What kind of stuff do you like?

Your a sweetheart an YOU know it, don't give me that poo! :P From the sounds of it your probably the best father, even better then my dad, you spend TONS of time with your boys and you show, and express your pride with them :) that is so cool. Most fathers these days are shit biscuits. lol could not think of a better word don't ask haha!

I like shaved p ICE!
kim is in the ladies room so my turn

i like to wash kim when she is in the shower
Dammit! I hate when she does that crap, she has an account now.... grr!

I like female body's as well lol!
Oh, she is going to get it later on when we get back. Believe me. :D

I like being in peace and calm
Yes, messing with the human mind is a beautiful thing... :P hehe

I like that it is raining outside
i like when kim makes me breakfast instead of me cooking all the time
her cooking is not as bad as she says btw
In my experience those who say they are bad at something tend to be quite good truthfully.

I like Sobe Life Water :)
let me tell ya she could open a restaurant and make tons of money she is a killer cook she makes it like i am better than her fak that she can out cook me blindfolded she just does not like to cook is her deal

i like cold mornings so i can snuggle with my baby

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