[エルフ] 鬼作 アニメーション追加完全版 ([elf] Kisaku Animated Version)

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Seeking for this game for a long time, If anyone have it please upload, if you have a DRM encrypted version I may help to crack that. Really appreciate and thanks in advance!
The latest dmm elf game is out and cracked,can't understand why this take so long...
not shared yet?
en , maybe too few people bought the game, so too little chance to get it recently.
Thanks a lot for the torrent, I am downloading and will take a look on the cracking. hope this is not fake.
We'll probably have to wait for a patch like the last Elf game from early Dec. which required to re-download most of the files again and replace the 1s you had.
Seems I cannot extract the arc files without getting the warckey, which should be able to get by scaning when normally execute the game, as I do not have a valid account to execute the game, it is very hard for me to proceed. Anyone has luck for cracking this game?
Blarg, we had to wait almost a year for the torrent, and now another for the crack :(:(:(:(
i have complete the game and get all animation scene but CG is not complete. Anyone have complete save?
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