Nice girls but that wouldn't be too difficult to recreate. One major factor that is pretty negative on that blog is the guy is charging for characters. That is pretty ridiculous. You should honestly try making them yourself and in that way it can come out better than those because, you made them and you can make them specific to your liking. I will give it a go for shits n giggles.
lol he ... what? I mean, he wants you to pay for his cards? Seriously?
charging for his cards? That is just flat-out
arrogance. I've been doing this for a long time and have been extremely generous with my sharing of characters; that said, I would
NEVER even consider charging someone for them. Not share some? Perhaps, but
this? No way. I completely understand sharing pictures with watermarks and accepting payment for sets without them, but that's a different story altogether
And let's be fair, here; I've seen many better cards/characters for free.
Absolutely ridiculous.
Just for that, he's inspired me to upload my latest cards; including updated versions that are now using
plasticmind's 4k Diffuse mod. (Many of the cards use the same image, btw) Enjoy!
~~ Das Cards ~~ (Part Deux)
Names (Alphabetically, from left to right) - Anna Shiba, Astryl Belial, Dalia Becker, Desideria Linge, Faeyline Anhalt, Himei Tsukino, Himitsuki Shinrin, Jamila Jones, Kasumi Okamoto, Koukotsuki Tankenka, Laney Seymour, Lilith Becker, L'Via Vasquez, Lydia Haliphell, Miranda Hamamoto, Miyusuki Saito, Nanami Devreaux, Nikkou Mayonaka, Queen Umbraah (x2), Ranya Nejem, Savannah Jane, Simona Cibulkova, Sylvia Devreaux (x3), Thyone Kefalas, Voltryx Rynfyre, Yvette Etsuko