Reject 2014 new games


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Nov 10, 2013
久しぶり :3
Reject released 6 PV to introduce their new projects
well...I like their art styles of these least I think these are better than their old games
(Emm....Maybe some people will think that my taste is bad?)
whatever, enjoy these videos~ ;D
DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE guys do this again? It's a bit out of my expectation.
The two new characters have not much charisma to me. Not my cups of tea/_>\
(especially the eye glasses boy looks like ayato-_-)
but still looking for satoi's brilliant art style :)
三國 again? It remains me 十三支演義 for some reasons...
Two things I want to say are 周瑜 doesn't look like a Chinese and 諸葛亮 looks like 觀音娘娘(more about her)
Reject's CD series. I don't know much about this @@ so no comment
For the colour tone, it remains me uta pri for no reason.><
The plot looks good and interesting.
Not much games have stories in the after war Japan.
The theme seems about the contrast between conservative culture and love. (?)
The one I am most looking forward to.
I didn't expect them to make games on Oz. Maybe they also want to change into fairy tale style and compete with quinrose? XD
Love the art and also the BGM.
Yeah, that's all my brief comments on the 6 games.
And I wonder the releasing date of ALICE=ALICE LOL
Oh, thanks for posting. TBH, the only game that looks interesting to me is Taishou Guuzou Roman. But even then, it's just a drama CD series, not a game. Which sucks. As for Soubou Sangokushi, again, it's just another drama CD series. Sorry, I'm simply not interested in these. Come out with a Three Kingdoms game already, Rejet. Otomate's is good, but I want to see Rejet's spin on it... it'll probably end up like Ken ga Kimi (in terms of style, at least), which I really need to start playing soon. Aah, blessed Rejet. Oh, and there will be another DiaLovers game soon? Rejet won't be retiring this series for a while, huh.

What I really want to see from Rejet: a completely original premise. I love Ken ga Kimi's setting and atmosphere, but I feel like this setting has been done to death. 18th-19th century Japan. Then again, according to konnistique's translations, the game was Rejet's first "Japanese-inspired tale". And they did it damn well, too, just like they did with BWS. I don't know what I'm looking for, exactly. Maybe something controversial. A WWII setting might be interesting. >.> I trust Rejet would do a fine job if they made a WWII otome game.
Thanks for the post!

Just for clarity, not all of them are games. Only Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate and Marginal #4 Supernova will be, it seems. The rest are just drama CDs (which may or may not be adapted into games depending on sales. I'm still hoping for Vanquish Brothers to become a game).

Anyway, I sometimes feel like I'm the only one that doesn't care about Diabolik Lovers (never was a "fan" per se to begin with). It's rivalling Starry Sky in its inability to just END and move on new lands... hell, even Starry Sky has stopped making new games after the release of ~After Winter~, even if SS is still porting their releases. Anyway, the premise and writing of DL was never fantastic to begin with, but now they're bringing in "the founders of the vampire race." Who happen to be Japanese, even though the vampire motif DL uses is the European type? Only two founders of an entire race? That will be going to high school? Why? It makes no sense. Maybe the game will explain all of these oddities, so perhaps I'm being unreasonable.

Soubou Sangokushi seems interesting. I like stories that involve tragic themes. Not enough of them in the idealistic otome world.

Taishou Guuzou Roman: Teikoku Star: I don't like how a commoner protagonist "suddenly" becomes an owner of what can be presumed to be a pretty ritzy establishment, but I'm sure there'd be some kind of explanation for it. If I were the previous owner, I'd hand such a business to someone with experience in the industry rather than some random student. We'll see how it goes, since it does seem interesting otherwise.

Marginal #4 Supernova: Skeptical since it's like a pretty shameless attempt to cash in on bloody Uta no Prince-sama fame. -__- However, since I love Rejet, maybe they can make things interesting.

Lip on My Prince: Seems like it'd be a cute high school romance thing. Usually, Rejet makes some pretty twisted stuff, so I'm curious to see how they go with more "normal" plots. :) Even if coincidences tend to be lazy plot devices.

Oz to Himitsu no Ai: I love fairytale motifs and themes, so I'm definitely interested. Maybe Rejet were inspired by Ozmafia's success, maybe they're trying to emulate Quinrose. Quinrose is pretty much a joke at present, anyway. Whatever the case, no points for originality but I'd like to see how Rejet takes this on!

Finally, just like yonakayume said, I'd like to see Rejet come up with more original premises. Black Wolves Saga is proof that they can do this and do it well!
Thanks for the notice! Teikoku Star looks like BWS art :3 too bad it isn't a game (And I'm damn sick of Sakurai Takahiro, Takashi Kondo and Morikawa Chie appearing everywhere)

And Diabolik Lovers is becoming ridiculous. As for Alice-Alice, I only like the music (lol) Alice theme is really tiring, it pops up everywhere. We need revolutions in Otome Game!! D:
Yeah I'm only interested in Sangokushi but like siu_man said it looks like Jyuuzaengi. Feels liek recently the otoge companies are just using each others' ideas and spinning them into other random stuff... If Rejet tried time travel (futuristic stuff) it might be interesting.

The best games from Rejet were BWS and KgK...
@LaCal and Riku3: yeah, even if Rejet ends up having a game with an overused premise (ex: school setting), even then, the game ends up being stylish, if nothing else. The character design, the settings, and the scores for their games tend to be top-notch. I trust in this company over all others, lol. I like your idea about a futuristic setting, Riku3. Maybe something with mechas, aliens and space colonization.
Thanks for the notice! Teikoku Star looks like BWS art :3 too bad it isn't a game (And I'm damn sick of Sakurai Takahiro, Takashi Kondo and Morikawa Chie appearing everywhere)

And Diabolik Lovers is becoming ridiculous. As for Alice-Alice, I only like the music (lol) Alice theme is really tiring, it pops up everywhere. We need revolutions in Otome Game!! D:

Yeah I'm only interested in Sangokushi but like siu_man said it looks like Jyuuzaengi. Feels liek recently the otoge companies are just using each others' ideas and spinning them into other random stuff... If Rejet tried time travel (futuristic stuff) it might be interesting.

The best games from Rejet were BWS and KgK...

No worries! Reading back on my post, it sounded like I hate everything, LOL. I'm very open to 99% of otome content, but I can't help but point out the bullshit as well.

Yeah, the artist for Teikoku is clearly the same as BWS and Gekka Ryouran Romance. Both of which are wonderfil Rejet games! :) I could never get sick of THE GREAT AND HOLY Sakurai Takahiro... then again, he is one of my favourite seiyuu, haha. I do think that companies should experiment with different seiyuu. Ozmafia!! had to hire mostly-unknowns out of necessity, but their performances were pretty good. They'd be cheaper to hire but I guess seiyuus are a big pull to get girls to buy the games...

I can't really judge on Alice=Alice yet, as I haven't listened to any of the drama CDs. I like Alice in Wonderland and its themes, but like you said, we do need a "revolution". Same goes with how most games are being set in historical Japan and high school. But as long as moe-obsessed female otaku and fujoshi that are obsessed with those settings and tropes dominate the market, we won't be seeing any risky changes any time soon. :( Most companies are interested in cash flow, not creative integrity. Not that moe is all bad; sometimes I feel like a good dose, but I do want "deeper" games as well. Just would like a balance!

I couldn't agree more about Rejet's best being BWS... Bloody Nightmare is easily one of the best otome games ever made, IMO. I've yet to Ken ga Kimi but all of my friends say it's amazing. Some even thought it's better than BWS, so I can't wait to get to it. :)

Time travel is definitely an interesting idea. I have faith Rejet would do well with it. However, Otomate and QuinRose should STAY THE HELL AWAY from complex plot devices like time travel! They'd surely screw it up.
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No worries! Reading back on my post, it sounded like I hate everything, LOL. I'm very open to 99% of otome content, but I can't help but point out the bullshit as well.

Yeah, the artist for Teikoku is clearly the same as BWS and Gekka Ryouran Romance. Both of which are wonderfil Rejet games! :) I could never get sick of THE GREAT AND HOLY Sakurai Takahiro... then again, he is one of my favourite seiyuu, haha. I do think that companies should experiment with different seiyuu. Ozmafia!! had to fire mostly-unknowns out of necessity, but their performances were pretty good. They'd be cheaper to hire but I guess seiyuus are a big pull to get girls to buy the games...

I can't really judge on Alice=Alice yet, as I haven't listened to any of the drama CDs. I like Alice in Wonderland and its themes, but like you said, we do need a "revolution". Same goes with how most games are being set in historical Japan and high school. But as long as moe-obsessed female otaku and fujoshi that are obsessed with those settings and tropes dominate the market, we won't be seeing any risky changes any time soon. :( Most companies are interested in cash flow, not creative integrity. Not that moe is all bad; sometimes I feel like a good dose, but I do want "deeper" games as well. Just would like a balance!

I couldn't agree more about Rejet's best being BWS... Bloody Nightmare is easily one of the best otome games ever made, IMO. I've yet to Ken ga Kimi but all of my friends say it's amazing. Some even thought it's better than BWS, so I can't wait to get to it. :)

Time travel is definitely an interesting idea. I have faith Rejet would do well with it. However, Otomate and QuinRose should STAY THE HELL AWAY from complex plot devices like time travel! They'd surely screw it up.

I've not played Ozmafia yet because I heard the patch and voicing for the game sucks lol. How did you find the game overall?

I don't like seeing the same seiyuus all over the otome world because it feels like you're just playing the same guys again (lol) I know lots of people play for the seiyuus and not the storyline or whatever, but it really spoils the game ): I guess like you said, companies go for cash flow...

Lots of people said Norn9 is good (otomate's attempt at futuristic stuff?) but I've not played it yet so I'm not sure... Looking forward to Chronostacia but I'm scared it's gonna turn out dumb... otomate destroyed many themes already, it seems like they only ever good at Oni, Oni and more Oni. -_-

Definitely play KgK! :D :D I won't say it's better than BWS, because the plot isn't as deep, but the art and the characters were amazing. I think if they were gonna moe, 十三支演義 and BWS with the neko-mimi are enough :D
I've not played Ozmafia yet because I heard the patch and voicing for the game sucks lol. How did you find the game overall?

I don't like seeing the same seiyuus all over the otome world because it feels like you're just playing the same guys again (lol) I know lots of people play for the seiyuus and not the storyline or whatever, but it really spoils the game ): I guess like you said, companies go for cash flow...

Lots of people said Norn9 is good (otomate's attempt at futuristic stuff?) but I've not played it yet so I'm not sure... Looking forward to Chronostacia but I'm scared it's gonna turn out dumb... otomate destroyed many themes already, it seems like they only ever good at Oni, Oni and more Oni. -_-

Definitely play KgK! :D :D I won't say it's better than BWS, because the plot isn't as deep, but the art and the characters were amazing. I think if they were gonna moe, 十三支演義 and BWS with the neko-mimi are enough :D

*For my last post before this one: hire mostly unknowns out of necessity, NOT fire! LOL, sorry about that.

In my view Ozmafia!! is slightly above average, but not higher than that. It certainly wasn't worth the 2+ it took to make it, but then again, is any game worth that level of wait? I disagree with the opinions you heard about voice acting- sure, they're not as experienced as the established ones yet but they're still fine. I can't remember what the patch helped with, seeing as I applied it pretty much straight away and it's been a bit of a while since I played Ozmafia!!

Yes, that's one of the big problems with many otome gamers- they perpetuate this lack of effort from the developers, creators and writers by only caring about "teh shiny arts and teh hot voices". Both of which are important to an extent, but not the lifeblood of the game. I would be able to guarantee that much less people would have played Ozmafia!! if it weren't for Satoi's (Diabolik Lovers artist) work, since 99% of the seiyuu were all unknown-to-barely-knowns. Some gamers' low standards truly astound me, but that can be said about almost anything else anyway, to be fair.

This kind of low standard and lack of desire to intelligently criticise crappy games gave rise to such "gems" like Shiratsuyu no Kai, Solomon's Ring, Toiro Komachi and according to my friends who have played Houkago Colorful*Step, NORN9 and recent QuinRose games, those too. In the end, forking out for a game is the best way to show your support. If people are paying the money even if they review the game negatively, the companies don't give a damn. Speaking of NORN9, at least hearing from the people I know, the opinion seems to be that the characters are fine, but the story needs work. Apparently it has quite a few plotholes.

Yeah, I'm interested in Chronostacia as well! However, I don't trust Otomate enough to pre-order. Will read the reviews and see how we go. I guess I could just download it but these days I'm trying to make more of an effort to buy more games than I did last year.

I don't really like kemonomimi, but I can deal with it. I'm glad I did, otherwise I never would have played BWS, and what a shame that would have been.
*For my last post before this one: hire mostly unknowns out of necessity, NOT fire! LOL, sorry about that.

In my view Ozmafia!! is slightly above average, but not higher than that. It certainly wasn't worth the 2+ it took to make it, but then again, is any game worth that level of wait? I disagree with the opinions you heard about voice acting- sure, they're not as experienced as the established ones yet but they're still fine. I can't remember what the patch helped with, seeing as I applied it pretty much straight away and it's been a bit of a while since I played Ozmafia!!

Yes, that's one of the big problems with many otome gamers- they perpetuate this lack of effort from the developers, creators and writers by only caring about "teh shiny arts and teh hot voices". Both of which are important to an extent, but not the lifeblood of the game. I would be able to guarantee that much less people would have played Ozmafia!! if it weren't for Satoi's (Diabolik Lovers artist) work, since 99% of the seiyuu were all unknown-to-barely-knowns. Some gamers' low standards truly astound me, but that can be said about almost anything else anyway, to be fair.

This kind of low standard and lack of desire to intelligently criticise crappy games gave rise to such "gems" like Shiratsuyu no Kai, Solomon's Ring, Toiro Komachi and according to my friends who have played Houkago Colorful*Step, NORN9 and recent QuinRose games, those too. In the end, forking out for a game is the best way to show your support. If people are paying the money even if they review the game negatively, the companies don't give a damn. Speaking of NORN9, at least hearing from the people I know, the opinion seems to be that the characters are fine, but the story needs work. Apparently it has quite a few plotholes.

Yeah, I'm interested in Chronostacia as well! However, I don't trust Otomate enough to pre-order. Will read the reviews and see how we go. I guess I could just download it but these days I'm trying to make more of an effort to buy more games than I did last year.

I don't really like kemonomimi, but I can deal with it. I'm glad I did, otherwise I never would have played BWS, and what a shame that would have been.

Haha hell, I already ordered Chronostacia, just hoping they make my money worth.

Well I think art is important too, I like it when it suits the theme of the game. I look at art and storyline first thing, then music. Don't really care about Seiyuus, I just like new blood in different games :3 (that's why now I'm excited to play Ozmafia after you said they're not the usual CVs. For Ozmafia, what I meant was that people said sometimes the voice would cut off in the middle of a paragraph due to their added-on lines after they released the game or smth.

I have a thing for butlers and soldiers, hope they come out with stuff like that soon :p teikoku star isn't really about military but I'm still hoping it becomes a game.

Any games you're playing now? I'm doing shinobi koi and it's boring my blood out...
Haha hell, I already ordered Chronostacia, just hoping they make my money worth.

Well I think art is important too, I like it when it suits the theme of the game. I look at art and storyline first thing, then music. Don't really care about Seiyuus, I just like new blood in different games :3 (that's why now I'm excited to play Ozmafia after you said they're not the usual CVs. For Ozmafia, what I meant was that people said sometimes the voice would cut off in the middle of a paragraph due to their added-on lines after they released the game or smth.

I have a thing for butlers and soldiers, hope they come out with stuff like that soon :p teikoku star isn't really about military but I'm still hoping it becomes a game.

Any games you're playing now? I'm doing shinobi koi and it's boring my blood out...

Yeah, I also hope it's worth your money! Speaking of buying, I'm going to take a chance in Jououbachi no Oubou and pre-order it. Given that its plot is sounding waaay more interesting than the majority of otome games out there at the moment. They also actually have a protagonist that doesn't sound like she's up to any good! That's Kaguya's game, though, which won't be out until March. Still, I'm interested in Menou's game enough to want to preorder. The trial got me REALLY interested.

ANYWAY... you're one of the few people I know that don't really care about seiyuu. I care, but a good cast would never convince me to play a bad game. In fact, I feel so sorry for them, having to be in such a crappy game... :P In Ozmafia!!, the best known seiyuu in there (at the time it came out) would be Ichiki Mitsuhiro and Iguchi Yuuichi. The latter voiced a popular character in Luckydog1, so yeah, the fujoshi certainly would have paid attention! Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I swear I've been seeing some seiyuu from Ozmafia!! get roles these days. Ozmafia!! was selling really well on Amazon. Heaps of people were excited about it for a long time.

Oh, I see what you mean now. Yes, Ozmafia!! is 75% voice. Apparently this happened because the author(s) added extra content (which caused even more delays) and didn't rehire the actors to voice the remaining 25%. That's what I remember hearing, but I don't know how true it is. It's pretty amazing to think that only two people were working on a game with that much quality. The three main guys seem to be getting character song CDs, which wouldn't happen if Poni-Pachet thought it wouldn't sell. I hope for the next game they make, they'll have enough money to fully voice a game. It's not important, but stuff cutting off is jarring.

Right now, I just finished Super Danganronpa 2. Which isn't an otome game... I'm planning to play Eikoku Tantei Mysteria next. I heard it's really good!
Yeah, I also hope it's worth your money! Speaking of buying, I'm going to take a chance in Jououbachi no Oubou and pre-order it. Given that its plot is sounding waaay more interesting than the majority of otome games out there at the moment. They also actually have a protagonist that doesn't sound like she's up to any good! That's Kaguya's game, though, which won't be out until March. Still, I'm interested in Menou's game enough to want to preorder. The trial got me REALLY interested.

ANYWAY... you're one of the few people I know that don't really care about seiyuu. I care, but a good cast would never convince me to play a bad game. In fact, I feel so sorry for them, having to be in such a crappy game... :P In Ozmafia!!, the best known seiyuu in there (at the time it came out) would be Ichiki Mitsuhiro and Iguchi Yuuichi. The latter voiced a popular character in Luckydog1, so yeah, the fujoshi certainly would have paid attention! Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I swear I've been seeing some seiyuu from Ozmafia!! get roles these days. Ozmafia!! was selling really well on Amazon. Heaps of people were excited about it for a long time.

Oh, I see what you mean now. Yes, Ozmafia!! is 75% voice. Apparently this happened because the author(s) added extra content (which caused even more delays) and didn't rehire the actors to voice the remaining 25%. That's what I remember hearing, but I don't know how true it is. It's pretty amazing to think that only two people were working on a game with that much quality. The three main guys seem to be getting character song CDs, which wouldn't happen if Poni-Pachet thought it wouldn't sell. I hope for the next game they make, they'll have enough money to fully voice a game. It's not important, but stuff cutting off is jarring.

Right now, I just finished Super Danganronpa 2. Which isn't an otome game... I'm planning to play Eikoku Tantei Mysteria next. I heard it's really good!

Ooh I didn't Jououbachi existed... just checked out the website (// _ //) R+18 haha. I've only ever played Chou no Doku but you're right, it does look like a good plot! I'm more interested in Kaguya though... I hate heroines who look like dumb girls. Shinobi Koi and SBL's heroines almost killed me with their stupidity...

Well I know many people who just play for seiyuus so you not being convinced to play for seiyuus is pretty rare too! Comrade in otoge revolution haha (: For me if they can act well and it suits the character, I don't mind who voiced it because I'm sure there're many talents out there, just that they don't have chances to make it big. Really wanna start on ozmafia but I need to finish my Butterfly Gloss or my computer will be choked with too many games haha. I guess I can deal with Ozmafia getting cut off since I played tinyxmachinegun which only had SFX for like 7 chapters of the game -_-

I played Eikoku Tantei until Watson, then gave up cos it was such a long game. But I don't really like voiced heroines, idk about you...

Thanks for the recommendation! I'll go check out Danganropa... feel like playing some stuff like guitar hero or Audition but not sure if they have psp versions... Happy gaming! :D :D
Ooh I didn't Jououbachi existed... just checked out the website (// _ //) R+18 haha. I've only ever played Chou no Doku but you're right, it does look like a good plot! I'm more interested in Kaguya though... I hate heroines who look like dumb girls. Shinobi Koi and SBL's heroines almost killed me with their stupidity...

Well I know many people who just play for seiyuus so you not being convinced to play for seiyuus is pretty rare too! Comrade in otoge revolution haha (: For me if they can act well and it suits the character, I don't mind who voiced it because I'm sure there're many talents out there, just that they don't have chances to make it big. Really wanna start on ozmafia but I need to finish my Butterfly Gloss or my computer will be choked with too many games haha. I guess I can deal with Ozmafia getting cut off since I played tinyxmachinegun which only had SFX for like 7 chapters of the game -_-

I played Eikoku Tantei until Watson, then gave up cos it was such a long game. But I don't really like voiced heroines, idk about you...

Thanks for the recommendation! I'll go check out Danganropa... feel like playing some stuff like guitar hero or Audition but not sure if they have psp versions... Happy gaming! :D :D

Haha, sorry, I should have warned you that Jooubachi is an R18+ game! While I'm definitely way more interested in Kaguya's side... My first impression of Menou (before the trial was released) was that she's a goody-goody with no backbone, just like about 90% of otome protagonists out there. While she is a good girl, she's driven in her own way and does call out on the bullshit when it needs to be. I can see why writers don't like creating really smart heroines, but academic intelligence doesn't equal wisdom, and vice-versa.

We're definitely comrades, yeah! :D It's funny, because I'm the type to collect cast lists, aliases, etc. of seiyuu (male and female) and tend to remember names of voices pretty well. I have the tendencies of someone who only picks for seiyuu, but just because I totally respect their work, it doesn't make me a slave to everything they've performed in. I agree. Even in the anime world, I'm sure you've noticed the same pool of seiyuu being picked for main roles, while side characters tend to be more varied. Most Japanese VAs are quite skilled, so it is fair that they get cast. However, yeah, I do feel bad for the ones who don't get to join that "club" of seiyuu that have followings so big that they're hired for their name just as much as their talent.

To name an example, these are my views when I think about Levi from Shingeki no Kyojin's casting. See, we all know that Kamiya Hiroshi is incredibly talented and can practically voice anybody... but I still haven't completely adjusted to his vocal tone as Levi. Kamiya-san's ACTING as Levi is nothing short of superb, as usual, but I still think Levi should have a deeper tone. I have no doubt Kamiya-san was picked for his merits, but to say that his popularity had nothing to do with the exec's choice would be naive. Popular characters rarely get "unknowns" voicing them. Shingeki's cast is pretty star-studded, to say in the least. I even think Levi's popularity that grew even more after the anime started thanks to Kamiya-san. I've never seen girls go so mad over one male character since Gaara and Itachi in Naruto. Arguably, the Free! boys have their crazy otaku worshippers, but Levi, dear God...

I could go on and on about the state of the seiyuu industry, but yeah... Going back to the VN subject, I liked Robin Hood's voice actor, and hope to hear more from him. What a gentle, soothing voice... *Zzz...* I'm hearing conflicting opinions about Butterfly Gloss. Not even the two Daisuke-sans I love can convince me to play that game if it's no good... What do you think of it? Oh honey, my backlog (which includes all types of VNs, anyhow) is like 60~70 games. I bought Tiny x Machinegun, and heard it's "bloody great", basically. I remember reading Tiny x Machinegun was only partially voiced. The key scenes must be voiced though. Speaking of Danganronpa 1 and 2, they're both partially voiced as well. The key scenes are completely voiced (and well acted). It's not an issue to me since I can read Japanese. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am!

Thanks for the heads up about Eikoku... didn't know it was a long game at all! IMO, I like the heroines to be voiced, since I don't really go for the "pretending I'm the heroine" thing. Even if I understand Japanese well, I still prefer to hear it than read it, since it's much easier to listen! Helps bring emotions into a lot of key scenes, etc.
I could go on and on about the state of the seiyuu industry, but yeah... Going back to the VN subject, I liked Robin Hood's voice actor, and hope to hear more from him. What a gentle, soothing voice... *Zzz...* I'm hearing conflicting opinions about Butterfly Gloss. Not even the two Daisuke-sans I love can convince me to play that game if it's no good... What do you think of it? Oh honey, my backlog (which includes all types of VNs, anyhow) is like 60~70 games. I bought Tiny x Machinegun, and heard it's "bloody great", basically. I remember reading Tiny x Machinegun was only partially voiced. The key scenes must be voiced though. Speaking of Danganronpa 1 and 2, they're both partially voiced as well. The key scenes are completely voiced (and well acted). It's not an issue to me since I can read Japanese. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am!

Thanks for the heads up about Eikoku... didn't know it was a long game at all! IMO, I like the heroines to be voiced, since I don't really go for the "pretending I'm the heroine" thing. Even if I understand Japanese well, I still prefer to hear it than read it, since it's much easier to listen! Helps bring emotions into a lot of key scenes, etc.

TxM is voiced in the following manner: the common route has no voices, except for small stuff like "hai" "hands up" "haha" "haaah..." and so on. Like we get in a lot of RPGs. Then, the first chapter of every character route also has no voices but after that it's full voice, except for Tiny, who still has those RPG bits. But they should be more than 20, so it doesn't get boring... but that's only the Vaneast side, not sure, if the Jacklost side has the same rules, didn't get to it yet. But the only thing, that can differ, is the VA in 1st chapter of the single routes. And the game is "bloody great" indeed!! Best rejet game in terms of story in my opinion. I don't even care about the rabu rabu, tell more of the story!! Every time I start the game, it becomes a sleepless night....

As for Eikoku.... this game WILL get a Directors Cut for PC. Because the routes ended at a ridiculous place. Confession, a kiss and THE END..... wtf? And Karin just loooooves directors cuts, so if you can wait, then wait for it.

Norn9 wasn't that bad... a great cast, wonderful music, the characters were pretty good, I loved the interactions between them. The problem of the game was that it always ended before the best place. Half of the team went with the bad guy and there will be a epic final battle? The main couple decided to go and watch their common past in their sleep and wake up only after everything has ended. and stuff like this happened the whole time. Just 1-2 more scenes with the apogee would have made it great...... but the fandisc will amend this, at least that's what the makers said... it's a really unusual setting but it seems like the writers just didn't have the time to finish it...
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TxM is voiced in the following manner: the common route has no voices, except for small stuff like "hai" "hands up" "haha" "haaah..." and so on. Like we get in a lot of RPGs. Then, the first chapter of every character route also has no voices but after that it's full voice, except for Tiny, who still has those RPG bits. But they should be more than 20, so it doesn't get boring... but that's only the Vaneast side, not sure, if the Jacklost side has the same rules, didn't get to it yet. But the only thing, that van differ, is the VA in 1st chapter of the single routes. And the game is "bloody great" indeed!! Best rejet game in terms of story in my opinion. I don't even care about the rabu rabu, tell more of the story!! Every time I start the game, it becomes a sleepless night....

As for Eikoku.... this game WILL get a Directors Cut for PC. Because the routes ended at a ridiculous place. Confession, a kiss and THE END..... wtf? And Karim just loooooves directors cuts, so if you can wait, then wait for it.

Wow, thank you for the detailed explanation of voice system! :) I definitely have to get to TxM very soon, it sounds so awesome~ As for Eikoku... damn, I should have known! I ended up getting Zettai Meikyuu Grimm's DC edition... should have waited for Eikoku's one. I guess I can just sell my current Eikoku if the DC comes out. I hear good things about Karin games, so now I'm a little skeptical... when you think about it, confession -> kiss -> maybe credits first -> end is a very standard formula. Not even the simplest games take that progression often anymore. It doesn't matter as long as it's well-executed, however.
Haha, sorry, I should have warned you that Jooubachi is an R18+ game! While I'm definitely way more interested in Kaguya's side... My first impression of Menou (before the trial was released) was that she's a goody-goody with no backbone, just like about 90% of otome protagonists out there. While she is a good girl, she's driven in her own way and does call out on the bullshit when it needs to be. I can see why writers don't like creating really smart heroines, but academic intelligence doesn't equal wisdom, and vice-versa.

We're definitely comrades, yeah! :D It's funny, because I'm the type to collect cast lists, aliases, etc. of seiyuu (male and female) and tend to remember names of voices pretty well. I have the tendencies of someone who only picks for seiyuu, but just because I totally respect their work, it doesn't make me a slave to everything they've performed in. I agree. Even in the anime world, I'm sure you've noticed the same pool of seiyuu being picked for main roles, while side characters tend to be more varied. Most Japanese VAs are quite skilled, so it is fair that they get cast. However, yeah, I do feel bad for the ones who don't get to join that "club" of seiyuu that have followings so big that they're hired for their name just as much as their talent.

To name an example, these are my views when I think about Levi from Shingeki no Kyojin's casting. See, we all know that Kamiya Hiroshi is incredibly talented and can practically voice anybody... but I still haven't completely adjusted to his vocal tone as Levi. Kamiya-san's ACTING as Levi is nothing short of superb, as usual, but I still think Levi should have a deeper tone. I have no doubt Kamiya-san was picked for his merits, but to say that his popularity had nothing to do with the exec's choice would be naive. Popular characters rarely get "unknowns" voicing them. Shingeki's cast is pretty star-studded, to say in the least. I even think Levi's popularity that grew even more after the anime started thanks to Kamiya-san. I've never seen girls go so mad over one male character since Gaara and Itachi in Naruto. Arguably, the Free! boys have their crazy otaku worshippers, but Levi, dear God...

I could go on and on about the state of the seiyuu industry, but yeah... Going back to the VN subject, I liked Robin Hood's voice actor, and hope to hear more from him. What a gentle, soothing voice... *Zzz...* I'm hearing conflicting opinions about Butterfly Gloss. Not even the two Daisuke-sans I love can convince me to play that game if it's no good... What do you think of it? Oh honey, my backlog (which includes all types of VNs, anyhow) is like 60~70 games. I bought Tiny x Machinegun, and heard it's "bloody great", basically. I remember reading Tiny x Machinegun was only partially voiced. The key scenes must be voiced though. Speaking of Danganronpa 1 and 2, they're both partially voiced as well. The key scenes are completely voiced (and well acted). It's not an issue to me since I can read Japanese. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am!

Thanks for the heads up about Eikoku... didn't know it was a long game at all! IMO, I like the heroines to be voiced, since I don't really go for the "pretending I'm the heroine" thing. Even if I understand Japanese well, I still prefer to hear it than read it, since it's much easier to listen! Helps bring emotions into a lot of key scenes, etc.

Haha I'm alright with R18, just that I was at home when I clicked on the site (// 3 //) good thing my mom can't read Japanese haha. And for dumb heroines (youre right, they constitute 90% of games) they really piss me off.
I don't like voiced heroines because they usually choose those high squeaky voices for the heroine which pisses me off together with their oh-im-so-weak antics. (tripping when there's nothing, giving one-word answers to the guy's 5 sentences, pretending to be pure when the answer is staring them in the face, pretending not to know they're exciting the guy with their very 'pure' words... the list is endless...)

Yeah well, they cast popular characters with popular seiyuus to make them even more popular (lol) While I liked Kamiyu in Karneval, I didn't exactly like him in Shingeki either... but well, I heard soemtimes the manga artists themselves want a particular voice for their characters.... money on everyones' minds. I don't get why Levi is so popular either, apart from him being really very skilled and the bit about him losing his group gave him the 'pitiable boy' feel... and he has weird hair haha.

Butterfly Lip sucked... I don't like the two Daisukes and the storyline was buh. But Butterfly Gloss is more interesting for me, with a younger boyfriend and a charming childhood friend. Gloss is the second game which has two of my favourite seiyuus :3 There's a third coming out that I don't intend to play because OHMYGAWD Morikawa Chie again. He's all over the place, that Jii jii (makes zombie face)

Pfft.... they're right about TinyXmachinegun being 'bloody great', there were plotholes and some endings were disappointing for a Rejet creation but I really liked Break :p He's my favourite in the game, I'm no sadist I swear. Argh my Backlots are mountains as well.... so much for college (sigh).
Haha I'm alright with R18, just that I was at home when I clicked on the site (// 3 //) good thing my mom can't read Japanese haha. And for dumb heroines (youre right, they constitute 90% of games) they really piss me off.
I don't like voiced heroines because they usually choose those high squeaky voices for the heroine which pisses me off together with their oh-im-so-weak antics. (tripping when there's nothing, giving one-word answers to the guy's 5 sentences, pretending to be pure when the answer is staring them in the face, pretending not to know they're exciting the guy with their very 'pure' words... the list is endless...)

Yeah well, they cast popular characters with popular seiyuus to make them even more popular (lol) While I liked Kamiyu in Karneval, I didn't exactly like him in Shingeki either... but well, I heard soemtimes the manga artists themselves want a particular voice for their characters.... money on everyones' minds. I don't get why Levi is so popular either, apart from him being really very skilled and the bit about him losing his group gave him the 'pitiable boy' feel... and he has weird hair haha.

Butterfly Lip sucked... I don't like the two Daisukes and the storyline was buh. But Butterfly Gloss is more interesting for me, with a younger boyfriend and a charming childhood friend. Gloss is the second game which has two of my favourite seiyuus :3 There's a third coming out that I don't intend to play because OHMYGAWD Morikawa Chie again. He's all over the place, that Jii jii (makes zombie face)

Pfft.... they're right about TinyXmachinegun being 'bloody great', there were plotholes and some endings were disappointing for a Rejet creation but I really liked Break :p He's my favourite in the game, I'm no sadist I swear. Argh my Backlots are mountains as well.... so much for college (sigh).

I can definitely see why people (especially Western fans, not to be racist) prefer the heroines not be voiced... or at least, really appreciate having the option to turn them on/off. I've been surrounded by Japanese culture and media my entire life, so perhaps them having higher voices is just the norm for me. In Japan, cute + romantic/sexual availability + innocence = MOOOOOOEEEEE! when it comes to girls for the more "extreme" otaku (i.e., the ones that pour billions of yen into the anime/manga/VN industries). Of course, this is a generalisation at best and I can't speak for every hardcore male otaku... but just take a look at the most popular anime girls in Japan amongst them and I think I have a basis. This translates to the otome game protagonists being fit to that mold in otome games too, since the (typically) women whom write the games have grew up in that atmosphere. The target demographic grew up with those influences, so it doesn't stick out like it does to Western female audiences, who are used to having a more varied "types" of female protagonists.

Gosh, "one word answers to the guy's 5 sentences"... I agree with that SO HARD! Not to mention the "advice" they provide to the guys' problems being so cookie-cutter, bumper-sticker, can-find-anywhere-in-a-cheap-self-help-novel stuff. I hate it how writers use "innocence" as a tool to pretty much make sure it's feasible for the protagonist to not catch onto anything, and "not be accountable" when she leads guys on. After all... it's only bad to lead guys on if you know you're doing it! /sarcasm If you're sick of dumb female protagonists, I recommend you check out Sanzen Sekai Yuugi and Koezaru wa Akai Hana, both of which are R18+ otome games.

...And to make overpriced merchandise that the people eat up like pancakes! I remember reading somewhere that there was this $1,200 Levi figure that got sold out (pre-orders, I think?) in TWO HOURS. FUUUUUCK, LOL. He's featured in two of the three vol. 6's blu-ray first press limited edition visual novels. :D You want something of yours to smell like Levi? No worries, you can get perfume which was concocted in "his likeness". :S I "get" why Levi is popular, and I think he's great, but I don't see what elevates him from other "commonly-seen-as-attractive" male characters that generally fit his personality mold. I do agree with you on why he's so well-liked... Also, from what little I understand of character worship and going by what I've seen, girls do like to imagine themselves as "The Ones" of these elite-type characters. The only "ones" who can make the non-talkative guy flood you with enthused conversation and declarations of love, the only "ones" who can make these cool-headed types lose their shit because of their love for you, etc. as the list goes on and on. Just read the fan fiction featuring Eren or Levi (or both, LOL). At what point does it become sad? Or will it always just be mildly amusing? Looking forward to Sankaku Complex compiling birthday celebrations the otaku will have for Levi on Christmas, if there will be any. If Free! got some (link is NSFW), why not SnK?

Anyway, I think I'm getting too far off the topic of visual novels, so back I go... Sorry, it looks like I had Lip and Gloss confused in my last post. Given how similar our views are, I can trust your opinion and now I won't try the Butterfly series. Not that I was dying to from the start. LOL, I can't help but find how much you're sick of Morikawa-san to be funny! :D I don't mind Morikawa-san; kinda indifferent to him. Need moar Oosaka Ryouta and Hosoya Yoshimasa. Yah.

About TxM, I'm interested in Break the most. Suzuki Tatsuhisa is fantastic as him. I hear that you can't complete his route the first time through or something. Police officers or a murderer? Duh, of course I'm going for the batshit insane murderer. That's where all the fun is! ;)

What else have you been playing?
I can definitely see why people (especially Western fans, not to be racist) prefer the heroines not be voiced... or at least, really appreciate having the option to turn them on/off. I've been surrounded by Japanese culture and media my entire life, so perhaps them having higher voices is just the norm for me. In Japan, cute + romantic/sexual availability + innocence = MOOOOOOEEEEE! when it comes to girls for the more "extreme" otaku (i.e., the ones that pour billions of yen into the anime/manga/VN industries). Of course, this is a generalisation at best and I can't speak for every hardcore male otaku... but just take a look at the most popular anime girls in Japan amongst them and I think I have a basis. This translates to the otome game protagonists being fit to that mold in otome games too, since the (typically) women whom write the games have grew up in that atmosphere. The target demographic grew up with those influences, so it doesn't stick out like it does to Western female audiences, who are used to having a more varied "types" of female protagonists.

Gosh, "one word answers to the guy's 5 sentences"... I agree with that SO HARD! Not to mention the "advice" they provide to the guys' problems being so cookie-cutter, bumper-sticker, can-find-anywhere-in-a-cheap-self-help-novel stuff. I hate it how writers use "innocence" as a tool to pretty much make sure it's feasible for the protagonist to not catch onto anything, and "not be accountable" when she leads guys on. After all... it's only bad to lead guys on if you know you're doing it! /sarcasm If you're sick of dumb female protagonists, I recommend you check out Sanzen Sekai Yuugi and Koezaru wa Akai Hana, both of which are R18+ otome games.

...And to make overpriced merchandise that the people eat up like pancakes! I remember reading somewhere that there was this $1,200 Levi figure that got sold out (pre-orders, I think?) in TWO HOURS. FUUUUUCK, LOL. He's featured in two of the three vol. 6's blu-ray first press limited edition visual novels. :D You want something of yours to smell like Levi? No worries, you can get perfume which was concocted in "his likeness". :S I "get" why Levi is popular, and I think he's great, but I don't see what elevates him from other "commonly-seen-as-attractive" male characters that generally fit his personality mold. I do agree with you on why he's so well-liked... Also, from what little I understand of character worship and going by what I've seen, girls do like to imagine themselves as "The Ones" of these elite-type characters. The only "ones" who can make the non-talkative guy flood you with enthused conversation and declarations of love, the only "ones" who can make these cool-headed types lose their shit because of their love for you, etc. as the list goes on and on. Just read the fan fiction featuring Eren or Levi (or both, LOL). At what point does it become sad? Or will it always just be mildly amusing? Looking forward to Sankaku Complex compiling birthday celebrations the otaku will have for Levi on Christmas, if there will be any. If Free! got some (link is NSFW), why not SnK?

Anyway, I think I'm getting too far off the topic of visual novels, so back I go... Sorry, it looks like I had Lip and Gloss confused in my last post. Given how similar our views are, I can trust your opinion and now I won't try the Butterfly series. Not that I was dying to from the start. LOL, I can't help but find how much you're sick of Morikawa-san to be funny! :D I don't mind Morikawa-san; kinda indifferent to him. Need moar Oosaka Ryouta and Hosoya Yoshimasa. Yah.

About TxM, I'm interested in Break the most. Suzuki Tatsuhisa is fantastic as him. I hear that you can't complete his route the first time through or something. Police officers or a murderer? Duh, of course I'm going for the batshit insane murderer. That's where all the fun is! ;)

What else have you been playing?

Haha I'm not sure about Western ideals since I'm Asian, but the stereotype of innocent=high voice is really ridiculous. But yeah, since they grew up in that environment, they're conditioned to at that way to guys even if they don't feel that way. I've seen the way some Japanese girls act when I stayed there during my exchange and I was secretly cursing their innocent acts - it was so DAMN annoying. I mean, girls acting all coquettish is a flirting technique I guess but for secret feminists like me I get really annoyed with such acting.

Eh what... Levi perfume... Thanks for telling me something so ridiculous I have reason to believe that I should start writing my own otoge or manga one day and revolutionalise the ikemen market (haha!) I don't collect merchandise because they just collect dust and sooner or later I'd cheat' on the guy by liking another :p so I always think these people are crazy to pay so much for one thing. One of my friends (a guy, mind) fills his room with Zoro from One Piece and I'm too tired of making fun of him anymore lol. Well, wow, imagination is amazing. I can't believe they're so desperate to fawn over a Shounen manga character now... it's not even shoujo targeted hello?! I've seen bolsters with full length pictures of a character printed on it... you know, like Soine... *coughs*

I didn't watch Free because some girls in my class were getting so excited over 2D naked guys it put me off. But for Shingeki, I actually like Eren more. Not because he's the protagonist but because of the reality of his character. He cries, he loses, he gets desperate and distressed, he loses friends, he hates himself... Not like some shounen characters who never die, never get hurt, never lose. lol. I used to be into Cool guys when I was younger but I find them Batshit irritating now. I used to like Kiriyu Zero ALOT, and I still like him now, but only his character design, not his character anymore :D And Tsunderes, Gawd, just shut up please... (lol) I guess growing up made me realise if a guy can't even communicate properly with you, love is not going anywhere but into the drain. Well the last anime guy I was into was Yogi from Karneval and Break from Pandora Hearts, but I don't have the energy to follow monthly mangas because I have to get hanged for like a month before another little-to-no revelation happens. They're both not cool guys, but they're cool, if you follow me :)

Putting my anime/manga ramblings aside, whee yay a Break fan! Most of my friends who played TxM said they didn't like Break and were raging at me for not liking Tiny's bro... what was his name again? Reigand? (lol) Anyway, SuzukiTatsu really did a good job as him. I kinda liked Heinz too but his story didn't have the depth that Break's had. The rest of the characters were superficial and retarded even... Break's story was just... moving. He had the depth that the characters in BWS had. But yeah, Break and Heinz have to be unlocked. So I had to go through the stupid sis-con, the retarded lolicon, the weird-named fake womanizer and then finally Break. Meh...

I've played Koezaru, it's true Naara is not a dumb heroine and I really liked it when she just chopped off her hair; I was going "omg love you" in front of my PC :p It's rare to have such heroines. I'm sure if it was some dumb heroine she would be crying her eyeballs out until one ikemen miraculously appears to save her. As for Sanzen, I'm gonna try it soon, once I finish my fiddle with other PC games (the backlots urgh +_+ )

I'm playing Utapri music, couldn't find Danganronpa anywhere on the web (lol) so I might play Arcana's Regalo! soon. I'm more into action games at the moment, but those that are out on the market have horrible computer graphics (psp version) so I think I'll just be finishing my backlots until my Chronostacia comes :3 I don't like VNs that are complicated, like Wand of Fortune and Arcana (la storia) which killed me with the day-to-day kind of play system so I tend to stay away. The next one I'll play is probably Jyuuzaengi or urakata Hakuouki or smth.

I wanna try Princess Arthur, sounds like there will be a cool heroine, have you played it yet?
Haha I'm not sure about Western ideals since I'm Asian, but the stereotype of innocent=high voice is really ridiculous. But yeah, since they grew up in that environment, they're conditioned to at that way to guys even if they don't feel that way. I've seen the way some Japanese girls act when I stayed there during my exchange and I was secretly cursing their innocent acts - it was so DAMN annoying. I mean, girls acting all coquettish is a flirting technique I guess but for secret feminists like me I get really annoyed with such acting.

Eh what... Levi perfume... Thanks for telling me something so ridiculous I have reason to believe that I should start writing my own otoge or manga one day and revolutionalise the ikemen market (haha!) I don't collect merchandise because they just collect dust and sooner or later I'd cheat' on the guy by liking another :p so I always think these people are crazy to pay so much for one thing. One of my friends (a guy, mind) fills his room with Zoro from One Piece and I'm too tired of making fun of him anymore lol. Well, wow, imagination is amazing. I can't believe they're so desperate to fawn over a Shounen manga character now... it's not even shoujo targeted hello?! I've seen bolsters with full length pictures of a character printed on it... you know, like Soine... *coughs*

I didn't watch Free because some girls in my class were getting so excited over 2D naked guys it put me off. But for Shingeki, I actually like Eren more. Not because he's the protagonist but because of the reality of his character. He cries, he loses, he gets desperate and distressed, he loses friends, he hates himself... Not like some shounen characters who never die, never get hurt, never lose. lol. I used to be into Cool guys when I was younger but I find them Batshit irritating now. I used to like Kiriyu Zero ALOT, and I still like him now, but only his character design, not his character anymore :D And Tsunderes, Gawd, just shut up please... (lol) I guess growing up made me realise if a guy can't even communicate properly with you, love is not going anywhere but into the drain. Well the last anime guy I was into was Yogi from Karneval and Break from Pandora Hearts, but I don't have the energy to follow monthly mangas because I have to get hanged for like a month before another little-to-no revelation happens. They're both not cool guys, but they're cool, if you follow me :)

Putting my anime/manga ramblings aside, whee yay a Break fan! Most of my friends who played TxM said they didn't like Break and were raging at me for not liking Tiny's bro... what was his name again? Reigand? (lol) Anyway, SuzukiTatsu really did a good job as him. I kinda liked Heinz too but his story didn't have the depth that Break's had. The rest of the characters were superficial and retarded even... Break's story was just... moving. He had the depth that the characters in BWS had. But yeah, Break and Heinz have to be unlocked. So I had to go through the stupid sis-con, the retarded lolicon, the weird-named fake womanizer and then finally Break. Meh...

I've played Koezaru, it's true Naara is not a dumb heroine and I really liked it when she just chopped off her hair; I was going "omg love you" in front of my PC :p It's rare to have such heroines. I'm sure if it was some dumb heroine she would be crying her eyeballs out until one ikemen miraculously appears to save her. As for Sanzen, I'm gonna try it soon, once I finish my fiddle with other PC games (the backlots urgh +_+ )

I'm playing Utapri music, couldn't find Danganronpa anywhere on the web (lol) so I might play Arcana's Regalo! soon. I'm more into action games at the moment, but those that are out on the market have horrible computer graphics (psp version) so I think I'll just be finishing my backlots until my Chronostacia comes :3 I don't like VNs that are complicated, like Wand of Fortune and Arcana (la storia) which killed me with the day-to-day kind of play system so I tend to stay away. The next one I'll play is probably Jyuuzaengi or urakata Hakuouki or smth.

I wanna try Princess Arthur, sounds like there will be a cool heroine, have you played it yet?

I'm not sure if it's Japan alone that has the "high=innocent", "low=mature, sophisticated". I get annoyed with the Japanese tendency to hide what they're really thinking or what they're really like. Especially since I'm the type that's direct as they come and go for what I want.

Yup... they went there! Not just, Levi, though. Mikasa and Eren have their scents, too! I'm surprised Jean or Sasha didn't get theirs- those two have a legion of Asian and Western fans as well. Revolutionising the Ikemen Market, 'ey? ;P I think your best bet would be to write a shounen or seinen manga... which happens to be filled with hot guys... that may or may not be anti-heroic... with a disturbing lack of female role models... and the dudes also happen to be single so your readers can imagine themselves with them! That's the most important part: the overly-obsessed fangirl/boy must be able to easily imagine themselves with the hotties! These are the same types of girls that went nuts when Miyano Mamoru announced his engagement years back. Which made me think how lolarious would it be if Isayama-san reveals that Levi is actually happily married but can't be home as much as he'd like 'cause of his work. Or that Sasha is actually "second hand". I like most people I meet in even the most rabid fandoms, but at the same time it'd be fun to see the reactions. ;)

Speaking of ronery otaku merchandise, there's even Levi and Eren dakimakuras now! I think there's one where it's one dakimakura but you get both of them on either side. Great value for money, since the most popular pairing is Levi x Eren, LOL. The Japanese are brilliant! That's just only a handful of profits they must have made. The DVDs would be making a killing, since plenty of character-obsessed fans support the series just because of... whoever the hell they're picturing themselves with. We should work on an "epic" manga together, LOL, and roll in the otaku dough. :P Actually, shounen manga males seem to get more rabid female fans than shoujo manga males, I think. Just take one peek at the Katekyo Hitman Reborn fandom and run! Not so much these days, since it's finished. Then you get the Bleach and Naru-shipper-tards that have moved onto Shingeki no Kyojin.

Yeah, I think that Eren is the better protagonist out of most of the shounen protagonists out there. He is getting closer to the over-powered range. I'm sure you know what I mean if you're up-to-date (don't want to talk about it too much here since spoilers and it's too off-topic). I think Eren needs to develop a bit more past "I HATE TITANS", though I definitely can empathise why he is the way he is. LOL, I swear, lately the people who don't like tsundere are coming out of the woodworks... I used to feel like I was the only one who was indifferent to them. Sometimes I still do. I don't mind if a manga is weekly or monthly- time goes by so quickly anyway so I find myself thinking, "already the next chapter"?

LOL, you so should start a review blog or something! I'm loving your summary of what you had to do to finally complete Break's route. Hilarious! :D Yeah, it's Reigand. Wow... I'm so looking forward to completing Break's route now! "Weird-named fake womanizer"... that would be Zen Mido?

Here's where you can find Danganronpa 1 & 2: *Whistle innocently* You didn't hear it from me! ;)

Same here, I generally prefer playing straightforward, classic ADV style visual novels. One of the biggest selling points of VNs to me is the fact that there is hardly any gameplay and I can just sit back and relax. It's nice to have pictures, music and sound accompanying my "novels". Though so far, "real" novels tend to do a much better job with story quality. Hopefully that will change if VNs become more popular and more skiller writers are encouraged to write a VN.

I haven't started Princess Arthur yet. I have it, but again, it's just sitting on the backlog shelf and collecting dust. Since I love Arthurian legend, I'm very much looking forward to how it pulls it off.
I'm not sure if it's Japan alone that has the "high=innocent", "low=mature, sophisticated". I get annoyed with the Japanese tendency to hide what they're really thinking or what they're really like. Especially since I'm the type that's direct as they come and go for what I want.

Yup... they went there! Not just, Levi, though. Mikasa and Eren have their scents, too! I'm surprised Jean or Sasha didn't get theirs- those two have a legion of Asian and Western fans as well. Revolutionising the Ikemen Market, 'ey? ;P I think your best bet would be to write a shounen or seinen manga... which happens to be filled with hot guys... that may or may not be anti-heroic... with a disturbing lack of female role models... and the dudes also happen to be single so your readers can imagine themselves with them! That's the most important part: the overly-obsessed fangirl/boy must be able to easily imagine themselves with the hotties! These are the same types of girls that went nuts when Miyano Mamoru announced his engagement years back. Which made me think how lolarious would it be if Isayama-san reveals that Levi is actually happily married but can't be home as much as he'd like 'cause of his work. Or that Sasha is actually "second hand". I like most people I meet in even the most rabid fandoms, but at the same time it'd be fun to see the reactions. ;)

Speaking of ronery otaku merchandise, there's even Levi and Eren dakimakuras now! I think there's one where it's one dakimakura but you get both of them on either side. Great value for money, since the most popular pairing is Levi x Eren, LOL. The Japanese are brilliant! That's just only a handful of profits they must have made. The DVDs would be making a killing, since plenty of character-obsessed fans support the series just because of... whoever the hell they're picturing themselves with. We should work on an "epic" manga together, LOL, and roll in the otaku dough. :P Actually, shounen manga males seem to get more rabid female fans than shoujo manga males, I think. Just take one peek at the Katekyo Hitman Reborn fandom and run! Not so much these days, since it's finished. Then you get the Bleach and Naru-shipper-tards that have moved onto Shingeki no Kyojin.

Yeah, I think that Eren is the better protagonist out of most of the shounen protagonists out there. He is getting closer to the over-powered range. I'm sure you know what I mean if you're up-to-date (don't want to talk about it too much here since spoilers and it's too off-topic). I think Eren needs to develop a bit more past "I HATE TITANS", though I definitely can empathise why he is the way he is. LOL, I swear, lately the people who don't like tsundere are coming out of the woodworks... I used to feel like I was the only one who was indifferent to them. Sometimes I still do. I don't mind if a manga is weekly or monthly- time goes by so quickly anyway so I find myself thinking, "already the next chapter"?

LOL, you so should start a review blog or something! I'm loving your summary of what you had to do to finally complete Break's route. Hilarious! :D Yeah, it's Reigand. Wow... I'm so looking forward to completing Break's route now! "Weird-named fake womanizer"... that would be Zen Mido?

Here's where you can find Danganronpa 1 & 2: *Whistle innocently* You didn't hear it from me! ;)

Same here, I generally prefer playing straightforward, classic ADV style visual novels. One of the biggest selling points of VNs to me is the fact that there is hardly any gameplay and I can just sit back and relax. It's nice to have pictures, music and sound accompanying my "novels". Though so far, "real" novels tend to do a much better job with story quality. Hopefully that will change if VNs become more popular and more skiller writers are encouraged to write a VN.

I haven't started Princess Arthur yet. I have it, but again, it's just sitting on the backlog shelf and collecting dust. Since I love Arthurian legend, I'm very much looking forward to how it pulls it off.

0.0 what do you mean Sasha is second hand? I didn't really look at the seiyuus for Shingeki, let me in on the gossip! :p

Pffft, I used to be a Bleach-tard, Byakuya and Aizen-tard to be exact, until I started watching a couple of other shounen and shoujo stuff and discovered I liked too many guys to continue being any-tard (lol). And ah yes, Katekyo had tons of merchandise and fangirls like me... I filled my fingers with rings once, in my teenage days... had Bleach guys hanging from my keys, a deathnote notebook and couple of other random anime crap my mom was raging at me to get rid of :p Now I can't be bothered... but I'm starting to get interested in the Mikasa perfume, I think I'm gonna blame it on you :D

Yeah, I'm up-to-date on Eren, agree he's getting too powerful of late... but it kinda makes me happy y'know, since they were in a pretty crappy situation with their nakamas all in danger... well I guess monthly mangas are good too like you said. E.g I loved Fairy Tail but all the chapters chalk up and now I'm just meh, 30 chapters piled up, lazy. Thank you, messenger of light for the links, I ain't gonna mention names :D I'm all up for us starting an epic manga, but I'm bad at anything other than faces, i.e I suck at drawing bodies lol.

And yessssss I do have a review blog ;) Ok if you do P.Arthur before me ring me on its goodness/badness! I'm playing Jyuzaengi and its one of the rare VNs I'm not cursing the heroine all the way haha, you might wanna try that too.

p.s, weird-named fake womanizer I think I meant Wolf, Zen Mido's the lolicon :p
0.0 what do you mean Sasha is second hand? I didn't really look at the seiyuus for Shingeki, let me in on the gossip! :p

Pffft, I used to be a Bleach-tard, Byakuya and Aizen-tard to be exact, until I started watching a couple of other shounen and shoujo stuff and discovered I liked too many guys to continue being any-tard (lol). And ah yes, Katekyo had tons of merchandise and fangirls like me... I filled my fingers with rings once, in my teenage days... had Bleach guys hanging from my keys, a deathnote notebook and couple of other random anime crap my mom was raging at me to get rid of :p Now I can't be bothered... but I'm starting to get interested in the Mikasa perfume, I think I'm gonna blame it on you :D

Yeah, I'm up-to-date on Eren, agree he's getting too powerful of late... but it kinda makes me happy y'know, since they were in a pretty crappy situation with their nakamas all in danger... well I guess monthly mangas are good too like you said. E.g I loved Fairy Tail but all the chapters chalk up and now I'm just meh, 30 chapters piled up, lazy. Thank you, messenger of light for the links, I ain't gonna mention names :D I'm all up for us starting an epic manga, but I'm bad at anything other than faces, i.e I suck at drawing bodies lol.

And yessssss I do have a review blog ;) Ok if you do P.Arthur before me ring me on its goodness/badness! I'm playing Jyuzaengi and its one of the rare VNs I'm not cursing the heroine all the way haha, you might wanna try that too.

p.s, weird-named fake womanizer I think I meant Wolf, Zen Mido's the lolicon :p

It's apparently what hardcore otaku call girls (real or not) that aren't virgins. I was making a snide comment about how funny it would be if Isayama-san trolled the creepy otaku Sasha fanboys by giving her boyfriend. As for her seiyuu, I wouldn't know. So far, I've heard nothing.

I never could get into Bleach. I don't blame the girls for going ga-ga over Aizen... Aizen is pretty damn fine and his voice actor is Hayami Shou... enough said! I dunno why, I became a super hardcore Narutard pretty easily. I had my One Piece phase as well, but it was never as crazy as my obsession for Naruto was. I don't really know what dictates me getting into a shounen series or not myself, to be honest. I didn't get into D-Gray Man at all but got into Muhyo & Rooji and Fullmetal Alchemist without much trouble. Katekyo Hitman Reborn is the only one that I still don't know if I like it or not. I'm pretty much like you in the "can't stay any -tard for long" thing. I get bored pretty easily, but when I do get obsessed, it scares myself sometimes. It doesn't take a lot for me to get really into something, but likewise, it takes little time for me to stop being a "-tard" about something. Naruto was the longest series I've ever been a "-tard" of like, ever. That was a few good years.

I understand how and why fans get so obsessed but what I can never understand is how they stay obsessed with the same characters/pairings for years and years. My character "crush/hottie-of-the-now" kinda thing lasts no longer a couple of months. I guess how I view 2D guys matches how quickly I get sick of IRL guys, too. A good portion of various people I've met through various fandoms fit into this category. While the Shingeki no Kyojin, Naruto, Bleach and Avatar: The Last Airbender fandoms are pretty infamous for character obsession and pairing wars... 95% of fandoms have a horde of people like this! One of my online friends I've known for years is still "in love" with Meta Knight... Don't get me started on the one who pretends with great commitment that Eren is her boyfriend. Then of course there's that pal of mine who thinks that Naruto x Sasuke is indisputable canon.

I love getting into fandoms and interacting with its fans, but sometimes they scare the crap out of me and I feel like I'm not understanding something that they all seem to.

Shit, I can't draw to save my own life! We'd have to hire an artist so desperate for money that they won't judge the terrible (but MOOOOE) characters we'll come up with.

Have you finished Jyuzaengi yet? I don't know anybody who has.
It's apparently what hardcore otaku call girls (real or not) that aren't virgins. I was making a snide comment about how funny it would be if Isayama-san trolled the creepy otaku Sasha fanboys by giving her boyfriend. As for her seiyuu, I wouldn't know. So far, I've heard nothing.

I never could get into Bleach. I don't blame the girls for going ga-ga over Aizen... Aizen is pretty damn fine and his voice actor is Hayami Shou... enough said! I dunno why, I became a super hardcore Narutard pretty easily. I had my One Piece phase as well, but it was never as crazy as my obsession for Naruto was. I don't really know what dictates me getting into a shounen series or not myself, to be honest. I didn't get into D-Gray Man at all but got into Muhyo & Rooji and Fullmetal Alchemist without much trouble. Katekyo Hitman Reborn is the only one that I still don't know if I like it or not. I'm pretty much like you in the "can't stay any -tard for long" thing. I get bored pretty easily, but when I do get obsessed, it scares myself sometimes. It doesn't take a lot for me to get really into something, but likewise, it takes little time for me to stop being a "-tard" about something. Naruto was the longest series I've ever been a "-tard" of like, ever. That was a few good years.

I understand how and why fans get so obsessed but what I can never understand is how they stay obsessed with the same characters/pairings for years and years. My character "crush/hottie-of-the-now" kinda thing lasts no longer a couple of months. I guess how I view 2D guys matches how quickly I get sick of IRL guys, too. A good portion of various people I've met through various fandoms fit into this category. While the Shingeki no Kyojin, Naruto, Bleach and Avatar: The Last Airbender fandoms are pretty infamous for character obsession and pairing wars... 95% of fandoms have a horde of people like this! One of my online friends I've known for years is still "in love" with Meta Knight... Don't get me started on the one who pretends with great commitment that Eren is her boyfriend. Then of course there's that pal of mine who thinks that Naruto x Sasuke is indisputable canon.

I love getting into fandoms and interacting with its fans, but sometimes they scare the crap out of me and I feel like I'm not understanding something that they all seem to.

Shit, I can't draw to save my own life! We'd have to hire an artist so desperate for money that they won't judge the terrible (but MOOOOE) characters we'll come up with.

Have you finished Jyuzaengi yet? I don't know anybody who has.

Pfft I see, wow your friend has taken obsession to a new level: Eren as her bf? That's pretty amazing..... I stumbled on the movie Fujoshi Kanojo the other day and I was laughing so hard because the girl in the movie sounds exactly like one of my friends... just that we don't really have access to butler cafes and such in my home country lol. I really don't get BL. Or rather, I don't get why girls get excited watching BL. The thought of putting two of my favourite guy characters together make me go tori-hada. :s

And well, I've not been following Katekyo since the mummy-like arcobaleno appeared, I just thought the storyline was becoming a bunch of shiet lol. Some storylines liek Bleach get really bland after a while. I'm still chasing FT though, I guess it's the characters you don't get sick of that draws you to shounen?

I guess we have another similar point here! I change 2D guy favourites pretty easily nowadays, sometimes I'm worried that if I get a guy in the real world I'd start cheating rofl, or that I'd be too into my 2D guys to bother about him. :p

Yeah I finished Jyuzaengi, it was hell good! :D I didn't like the main guy Liu Bi very much though, but the other routes were great.
Pfft I see, wow your friend has taken obsession to a new level: Eren as her bf? That's pretty amazing..... I stumbled on the movie Fujoshi Kanojo the other day and I was laughing so hard because the girl in the movie sounds exactly like one of my friends... just that we don't really have access to butler cafes and such in my home country lol. I really don't get BL. Or rather, I don't get why girls get excited watching BL. The thought of putting two of my favourite guy characters together make me go tori-hada. :s

And well, I've not been following Katekyo since the mummy-like arcobaleno appeared, I just thought the storyline was becoming a bunch of shiet lol. Some storylines liek Bleach get really bland after a while. I'm still chasing FT though, I guess it's the characters you don't get sick of that draws you to shounen?

I guess we have another similar point here! I change 2D guy favourites pretty easily nowadays, sometimes I'm worried that if I get a guy in the real world I'd start cheating rofl, or that I'd be too into my 2D guys to bother about him. :p

Yeah I finished Jyuzaengi, it was hell good! :D I didn't like the main guy Liu Bi very much though, but the other routes were great.

It should be hilarious, but I'm on the fence with this one. Is it funny or extremely sad and creepy? I just can't decide. She's not joking- she actually considers herself truly involved with Eren... like, she won't date real guys because that would be really "cheating" to her. She pretty much stays updated with SnK JUST for Eren. I'm actually a little jealous since she got all the first press edition blu-rays, haha. Anyway, she spends so much money on Eren stuff... >_> If an Eren version of that $1,200 Levi figurine I was talking about before is announced, she will preorder without thinking twice. I guess since she works full time and lives alone (she keeps her hobbies and obsession a secret, naturally), her spending habits are only impairing to herself. Not that I know for sure, she's an online friend not IRL. What I really don't understand about her obsession the most is why Eren. He would be a pretty shitty boyfriend with how he is ATM, even though he is quite cute (and has green eyes!). I would choose quite a few of the other cast members (male or female) over Eren...

I better watch this Fujoshi Kanojo movie... sounds hilarious! I've never been to a butler cafe before, and I don't plan to. I don't get the appeal of butlers and maids. I guess their uniforms are nice. There are no butler cafes in my home countery, too. Yeah, I'm not big on BL I've played some BL games but yeah, the sex scenes don't really do it for me. Fictional sex scenes in general aren't really titillating to me, seeing as too much silly crap happens and I find myself focusing on that instead! Especially when it comes to BL- those authors clearly have no idea how male-on-male works, especially anal intercourse. Anyway, don't want to turn this into a mature topic, so I'll leave it here.

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