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  1. 'fresco


    Does anybody know a reputable website to learn how to upload torrents? I think it is time.
  2. 'fresco

    how are you~?

    After god knows how much time since I posted on this side of the forum, I finally woke up from my hibernation pod.
  3. 'fresco


    It's being awhile since I had the house for myself. I have been nude for the past hour and I didn't noticed until right now.
  4. 'fresco

    Latest Thought~

    I finally did it...I managed to obtain a 4-pack of KBS calmly and without murder attempt. Now to open them in special occasions :lapi_drink:
  5. 'fresco

    What's up & did you get anything new in your collection lately

    I did got something. Something nice, something unique and I can't wait for next week for it too arrive. I will keep posted of what it is. Here is a clue. It is in my humble opinion one of the uttermost ways to support and show my fandom to a particular eroge brand. And also I got a new Muv-Luv...
  6. 'fresco

    Tea or Coffee?

    I'll admit it...I am a tea snob. I am that asshole that goes to tea websites to get that fix of assam, or a nice gyokuro (I have an affinity for the sae midori cultivar), or that old aged pu erh tea that to most folks tastes like if you let fish food sink in for too long in a neglected beta fish...
  7. 'fresco

    Latest Thought~

    Well...kind of? More like the nickname of my nickname....?
  8. 'fresco


    You guys...I am a senior member!!!!! And to commemorate the occasion I can finally nickname my nickname. I think I earned it.
  9. 'fresco

    Latest Thought~

    Profile update...success!
  10. 'fresco

    What time is it?

    It's the fap o' clock. Or in my country, Teletubbie time!
  11. 'fresco

    how are you~?

    dapper :gakuran_notbad:
  12. 'fresco


    Waiting. :imuya:
  13. 'fresco


    :forsaken: I wanted to be an an onee-chan....
  14. 'fresco


    Hey I just came by...I like your new stuff. I am a fan of Ikkitousen too!
  15. 'fresco


    It has begun..That time of the year every AS member awaits, sort of...
  16. 'fresco


    When in doubt....GO ZEO!
  17. 'fresco


    MG6....Whazz thaat??
  18. 'fresco


    Is it better to be smart or astute?
  19. 'fresco


    By the power of Grayskull......I have the POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
  20. 'fresco

    What did you have for your breakfast this morning ?
