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  • O_O good question XD

    ps3 well that firmware doesn't support all the games currently also lot of consoles are getting banned.
    I think a new firmware maybe coming out soon. I think so don't quote me :p

    Oh I am a huge nintendo fan, as the nes was my first console :D
    have my psp modded, but been too lazy to mod my box, not worth the risk.

    the wii I could mod to but decided against. Ps3 is moddable to you need the bongle with the firmware, but I recommend staying away from it.

    I love to read your replies :o They are so full of interesting info, most of them new to me. I'm a real newbie when it comes to stuff like modding or general knowledge about games, I just know how to play them :3 so, Arigatou Sensei!
    There was another seller selling the DOA5 collectors edition and I asked if it was region locked. According to him, all PS3 games are region free. And if I add that with the info you've given me, Im pretty sure there will be no problems if I buy the game from the US. I can finally order mine :runhappy:
    I'll just wait a few weeks...maybe the stores here will have it by then. the $50,- shipping costs is pretty high and just with that you can buy 2 new games :3

    Fortunately I don't watch movies/BluRay stuff on my PS3 so I don't have to worry about that. I use the tv in the living room for DVD's :3 The tv in my room is sort of only used for gaming XD I rarely watch regular tv shows and such. Tv shows nowadays are so full of sh*t -_-

    I see..5m is quite a lot :3 My PS3 is on my desk and my Tv is straight above my desk so I only needed 1,5m which is still too long but oh well..I couldn't find any shorter ones.

    I waste my time either with my PS3 or on the computer. (ususally watching anime's :3)
    It's just that I NEED internet to entertain myself when I'm home. I'm totally useless when I don't have internet or there's some maintenance =/

    Thanks again~!
    I'll be sure to ask you if I want to know something :3
    Woah...poor Genkidan :3

    These were my last assignments for my major as you could say. I passed everything and I'm done with school. Now I can go work as a Physical Therapist :3 I'll get the official certificate or whatever it's called in english in a few days ^^

    Oh I see..well that's an interesting fact >_> It's because Ive seen this seller on eBay with some info in his description which got me kinda worried. Hmm..I can't find that link anymore, I would've showed you :o
    Are you really sure it works if I buy the game from the US? :3 If yes, then I can pre-order mine right now!
    Not really a fan of Xbox.. hate the fact that you have to pay for online gaming. On pS3 it free :runhappy:
    I do have the Old 1st xbox though :D Still play DOA3 on it from time to time ^^

    Monitor problems are annoying indeed, really important otherwise you see nothing xD

    Ofcourse it's fine ^^ I didn't know you had skype..would've added you too then :3

    Take care~
    LOLL, I was fine with when I was younger but now meh :p

    I found I am way to busy with work, then I have my gaming hobby occuping my time with. Not mention anime and manga...
    LOL I have been there a couple of time but not much of a hentai fan or eroge fan though :D

    just like ecchi...
    ah I don't have a skype yet :p

    but you can add me in
    FB or Twitter.

    I might get skype later on

    the thread I am referring to is called SB's Ecchi Picture thread...

    why would I be mad over something as simple as that, when I know you will add me in due time.

    So no worries...

    if I don't reply its because I got derailed keep pm'ing :p

    if that happens :D
    Hi egozi :3

    I know lol, sorry :3
    I'm always like ok, I'll reply after this post or after I finish my signature or something but I always end up forgetting it >_>;

    Good new from me too! I passed my exams! :runhappy: I from now on I can offically call myself a doctor :D "dr. unownHGSS" sounds nice eh? :P SOO happy! No more fricking schoool :runhappy:

    Still looking for DOA5, the limited edition to pre-order luck yet.. Maybe it's a bit early so...I hope around August I can find it or order it here in the stores.. There are a few on eBay but I'm pretty sure those will not work on European game consoles since most games from the US aren't region free..don't wanna take the risk and pay $180 for a game that won't work :deadsad:

    As for your now 'late' bad news, good to know your order came in and you got a replacement for your screen.
    I know how it feels, my old screen was like that too but like..waaay more than2 or 3 pixels so..had to buy a new one =/ Not that I mind since the new one is bigger and better :3

    Take care and Ttyl :3
    Next time I'll reply as quickly as possible I promise :3
    Sup Egozi ^^,

    I'm doing fine..had to retake 2'm waiting for the results now.. o.o
    Other than that.. browsing the web to find a place where I can pre-order DOA5 Limited Edition..where I don't have to pay with credit card >_>
    I've been messing around with photoshop as well :3

    So how are you ^^?
    Not much bud, kind of you to drop in :p

    I know how you feel though i am worn out aswell.

    Get arcana heart 3 on the psn and play me sometime :D
    no worries, take care.

    funny thing was they were japanese I couldn't understand a word they were saying XD

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