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  • Hello. How do you do? You are a long years member, though your activities have been really few. Your sig picture seems to be strange and beautiful. Did you process it? Because that the letters "ASAGIRI" are included in the sig image. And it is transparent png image. Cordially. _mrd
    I know already that one of the master uploader messages me. I'm terribly sorry i can't find the reply back then and barely now i finally can replying T_T, it's been 5 years. My signature is from myanimelist club called "shishio design" back then then(idk if it's still up till now) they're giving out certain design of card for limited time for various design(iirc around 1 week or so per 1 design)
    and for those who requested it by replying their username will get the same design card with their requested username, that's where i got my signature card pic, the same one for my profile pic but it's from different club. As for my long member status but rarely joining the community it's due to my old experience before
    so it made me afraid of getting too obsessed join in the community that i forgot abt my own time(i mean getting notfications and see others replying my comment is fun experience) ^_^". Anyway thanks for kindly message and i'm sorry. If mildis-san still online/active and seeing this i just i want to say that i'm grateful. Stay healthy, be happy and fortune be with you.
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