so these kinds of discussions are really fun for me so I write a lot! Besides, I don't have anyone to discuss otome games with although I did dump a rant about Jewelic Nightmare on my brother, my brother who doesn't play otome games... XD Even so, this kind of thread give me the opportunity to get to know the opinions of others and to tell my own so I'm really happy about that. I'm also kind of embarrassed since discussion threads about other otome games have been made and I was suggesting that kinda thing... ^^'

*silently appears* I'm enjoying reading your long and detailed thoughts *goes back to darkness*

Detailed thoughts taste delicious, right? =3 Thanks for making the discussion thread by the way! ^^

But, you're missing something: *gives popcorn* There you go, now you're all set for discussion-watching, enjoy! 8D
Aines445 said:
Yes, someone that agrees with me about the Do-S thing (not that I ever discussed this kind of thing so no one even disagreed either XD)! I also agree with you on the Wonderland thing: like, I know that Heart no Kuni no Alice did well or was an awesome game or whatever (never played it, so I wouldn't know) but you don't have to do the same thing that they did, especially with the whole eating thing so you can attract Diabolik Lovers fans ^^' I don't really get the appeal of Do-S though: I don't secretly want you to treat me like garbage, if I say no then it means no, damn it!

Well, I guess I should get on with ALICE=ALICE one more time and play the Hatter's route then ^^ I wonder if I'm the only person that found his narcissism funny instead... Damn, I look up to Completionists because I'm not one at all, I usually don't complete an otome game since I don't want to do routes of dudes I don't like; that also kind of makes me afraid of discussing the game seriously since I didn't even complete it so I don't know that much...

... Not to mention how much I ignored Kuro-Usagi lol, but that's a given since I never played his route ^^'
I don't dislike Do-S per se- it's just been oversaturated, like how the tsundere trend refuses to die (though it's not nearly as bad as before) and the yandere craze of just about a year ago. So many Do-S characters are created for the sake of being Do-S- you don't get to really explore why they're the way they are and they rarely develop as characters. You can blame the Do-S craze on Diabolik Lovers. God, why won't Diabolik Lovers just die? We're set to get Vandead Carnival in December, Dark Fate in early 2015 (with ridiculous new characters to boot) and a More, Blood port sometime in 2015. Three games from the same series in just a 12-month period (starting in December)? Will Diabolik Lovers become something like Super Mario of the otome world? No, wait. At least Super Mario has the decency to create games across different genres. Diabolik Lovers is pretty much the same ADV with a couple of characters added every now and then to create an illusion of innovation. /ends unrelated rant, sorry for going off-topic

Anyway, as most of us are fully aware of, to put it nicely, the "coercion" culture in Japanese shoujo/otome media has quite the following, so it's not hard to see why Do-S took off like it did. It's not like I can't understand the appeal, however... What I don't like about these "trend archetypes" is that it encourages writers to create a "trendy character" to sell a game, so they don't make any effort fleshing out the guys and they become one-dimensional. In fact, Alice=Alice is a great example of this. The characters are defined and advertised mostly by "trend" keywords on the official website.

I have to 100% complete any game, or I can't move on to the next one. I did find Boushiya's narcissim funny in the beginning, but then it got irritating. However, I persisted and it paid off! I don't think everybody in these kinds of discussions must 100% complete games in order to "deserve" a standing. Sure, it helps, since you'd know all of the nuances and are more likely to catch onto things better. Just talk about what you know, express your opinion healthily. If you turn out to be incorrect, that's okay, you just apologise and move on. That's how I learn how to see characters (especially ones that I don't like) from a different perspective. There are just some things I would never care to realise or plain realise on my own. My discussion with Sakimichi is a good example of this- her observations helped me understand Alice=Alice better.

As for Kuro Usagi, no offence to his fans if they're reading this, but Aines, you're not missing out. His endings were the only interesting aspects of his route. While Ura-Alice made me roll my eyes are sigh in annoyance, Kuro Usagi was just plain boring. Since Alice=Alice is pretty much self-contained, you don't have to play every route to piece the entire game together. It helps to understand some small things here and there, but I wouldn't say it's essential.

Aines445 said:
You're so nice ;_; I also really like reading about other's opinions so these kinds of discussions are really fun for me so I write a lot! Besides, I don't have anyone to discuss otome games with although I did dump a rant about Jewelic Nightmare on my brother, my brother who doesn't play otome games... XD Even so, this kind of thread give me the opportunity to get to know the opinions of others and to tell my own so I'm really happy about that. I'm also kind of embarrassed since discussion threads about other otome games have been made and I was suggesting that kinda thing... ^^'
Yeeeah, I'm alright sometimes. :P Discuss away- I certainly do! Everyone seems to be nice here, so even if we don't agree, I've never seen anybody flame each other. So feel free to express your opinion, so long as you're respectful (which you are).
I don't dislike Do-S per se- it's just been oversaturated, like how the tsundere trend refuses to die (though it's not nearly as bad as before) and the yandere craze of just about a year ago. So many Do-S characters are created for the sake of being Do-S- you don't get to really explore why they're the way they are and they rarely develop as characters. You can blame the Do-S craze on Diabolik Lovers. God, why won't Diabolik Lovers just die? We're set to get Vandead Carnival in December, Dark Fate in early 2015 (with ridiculous new characters to boot) and a More, Blood port sometime in 2015. Three games from the same series in just a 12-month period (starting in December)? Will Diabolik Lovers become something like Super Mario of the otome world? No, wait. At least Super Mario has the decency to create games across different genres. Diabolik Lovers is pretty much the same ADV with a couple of characters added every now and then to create an illusion of innovation. /ends unrelated rant, sorry for going off-topic

Anyway, as most of us are fully aware of, to put it nicely, the "coercion" culture in Japanese shoujo/otome media has quite the following, so it's not hard to see why Do-S took off like it did. It's not like I can't understand the appeal, however... What I don't like about these "trend archetypes" is that it encourages writers to create a "trendy character" to sell a game, so they don't make any effort fleshing out the guys and they become one-dimensional. In fact, Alice=Alice is a great example of this. The characters are defined and advertised mostly by "trend" keywords on the official website.

I can see where you're coming from, lots of archetypes are really overused and it's sometimes really bad for me to choose that way: "Damn it, why would I ever want to pick between the Do-S and the Yandere?!" Although I do have to admit that I'm pretty cool with Tsundere, I hate it when it's the extent of that character since they get predictable: "It's not like I love you or anything!" You do, don't even try hide it.

But really, I totally agree with you on Diabolik Lovers: why won't it just die? Like, there's a whole bunch of games going all out on the Do-S just because Diabolik Lovers did well; actually, it's strange that it's still doing well seeing from how awful More Blood is (even by Diabolik Lovers' standards, it's bad), but I guess not...? Well, I guess I can also understand the appeal of Do-S so maybe it's more of 'it doesn't appeal to me so bad that it's hard to imagine', that kind of thing... maybe.

To prevent myself from going off-topic though, I'll tie this to ALICE=ALICE and tell you that I lol'ed when I saw that they were describing the characters by those archetypes which were pretty incorrect too: they say Ura-Alice is a Last Boss character but where does he act the part? At least I didn't really see anything from the endings I got.

I have to 100% complete any game, or I can't move on to the next one. I did find Boushiya's narcissim funny in the beginning, but then it got irritating. However, I persisted and it paid off! I don't think everybody in these kinds of discussions must 100% complete games in order to "deserve" a standing. Sure, it helps, since you'd know all of the nuances and are more likely to catch onto things better. Just talk about what you know, express your opinion healthily. If you turn out to be incorrect, that's okay, you just apologise and move on. That's how I learn how to see characters (especially ones that I don't like) from a different perspective. There are just some things I would never care to realise or plain realise on my own. My discussion with Sakimichi is a good example of this- her observations helped me understand Alice=Alice better.

As for Kuro Usagi, no offence to his fans if they're reading this, but Aines, you're not missing out. His endings were the only interesting aspects of his route. While Ura-Alice made me roll my eyes are sigh in annoyance, Kuro Usagi was just plain boring. Since Alice=Alice is pretty much self-contained, you don't have to play every route to piece the entire game together. It helps to understand some small things here and there, but I wouldn't say it's essential.

For me it's the opposite: I have to move on to other games or I'll get bored! It's like the new games are calling to me and I have to play them which makes me have a mental debate about dropping the game that I'm currently playing or not; I usually end up playing the new game with the promise of me picking it up again... eventually (I'm so sorry Arcana Famiglia, Shinobi Koi Utsutsu and Koibana Days...! T_T). Well, I'm not really used to this sort of discussion so I get kinda insecure; but well, I do see what you mean with it adding to your perspective of the game since other people pick up on different things ^^

Wow, I mean, I did get the impression of him not being that interesting, but was he really just boring? Maybe that's why I would always not remember him: "Okay, I only have two routes left-- Oh yeah, Kuro-Usagi!" No offense to the people that liked Kuro-Usagi of course since I wouldn't know, I didn't play the route ^^' Well, I didn't really pick up some sort of great plot in the game but I actually thought that there would be one from the misleading 'Last Boss' tag that Ura-Alice had: like, Ura-Alice was the super villain who had this Master Plan with Asuka all along... but it didn't happen XD So yeah, I guess there isn't really a need to play all the routes... not that I actually do that often ;_;

Yeeeah, I'm alright sometimes. :P Discuss away- I certainly do! Everyone seems to be nice here, so even if we don't agree, I've never seen anybody flame each other. So feel free to express your opinion, so long as you're respectful (which you are).

^^ I know, right? Everyone is so nice in this corner =3 Maybe that's why I'm the most active here? Discussion is nice when people are respectful so I also try my best to be respectful but without a feeling of being too serious instead (although I don't come off as the most casual of people either); I really should stop using emoticons so much...
Hello! I'm also playing the Alice=Alice.

From all the character, I like March Hare . Well, it's because I love the Tsundere type since he is quite the type.

The other, I like Cheshire Cat and the King.

at first I hate the type of Cheshire Cat, but as the story continue, I love the his kind attitude and affection.
for the King is the same, but in the end I love his changes more over when I see his reality world CG, He's so my type.

I can't love the Mad Hatter and Alice-kun. I can't like those kind of character from the start.
but I like Alice-kun reality world ending since he change his do-S attitude.

For Black Rabbit, I hate him when he start being loud, but I love his kind side as the story goes on.
Aines445 said:
But really, I totally agree with you on Diabolik Lovers: why won't it just die? Like, there's a whole bunch of games going all out on the Do-S just because Diabolik Lovers did well; actually, it's strange that it's still doing well seeing from how awful More Blood is (even by Diabolik Lovers' standards, it's bad), but I guess not...? Well, I guess I can also understand the appeal of Do-S so maybe it's more of 'it doesn't appeal to me so bad that it's hard to imagine', that kind of thing... maybe.

To prevent myself from going off-topic though, I'll tie this to ALICE=ALICE and tell you that I lol'ed when I saw that they were describing the characters by those archetypes which were pretty incorrect too: they say Ura-Alice is a Last Boss character but where does he act the part? At least I didn't really see anything from the endings I got.
Also, Diabolik Lovers holds a place in many listeners'/gamers' hearts since it's the earliest series of its kind. Similar to how Starry Sky remains much-loved despite its inarguable mediocrity (I have a soft spot for it, too), since it's many an otome gamer's first otome game. Also, I think I've gotten sick of Diabolik Lovers a lot faster because of the handful of extremely stupid fans that rant and rave about it forever. Like how some Amnesia fans crazily defend the bad actions of the guys in that game, some DL fans have displayed some frighteningly apologetic stances on the abusive behaviour presented. I know it's not fair to DL since its small group of completely retarded fans are not its fault, but given the subject matter, it's not hard to get over it quickly.

I know what ALICE=ALICE tried to get across by calling Ura-Alice "Last Boss", though I certainly didn't see him that way because of how poorly his character was written. I guess it's "formidable" personality and the fact that he's the most important character in the game that gave the writers that idea.

Aines445 said:
Wow, I mean, I did get the impression of him not being that interesting, but was he really just boring? Maybe that's why I would always not remember him: "Okay, I only have two routes left-- Oh yeah, Kuro-Usagi!" No offense to the people that liked Kuro-Usagi of course since I wouldn't know, I didn't play the route ^^' Well, I didn't really pick up some sort of great plot in the game but I actually thought that there would be one from the misleading 'Last Boss' tag that Ura-Alice had: like, Ura-Alice was the super villain who had this Master Plan with Asuka all along... but it didn't happen XD So yeah, I guess there isn't really a need to play all the routes... not that I actually do that often ;_;
Yeah, Kuro Usagi's route was pretty much like a very badly written slice-of-life with some "eating" scenes thrown in every now and then so you don't go to sleep! <- That's how I saw it. Though well-acted, 95% of the time, I found the eating scenes too stupid and pointless to appreciate them. The "twists" of Kuro Usagi's route were astonishingly stupid as well, especially in regards to his immortality and relationship to King. The endings were the only interesting part of Kuro Usagi's route, sadly.

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