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  1. 'fresco

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Something that has been in my mind recently. In one of my threads after I praised how the Squeez brand revived, I believed one dude asked if any other brand from the now defunct TechArts would follow Milk Factory's suit as well. I can sympathize with the feeling of longing since I have a soft...
  2. 'fresco

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Sorry wasn't following the thread. I was too busy pre-ordering Aoi Tori. Now that that is out if my to do list this weekend, I reiterate my point. To each its own. There is one for everyone out there at its best and it is awesome that folks go out of their way to recommend and share their...
  3. 'fresco

    Visual Novel Cafe

    For me I like it because it pushes the envelope and asks hard questions that in other genres of eroge take as granted like you said hyponotism. It could be even be considered a deconstruction of nukige genres even. Actually this is as far as I will venture in the "dark." And I agree, not for...
  4. 'fresco

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Didn't play the original. Must definitely will play this one. I just...It's something I got to do. In much more important news....Aoi Tori trial is out. My weekend will be...downloading this month's releases that I didn't buy and playing this demo. I support Purple Software notion of releasing...
  5. 'fresco

    Summer can't come soon enough! Amatsutsumi (アマツツミ), 千恋*万花 in gloruous HD and Aokana -ZWEI- !

    Speaking of which that was one of the major issues thy talked in the editorial. The individual routes felt too short because it moved from plot point to plot point. And that left character development with room for improvement. As we are speaking, I am downloading the trial. I am going to write...
  6. 'fresco

    Summer can't come soon enough! Amatsutsumi (アマツツミ), 千恋*万花 in gloruous HD and Aokana -ZWEI- !

    Mikage in the webpage released a developer column where it talks about the major problems and complaints of Chrono Clock in a strange act of reflection and fan feedback awareness. Sure Chrono Clock was subpar, quite subpar actually, compared to other Purple eroge but it was by no means utter...
  7. 'fresco

    Summer can't come soon enough! Amatsutsumi (アマツツミ), 千恋*万花 in gloruous HD and Aokana -ZWEI- !

    Summer can't come soon enough! Amatsutsumi (アマツツミ), 千恋*万花 in glorious HD and Aokana -ZWEI- ! Early summer hype has landed. 3 amazing looking eroges in the horizon. I love Yuzu-soft so it is exciting to know that they are releasing their first eroge in full HD! Aokana ZWEI by sprite....What...
  8. 'fresco

    Best game of February 2016 for me. Read further if you may.

    I'm calling it it. Nora, Princess and Stray Cat most wanted and personal best of the month. That says a lot in this surprisingly crowded month in which Tsuminoko Rendezvous is coming. Again, that says A LOT to me, making me question my fanboyism for minori. But after playing both trials I came...
  9. 'fresco

    [アトリエかぐや] 2014-11-28

    I am just grateful to everybody that contributes. So the only thing I can do is support the community. I wish I could do more...
  10. 'fresco

    How good of a game is Tsuki ni yori-sō otome no sahō by Navel?

    With its sequel coming up in December I beg to offer the question? How good was the first one? As you can see I never played it but if its good I will give it a shot to prepare my expectations for the upcoming and what appears non-related sequel. There has to be a reason why Navel is...
  11. 'fresco

    Eushully's Madou Koukaku Discussion Thread

    Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game] "Folks"....Folks that want to skip all that unnecessary "character development", "dialague", "plot", etc....
  12. 'fresco

    Eushully's Madou Koukaku Discussion Thread

    Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game] Why people get so pissed about folks asking for the save data? I know the reason why you guys get angry but my question is it necessary to be angry?
  13. 'fresco

    Favourite Visual Novel maker~

    Man...hard one. Ok here I go: The newest Purple Software games (Mirai Nostalgia & Hapy Maher). Frontwing & games from Makura/KeroQ (I do not not where to put them..) Comedy: Asa-Pro, games under the Minato label. Game-Heavy: Eushully. All the developers under the Akatsuki Work's umbrella...
  14. 'fresco

    Do you play more than one VN at a time?

    I play a crap ton of them at the same time so I can get through the common routes of each quicker. Then 1 at the time since I just got to do routes...
  15. 'fresco


    Akane and Lucia's them last....Thank me later.
  16. 'fresco

    Type Moon

    Aoko is not here!!!! She is my faves....
  17. 'fresco

    Your opinion about "G-Senjou no Maou" (The Devil on G-String)?

    Reason to play G-Senjou (Which real talk...I initially thought it read in the english title: The devil in the G String and I imagined :redface: huhuhuh..). One Sentence: Jun Fukuyama's voice is orgasmic. There! Go play.
  18. 'fresco

    [Discussion] [Purple Software] Hapymaher

    Re: [130228] [パープルソフトウェア] ハピメア + Tokuten CD + Radio CD + Bonus + Wallpaper [H-Game] I figured that Alice was the main, so I guess End 2 of hers is the True End then...Thanks! She kind of reminded me of Anna in the last game so its cool. Although Anna's seiyuu (Which is one of my favorite's)...
  19. 'fresco

    [Discussion] [Purple Software] Hapymaher

    Re: [130228] [パープルソフトウェア] ハピメア + Tokuten CD + Radio CD + Bonus + Wallpaper [H-Game] Don't Spoil please!! :O_o: I was just trying to raise a point of making protagonists likable. I am really stoked to play this game until the end. I was just raising a point about making eroge protagonists to...
  20. 'fresco

    [Discussion] [Purple Software] Hapymaher

    Re: [130228] [パープルソフトウェア] ハピメア + Tokuten CD + Radio CD + Bonus + Wallpaper [H-Game] I appreciate that companies work very hard for you to like their heroines (Because after all if they did a good job they are indeed heroin), but could they at least TRY to make the protagonist likable...