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  1. perrypig123

    Anime Endings that made you cry. . .

    oh i jsut remembered this cos was talking to my frends about animes i might rewatch and angel beats appeared in my list xDD and it has a sad ending =( made me cry~
  2. perrypig123

    anime suggestions..

    ooh yh my friend told me about strawberry marshmallow.. apparently its good xDD
  3. perrypig123

    anime suggestions..

    thanks guys!!! i think they will last me a while xDD
  4. perrypig123

    anime suggestions..

    im currently in an exam period so i dont really have time to look for lots of anime and stuff......... and i dun have any anime which is peacefull or something thats generally a good break for revision and isnt too intense.. i like a lot of genres which you can see from my mal accnt.. all...
  5. perrypig123

    Clannad Watch more or drop it?

    omg clannad is such a good anime!!!!! and the dango dango song is so good!! because of the plot, that peaceful ending always brings a tear to my eye ='( lol this may be a bit late but i recommend continuing with it!! faito~
  6. perrypig123

    Anime Genre?

    well theres genres because animes tell a story much like books, movies, tv shows and everything else so of course they have a genre
  7. perrypig123

    Which Fate do I watch first?

    ive seen both i would recommend watching fate stay night first then watch fate zero because thats the way order in which they were made and i think you would have a bttr image of the plot that way =)
  8. perrypig123

    Anime Endings that made you cry. . .

    some stuff that moved me were clannad, kanon 2006, code geass xD
  9. perrypig123

    what was your first ever anime!!

    wow thats a rlly long list lol xD i think my first ever really long anime were code geass and tsubasa reservoir chronicles xD
  10. perrypig123

    If you could have ONE power from an anime... what would it be?

    i would like the power to fight the power!
  11. perrypig123

    what was your first ever anime!!

    well i couldnt find a post like this in the forums or i didnt try hard enough ='( but my first anime which i properly knew as an anime was Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!!! xD best anime eva! lol xD
  12. perrypig123

    If you could have ONE power from an anime... what would it be?

    i would like a nice power from the index series.. idk maybe liek railgun xD
  13. perrypig123

    Ore no Imouto

    lol i loved oreimo D its such a great anime about how a girl who is an akiba kei and needs to prevent peoeple knowing about it xDD