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  1. Mahoro

    What brought you to like anime?

    Save for actual animated feature films from the 90s, I've had a computer I could use since maybe 1995 or 1996 because my dad collected them like a disease, so I've been using a computer since I was 6-7. But of course also have to take into consideration I had no friends really up until middle...
  2. Mahoro

    Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai

    I think its just you, I think the choice of seiyuu was good for Yozora, it worked with the sort of trolling attitude she has towards Meat. That said, I couldn't decide between Sena or Yozora or even Rika, they all have their funny quirks. One thing I do have to hand the show is it wasn't quite...
  3. Mahoro

    Anime Endings that made you cry. . .

    AIR TV/Movie, Mahoromatic (though the way they did the Manga was far more impactful than the anime's, but this is an anime ending), Gossick (it took a bit, but then I was contemplating the feelings of the characters), Starship Operators, Honey and Clover (because I kind of know how Takemoto...
  4. Mahoro

    Your top 5 anime girls

    Dun remember if I answered this thread already, I'm too lazy to sift through 7 pages :p In fact, my answer may not even be the same as before if I did post. But anyway: Feena fam Earthlight (Yoake) Mahoro (Mahoromatic) Tomoyo (Clannad) Shinobu (Love Hina) Riko (Gift)
  5. Mahoro

    Papa no Iukoto kikinasai!

    Well, you knew Hina was just pulling on Usagi Drop's tail. (Though personally I hope they do not make a new Usagi drop season...the 2nd half of that series is awful in comparison if you've read the manga).
  6. Mahoro

    How many of you guys watch old anime?

    its not particularly old, but I always have a hankering to watch Honey and Clover every year somehow. I also watch Mahoromatic, Onegai Teacher (I can't say Twins was that good), Ah My goddess (the 1990s OVAs/Movie), Kimagure Orange Road, stuff like that on a decently regular basis to remind me...
  7. Mahoro

    Papa no Iukoto kikinasai!

    Saw a lot of that coming when I saw the promo picture, and I wasn't wrong. Even before I read the manga I knew what was coming. Now I'm just hoping either version sends some surprises, or risks just being more cliched combinations.
  8. Mahoro

    What brought you to like anime?

    haha, yes it is, its pretty lonely at times, especially up until I adopted Feena
  9. Mahoro

    What brought you to like anime?

    Do I? More like I didn't have a choice, basically the only life I knew, and basically still know lol. I've gotten a few freinds here and there, but I'm still mostly that 8 year old, only with more computer knowledge and more money xD
  10. Mahoro

    What brought you to like anime?

    I was (and still am mostly) a loner, but I had a computer, since I was 6 or 7, and internet basically unsupervised from 8 onward, so basically that and random chance that I came across Oh My Goddess, and so on from there.
  11. Mahoro

    What elements in anime annoy you?

    haha well, I forget about it till my RSS shows me the next release, but still, I always get the "aahhhghghhg!@#!@#!@#" at the end of every chapter when I finish reading it.
  12. Mahoro

    What elements in anime annoy you?

    Waiting for it makes up for the fact that I don't watch normal people tv xD Try waiting for manga though, you have to wait a month between chapters xD
  13. Mahoro

    Anime or Visual Novels?

    VN, being able to imagine elements is much more immersive, like the actions to go with the voice, or the scenery. But then I totally immerse myself in what I read most times, and I know imagination is difficult concept for a lot of people nowadays :p And anyhow, VNs are more varied, the doujin...
  14. Mahoro

    What elements in anime annoy you?

    Especially nowadays, the lack of an actual aired last episode so that they force people to buy the last bluray just to see it. On top of that, who will buy just the last one? Get the whole set instead! Its clever from a marketing standpoint, and I'm sure people oblige them...but its still sleazy.