Search results for query: *

  1. [REQUEST] [210730] [ういんどみるOasis] Maxi Single CD for 悠久のカンパネラ

    [REQUEST] [210730] [ういんどみるOasis] Maxi Single CD for 悠久のカンパネラ It's either enclosed with the game as its special bonus, or sold as a standalone product, both available from the Official Online Shop only. Thanks :D
  2. [REQUEST] [DESSERT Soft] Early Purchase's DLC for 神様のしっぽ ~干支神さまたちの恩返し~

    [REQUEST] [DESSERT Soft] Early Purchase's DLC for 神様のしっぽ ~干支神さまたちの恩返し~ Contains an extra "Another Story" and additional character sprites that "can't fit into game DVD disc". Link to download (requires a download code): Thanks :D
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    [FULFILLED] [REQUEST] [ensemble] Official Web Shop's and Limited Edition's DLC for 乙女が結ぶ月夜の煌めき Fullmoon Days You may ask them to share the other one, per that post.
  4. [FULFILLED] [REQUEST] [ensemble] Official Web Shop's and Limited Edition's DLC for 乙女が結ぶ月夜の煌めき Fullmoon Days

    [FULFILLED] [REQUEST] [ensemble] Official Web Shop's and Limited Edition's DLC for 乙女が結ぶ月夜の煌めき Fullmoon Days

    UPDATE: Since both are now shared by users from either AS or "the other" forum, I now consider these requests to be closed.
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    [FULFILLED] [REQUEST] [ensemble] Official Web Shop's Soundtrack for 恋はそっと咲く花のように ~二人は永遠に寄り添っていく~

    Re: [REQUEST] [ensemble] Official Web Shop's Soundtrack for 恋はそっと咲く花のように ~二人は永遠に寄り添っていく~ Thank you very much :D
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    [FULFILLED] [REQUEST] [PULLTOP] Sofmap's "OP/ED Short Set" and Official Web Shop's Soundtrack for さくらいろ、舞うころに

    Re: [REQUEST] [PULLTOP] Sofmap's "OP/ED Short Set" and Official Web Shop's Soundtrack for さくらいろ、舞うころに Thank you very much :D
  7. [FULFILLED] [REQUEST] [PULLTOP] Sofmap's "OP/ED Short Set" and Official Web Shop's Soundtrack for さくらいろ、舞うころに

    [FULFILLED] [REQUEST] [PULLTOP] Sofmap's "OP/ED Short Set" and Official Web Shop's Soundtrack for さくらいろ、舞うころに

    UPDATE: The first one's already got shared. Still need the second one though. 2. Thanks :D
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    [Request]乙女が結ぶ月夜の煌めき [Released]

    Re: [Request]乙女が結ぶ月夜の煌めき Also, we need the otome protagonists minigame and the OST (serial code required to be downloaded), too, thanks :D
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    [FULFILLED] [REQUEST] [ensemble] Sofmap's "Original Digital Contents" for 乙女が彩る恋のエッセンス

    Thanks, but that link brought me to a login page of that site instead... So I must register an account there in order to download stuff from there?
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    [FULFILLED] [REQUEST] [ensemble] Sofmap's "Original Digital Contents" for 乙女が彩る恋のエッセンス

    Re: [REQUEST] [ensemble] Sofmap's "Original Digital Contents" for 乙女が彩る恋のエッセンス Thanks for sharing! :D Would you also share the second one, too? Thanks a lot! :)
  11. [CANCELLED] [REQUEST] [180525] [Navel] Bonus ADV Game (Sofmap's Original Digital Content) for 君と目覚める幾つかの方法

    [CANCELLED] [REQUEST] [180525] [Navel] Bonus ADV Game (Sofmap's Original Digital Content) for 君と目覚める幾つかの方法

    Update: got the Disc via Yahoo! Japan Auctions, so I now cancel this request.
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    [CANCELLED] [REQUEST] [170630] [ALcotハニカム] Extra H Scene Patch for 茜色の境界線

    Some vendor sold that clear file + download card at Amazon Japan (has long been out of stock now).
  13. A

    [FULFILLED] [REQUEST] [170324] [ensemble] DLC (OST) for 想いを捧げる乙女のメロディー

    You should have started a new request thread for this, as what you mentioned are something new while the things in the OP have already been fulfilled for a long time.
  14. A

    [Request] 女装千年王国 Josou Sennen Oukoku

    Now that the game has been released, this thread can be closed and relocated.
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    [CANCELLED] [REQUEST] [170630] [Luxury Tiara] 『お嬢様の半分は恋愛で出来ています!』千咲アペンドルート

    Yup, it's just a forum currency just like any other forum sites. It can be obtained through many ways, such as creating new threads, posting replies to threads, someone gives them to you (by providing a game they've requested for in the forums, for example), etc. But if you don't want to (or...