Recent content by Ryachu

  1. Ryachu

    What do you think of this comic :P

    Me neither, for a comic I was completely not prepared for that haha.. Thanks for the share!
  2. Ryachu

    Anime Boston 2012

    Oh no I missed that concert.. It's too bad because I really wanted to see it too! Haha, I forgot what we got caught up with. We need to plan better next time for what we are going to see and when. And Tenshi, I hope you can go to one soon..! Maybe gather a group of people so you don't have to...
  3. Ryachu

    Anime Boston 2012

    I went to Anime Boston in 2011.. Sadly that was a 4 hour drive from where I am. It was really fun though. It was my first anime convention, I loved seeing all of the cosplayers and doing some cosplay of my own.. The concerts and panels were also fun to be at. And of course I really loved the...
  4. Ryachu

    whats your media player ?

    I used VLC for quite a while, and I still do sometimes.. But recently I've been finding that more and more videos aren't supported with the codec. After visiting this thread I installed Media Player Classic. No problems as of yet with that.
  5. Ryachu

    [NSFW] corocoro's picture thread

    Much agreed, personally I prefer flat-chests more then larger ones. When you do have free time I would love to see more updates.. :bigeyes: Your previous updates are great..!
  6. Ryachu

    Thanks for the warm welcome Hideki, I wish you the same welcome to ASF and happy holidays to you...

    Thanks for the warm welcome Hideki, I wish you the same welcome to ASF and happy holidays to you as well.. I'll look forward to seeing you around the forums; untill then, take care. :bye:
  7. Ryachu

    Clannad Watch more or drop it?

    I would like to know if the thread creator, mrcml945, actually decided to watch it yet or not. (They asked in February haha..) Even still, for anyone else interested in Clannad, I too recommend it. It's the best anime I have seen and I would consider it to be a masterpiece.
  8. Ryachu

    Guns or Swords

    I would much prefer swords over guns. I'm a particular fan for daggers myself, but long sword works just as well.
  9. Ryachu

    What things in anime do you like?

    I completely agree..! I just couldn't really get into Gundam so much. Other then that though, I always look for the quality of artwork to be appealing and creativity. Creativity meaning taking a break from the traditional school setting and creating settings that are really unique and inspiring.
  10. Ryachu

    Here we go again...

    It's not bad.. but I wouldn't call it an improvement neither.. I'm neutral on this one.
  11. Ryachu

    iTunes, oh iTunes, why are thou be such a piece of crap?

    I am not experiencing any trouble with iTunes as well. I use it with Windows 7 and my iPhone.. I do know that my sister does have trouble running it with her laptop. I almost would like to suggest that iTunes can use a lot of processing power at times which enable it to fail with updates or...
  12. Ryachu

    Games that your are looking forward to! :D

    Mass Effect 3, The Last Guardian, and Tales of Graces are the games I'm looking forward to.
  13. Ryachu

    What is your fetish?

    Skirts, Long hair, Shy/Quiet types, School uniforms, and Scarves to name a few.. I must be one of the few that finds a scarf as a fetish?
  14. Ryachu


    We have five cats living inside our house, all of which were strays at first. And we also have two more that come by to sleep/eat on our porch. Out of all of those cats I technically own one, Buster. He's a handful but I love him all the same ^^
  15. Ryachu

    What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

    Sleep for another 10-15 minutes, then rush to get ready for work.