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  • I haven't installed it yet maybe tmrw since I'm at work right now. Are other ppl experiencing these issues too? Seems like every time an update comes out there's always issues. Must be frustrating for modders.
    I'll keep my eyes on all that, but just to be clear, it occurred with Tyra's, as well, and thus affected most of the other cards, and again, only in the main game. So, so weird.

    Ahh, so now it's lunchtime? So I guess the easiest way to figure out your time would be to take off 3 hours from my current time and figure in the possibility of an AM/PM switch. Night-owl 3:23AM, over here!

    Yeah, lead singer of Soundgarden, Audioslave, etc. I think you might know of Black Hole Sun, at least. Amazing, amazing singing voice. I think he died from hanging himself, though, but yeah, terribly sad news; only within the last few hours have I started feeling better.

    Glad you like it! Ahh, eh heh... yeah, I decided to leave out Nikkou in that pic, just to see how you'd react.
    Aaaand, Zin would have to think twice about punching that dude, because it's none other than Brick Slamchest!
    Yes, that red-bottomed lass is Yvette! ;)

    *Edit* - Oops, just realized what you meant by Kyla's card, since i don't have her new one, yet!
    I suppose that's true, but what would costumes have to do with anything? Either way, I've got NEO and HS Party installed, so I'm not so sure how relevant that would be... could be wrong, though.

    I can't think of when lunchtime would be for you off the top of my head, but I'll be sure to pop on when I can!
    It had nothing to do with NEO and only to do with the main game.

    Indeed, should be much lesser poo, now.

    You're making some very useful points, and more proof that I overthink far too much for my own good. I guess I need to start doing some nice, simple character development/build-up between certain gals.

    lol, your examples gave me a good chuckle, so thanks, I needed that. One of my favorite singers, Chris Cornell, passed away, and I have been extremely down since I found out about it last night.
    I shall put your creative process, what should have been plainly obvious, to good use!

    Aaaand the pic is up on the thread, so be sure to check it out!
    Oh that's right you moved to a different city? If I recall. People naturally drift apart though, I guess I should be grateful that still in contact with my friends. Thanks again for the condolences.

    Ah I see, that's pretty cool, I never thought to use a sky for a BG. Which sky item in NEO are you talking about?

    That's a generous offer but I feel it isn't necessary. That problem is I'll probably be too lazy to organize them myself lol Plus some mods are Japanese and I wouldn't know which item is what. I have HoneyHorror in it's own category which is all that matters to me really.
    Yea that's correct and thanks. It's been a week and everyone seems to be doing much better than before which is good. Their family is like my second family and we grew up together and known each other for over 20 years so it was quite devastating when the news hit.

    I agree the IK/FK does take longer to put into place but if you manage to get it right the results can be really satisfying. Ah yes I completely forgot about IK locking in PPD, that was very useful to have. Indeed it can get very messy with all the nodes activated. I wished they used different color nodes for different parts, like hair/skirt/body just to make it easier to identify but overall it's still pretty good. I never really used custom backgrounds so it's not a big deal for me.

    Being able to create your own category is pretty damn amazing if you ask me. Very convenient to have all the honey horror items in it's own category. I hope more modders will make their own categories as well or at least combine them if they are similar, such as maps, weapons, creatures and what not.
    Ahhhh, well, that makes sense.
    I have no idea what the deal is, but it only seems to happen when I go into the main game, and it starts affecting all my other girls, too. Very, very weird.

    You're in luck, AdjustMod was updated for Males!
    I know how you feel, the small hands thing has been killing me, as far as groping is concerned... and that goes double-to-triple, for me, given the big boobs I've gotta deal with!

    The big issue is that my girls won't look accurate, for you, which is a major bummer.

    Anyway, I got out of my slump and am almost finished with a big pic I was working on, last night. Nope, not a comic, but I hope I can muster up an idea for one.
    Sorry for the delayed response man I have been dealing with some personal issues as of late and haven't been on much.

    That's some great news to hear! I'm watering at the mouth as we speak lol. Here's a picture to display my gratitude for all of your hard work.

    Err... It seems that your cards are corrupt in some way, actually. I just loaded them up, and both of them had this issue:

    Then, I loaded them up with GCHAOS' extended eyelash face mods, and I got this:
    So, that fixed it, at least. I had to go click on all the hair and head accessories to get them all to show up in the maker, again. The thing is, all the other cards (including the 'default' girl) with standard heads also had their heads missing, which confirmed that it had to be corrupt cards, as that's the only thing that I've added which would cause something like that to happen. Have you grabbed GCHAOS eyelashes mod, btw? Plus, are you using the most up to date version of the 4k diffuse/graphics patch, SBX, and pubic hair mods? There were also additional face textures released, though I'm not sure how interested you'd be in those (they are also 4k, but I use them on quite a few of my girls, now).

    Needless to say, I won't be able to use your new cards, as they are. I tried saving them with GCHAOS' extended eyelash heads, to see if that'd help, but the problem persists.

    *Edit* - Just restarted the game with the newly updated cards and all seems to be well. So weird!
    I can't think of any mods (that I've used, at least) that require pressing ctrl+H to open. HS_StudioAddon (including NEO's) was ctrl+i, while the SkinTexMod & AdjustMods are ctrl+j & cntrl+k. The HSShortcuts for NEO doesn't open with "B" anymore, btw, but "N".

    Wait, you used photoshop? How did you not screw up your card? In the past games (including the original HoneySelect) if you edited and saved those character cards as .pngs, they'd be rendered completely useless.
    So... yup, that's peculiar!

    Btw, I've been itching to get Sylvia more involved with our stories, and have updated her hair in preparation. Naturally, there's no Sylvia w/out Simona, either, so she'd be sneaking into things, too.
    Hopefully I'm onto something, because I really want to get back into doing little comics w/your girls and mine!
    Yeah, totally sucks, I hate struggling like this. I'd go in the Studio and wander aimlessly, look through those comics of yours for inspiration, but I still can't think of anything. It'll pass, soon enough.

    Yup, it was only one costume w/its accessories, though. Alrighty, from now on, if there are major updates for the game or mod plugins, I'll let you know or just post some links.

    HSStudioAddon wasn't the mod for resizing bones. Actually, there are two mods that accomplish similar things:

    Additional Bone Modifier

    Both are updated for NEO/HS Party. Here's the latest version of the HSStudioAddon, as well as the ShortcutsHS:


    Sweet, thanks for the costumes and cards! :P You crafty guy, you made special versions of the cards! Did you use the ultra char editor for that?
    Speaking of Nikkou's original style, I realized last night that the latest DLC update had a top that was perfect!
    So... here ya go, an alternate and slightly sexier (and more accurate) outfit for the true Nikkou look!

    Btw... I need your new costumes for maximum fun with your girls!
    And, just so you know, I am reeeeally struggling with writer's block, right now...
    I can't think of any comic ideas!
    That they can be!
    Oh, Zoey, eh? Seems like a cool chick! Kinda being followed, though...

    Nice, glad you like it! It's not as revealing as I'd like, but it's actually much closer to her original AG3 style.
    Argh, sorry, I keep doing this to ya, but I gotta sleep these eyeballs! O_O
    Catch ya later, hope you like the outfits!
    Heh heh, yup, much can be done with that double date in mind.
    I agree, Ki+Nikkou = Short drinking battle...

    FWIW, I thought that was a great expression, and suited Ki nicely.

    I already finished up putting them together... but, what the hell, I'll take the original over that. Thanks! ^_^

    Aiee, you do too much for me! Truthfully, I probably would color it up to lighten the overall feel...
    Ahh, those outfits I mentioned! I'll have to find those, real quick.
    Just finished reading them... Oh man, oh man, so much to comment on! :puniko_love:

    OK! First thoughts, page 1... Tyra is SMOKIN'! XD Hawt, hawt, hawt! And a party, eh? Oh! And I just realized that you don't have Nikkou's new outfit to suit the new styles we're getting into; plus, one for Thyone and a few others, as well! Btw, is that Minamo in the red witch/sorceress garb?

    For Page 3's "One Too Many", you did a nice job with Thyone, that's pretty much spot-on how she'd behave! Poor Ki isn't much of a drinker, it seems, though I don't think that would bother Nikkou (who isn't much of a drinker, either... *secret* She gets tipsy SUPER easy!!!)
    I also enjoyed the cameos from the two sex fiends, Zin and Yvette, heh heh.
    On to "New Threads", lol, that's a dangerously clever move by Ki! And yes, as classy as Nikkou is, that's the sort of silly trick she'd fall for!

    That pin-up of Ki... argh, I'm going to have to stick'em together via PS to better appreciate it! ;)

    And, naturally, I already got to enjoy the fun of "Grabbin' a Drink(er)" with Thyone and the lovely Kyla.

    Great stuff! I had to read over them several times to appreciate everything. Yes, indeed, this is all very inspiring! I probably won't have the time, tonight, or "today", but when I do, I shall read all these again and try to come up with something!
    Though, it might seem silly of me to copy your style, completely, so I'll have to change up the fonts or something to differentiate the layout/style. Hmm...
    That sounds like my speed of work, lol! How reassuring! :P

    Over here, I almost always used to read the Sunday paper, as that had the full-length 'Comics' page with color, etc.
    Good times, indeed.
    Oh wow a wish list you say? So honored! Where do even I begin hmm.

    I'd like to see some tentacle dicks (bumpy ones are the best kind hehe). Some monsters perhaps. I've always liked the idea of a tentacle pit, or just a fleshy colored pit would be cool. Hm that's all I can think of really. Maybe more tentacles in different shapes?

    Oh I was wondering if you knew how to make it so items don't go blurry when DoF is enabled? Gil was able to fix this when he ported your tentacles to PC but I'm not sure if it's the same thing.
    Oye, my bed is summoning me...
    I best obey it's mighty call!
    So, curious about the new comic! Catch ya lata!
    That evil, eh? Oh, I know your idea of evil, as far as Ki is concerned; mischievous is probably the better word, but evil works!
    More of my purple-haired, trashy babe, and some classy Nikkou on the side? Hmm hmm...

    That's right, the newspaper, a dying breed. If you must know, your Beetle Bailey, Garfield, and all those others originated from, and still appear newly on newspapers!
    Jeez, 70's Beetle Bailey? You must have really loved Beetle Bailey... I can't say anything, though, since I've got some early 80's Garfield, heh heh.
    The Emperor's New Clothes, hmm? That's a pretty old tale... so old, I don't think I remember what it was about! Something about the Emperor being naked...
    *Looks it up*
    Hmm... That was a Danish tale, I see. Ahh, Hans Christian Andersen, of course. Well, I was close, lol.
    Interesting! :P

    Well, there are the Sunday morning comics of Garfield that do, but I believe the ones on weekdays are either 3-4 panels.
    Yup, Beetle Bailey, too! Memories... Can't remember the last time I read a newspaper.
    In truth, I do consider the possibility of frames-per-page; it's just that I don't usually see multiple frames per page within our comic community.

    I've both seen that style of comic, and your examples of them from a time before when you explained it to me. I'm actually quite familiar with that style, considering I've grown up with it since childhood...
    Garfield, etc.
    Working on another comic? Nice! Aside from showcasing a few more girls I have yet to do so with (and the party cruise), there's nothing else on my plate.
    Limiting things to 4 pages is tough!

    Well then, I shall have to wait patiently and see what you're up to.
    Unfortunately, sorry to say that I did. As a musician, that's pretty disgraceful... I blame myself for never looking into it and believing hear-say.

    Yeah, I would crumble before the power of art-deadlines!
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