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  1. T-ELOS

    What game are you currently playing?

    playing that now, loving it so far
  2. T-ELOS

    What game are you currently playing?

    I hope we get a Xenoblade Chronicles X2 in the future. Waiting till 11 PM so I can play Dragon Quest XI when it unlocks.
  3. T-ELOS

    What game are you currently playing?

    I see, I knew about season 1 leak, but not season 2. I am using 21 also, she is my favorite so far. Vegeta Blue too.
  4. T-ELOS

    What game are you currently playing?

    I just finished the story mode in the game, was very well done imo. I hope they add the regular version of Android 21 (human with the lab coat) as a DLC character.
  5. T-ELOS

    Fate/Grand Order Master Training Area!

    KingArturia; I just started the game recently, this is my best card so far.
  6. T-ELOS

    What game are you currently playing?

    I remember playing that game on my PSX lol. Was fun.
  7. T-ELOS

    Who here has bought/not bought a next gen console

    I have a PS4 and a X1. PS4 is better for games. X1 is better as a media device as it has much more streaming apps.
  8. T-ELOS

    What game are you currently playing?

    Awakening is awesome. Have you payed if/Fates yet?
  9. T-ELOS

    What game are you currently playing?

    How is it? I had it on pre-order but canceled it cause of the bad reviews.
  10. T-ELOS

    What game are you currently playing?

    Just bought Xenoblade Chronicles X. Hope it's good.
  11. T-ELOS

    What game are you currently playing?

    Witcher 3 is fun from what I've played, but unfortunately it's in my backlog for now :/ Playing Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, Pokemon GO which started me back on Pokemon X again.
  12. T-ELOS

    [PSVita] Have you seen this upcoming game for PS Vita? O_O

    Finally getting a western release.
  13. T-ELOS

    What game systems do you guys own????

    PS4 if you want to play more Japanese games, Xbox One if you like western games more. I have both, but rarely use my Xbox One unless I play Halo, use my PS4 a lot more for all the Japanese games like Odin Sphere, Tales of Zestiria, Valkyria Chronicles, Bloodbourne Omega Quintet, Disgaea 5...
  14. T-ELOS

    What game are you currently playing?

    Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Valkyria Chronicles Remastered Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Played the demo. Was fun. Felt creepy like a RE game should.
  15. T-ELOS

    New Fire Emblem For 3DS

    It's amazing just sent you a VM about it.
  16. T-ELOS

    New Fire Emblem For 3DS

    I played on normal first as well, will go back to play classic later too. Conquest was very tedious, but I found the story more interesting then Birthright. Gonna replay them all again but later, currently playing Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, then gonna play Star Ocean 5 after that.
  17. T-ELOS

    New Fire Emblem For 3DS

    Just saw this post sorry. Have you finished all the routes yet? I like revelation the best since it has all the characters. Conquest was difficult with the limited grinding opportunities.
  18. T-ELOS

    What games made you cry?

    Well, I didn't almost cry from Amane's ending because it was sad, but more that I was just touched by it so to speak. Yumiko did have a terrible upbringing, and I felt like punching a fist sized hole in fathers head, but I honestly felt that Makina had the saddest childhood from all the girls...
  19. T-ELOS

    What games made you cry?

    Amane's good ending in Grisaia actually brought a few tears to my eyes. Seeing them growing old together, and really loving and caring for each other. Then when Amane finally passed away, and was able to see Yuuji again. So sweet.
  20. T-ELOS

    What game systems do you guys own????

    All you need is the original Gameboy to complete the Nintendo handheld family! I can't find my GB Color, or GB SP :/