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  • In case you didn't know, DeepL is far more accurate at translating Japanese than Google Translate:

    Thank you for everything that you've shared in the MMD thread so far! ❤️
    • Love
    Reactions: amoamo
    I've known about DeepL for a while
    but I never really had a chance to use it.
    I'll try it out from now on, thank you!
    I'm always grateful for your sharing!
    I look forward to working with you in the future!
    The system have promoted you internally. You can now add a simple signature. It will take a while for you to rank up to be able to customize further such as adding a user banner, adding a signature images, customize font and so on.
    • Love
    Reactions: amoamo
    Thank you so much! I'll put it to use right away.
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