[Album] [Album] 龍ヶ崎リン (Rene Ryugasaki) – Stairs [FLAC / WEB] [2024.10.09]


Elite Member
Trusted Member
Mar 19, 2015


本作「Stairs」は、活動4年目を迎えた自身の"今日までの集大成"であると同時に、明日からの"これからの未来"に向けた覚悟が込められたアルバムとなっている。 iTunesR&Bチャートで1位を記録した「Twilight Stream」「追熟」「do it」やエレクトロニックチャートで1位を記録した1stEP「not for me.」など、過去の配信リリース楽曲7曲に加え、春野、4na、YACA IN DA HOUSEら豪華クリエイター陣による書き下ろし楽曲や、龍ヶ崎リン自らが作詞作曲を手がけ、編曲に水槽氏を迎えた新曲「tremolo」など、新規楽曲4曲を含む全11曲を収録。


1-01. Twilight Stream (Stairs Mastering)
1-02. 追熟 (Stairs Mastering)
1-03. ギヴミー (Stairs Mastering)
1-04. Moonshine (Stairs Mastering)
1-05. not for me. (Stairs Mastering)
1-06. Roots (Stairs Mastering)
1-07. do it (Stairs Mastering)
1-08. 壁に立つ日 (Stairs Mastering)
1-09. 飾り窓 (Stairs Mastering)
1-10. tremolo (Stairs Mastering)
1-11. OK, allright (Stairs Mastering)

RG (RapidGator)
FP (FikPer)
Stairs20241009WEBFLAC.rar - 246 MB
KF (KatFile)
Stairs20241009WEBFLAC.rar - 245.9 MB

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harry6522 wrote on Shine's profile.
Could you please upload this?

Ashikaga wrote on Shine's profile.
Hi Could you please upload

コスチュームセット Vol.65

tintin0821 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Could you please reupload the mexa links of this game?
Thank you.
Almost half of my CD that i upload on Mega got reported of copyright by someone in here 😭😭, Im so sad. How could someone do that ?

Mind you, i bought them myself and share them in here so other people can enjoy them too. To other people who wants to hear the CD, im so sorry to inform you but i could not upload the CD at the moment 😭😭
bjose2345 wrote on ramori's profile.
Hey Ramori, sorry to keep pokin' at you, but I'm just combing through all your uploads like a coyote sniffin' for snacks. This one here needs a little updating to the November 16, 2023 version. Thanks for all the heavy lifting!
