
Mar 24, 2012
this might be fun~ :P
talk about anything below or related to the topic, or ask questions! XD
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1) for all we talk about how hot guys are. we mostly care about there personality. though a hot body is a plus

2) we are just as shy as you are about relationships

3) many of us don’t let you see us cry, unless we want you to comfort us

4) we like dropping small flirts, to see if you are interested. but we will later deny it or make it into a joke

5) most of us prefer to be call beautiful than hot or sexy. but not all of us

6) we only wear mini skirts, tank tops and skimpy cloths for you (unless it’s really really hot outside). so if you don’t like what we wear say something likely look really nice today, but you know…i think i like you in jeans better’

7) we travel in groups for one of two reasons 1) because we want to share some form of gossip with each other or get advice on something 2) b/c we don’t want to get caught by ourselves with you because we won’t know what to say and are afraid we’ll make a fool of ourselves

8) most girls spend about 15% of the time thinking about specific guys, 20% thinking of guys in general, 25% thinking of how to get guys to notice us and what to say when we do, 30% of the time talking about guys (even if someone else isn’t listening), and 10% of the time doing something else

9) girls automatically assume that all guys are ***** and only want to get into our pants until you prove otherwise (and even then some small part of us still thinks that)

10) most girls are under the impression that guys only want skinny ‘hot’ girls

11) most girls enjoy being paraded around once in awhile in front of your friends. we enjoy having you show us off to your friends, kind of like, ‘hey, look at my hot ass girlfriend! aren’t you jealous?” but we don’t enjoy being nothing but a trophy girl

12) nicknames like “babe, or darling” are safe to call just about any girl. but beware of “princess or angel”. some girls will take offense to this thinking you are calling them to innocent or incapable of taking care of themselves.

13) speaking of nicknames, almost every girl has one nickname that they just love to be called

14) most girls will drop lots of hints to tell you that they like you, but won’t come right out and say” i like you” or “i love you”. if you think they like you, there is a good chance they do.

15) scenario time! -you like a girl named ashley, ashley has a friend named brenda. brenda comes up you in the hall and asks “do you like ashley?”

more often than not in this scenario ashley asked brenda to ask you because she is to shy to ask you herself. and even if she didn’t the first thing brenda is going to do with your answer is tell ashley. now you are thinking “what!? no!! don”t tell her that!!!” but in reality, this is a good thing. because there is a good chance she already likes you. and if she doesn’t, she will now be looking at you in a different way, and let me tell you. it’s a lot easier to fall for a guy if you already know they like you. so its safe. so go ahead and tell brenda that you like ashley. take a chance.

16) girls hate it when guys say perverted things.

17) girls love to feel special, even though they might not show it

18) girls talk about everything with their girl friends. so unless you tell us not to tell them about something, they will know about it within 3 days. and if you are the girl’s boyfriend, that means, you’re possibly 90% of their conversation. and believe me, trash talking takes up most of it, unless you’re a greek god, which you’re not…

19) girls hate guys with bad hygiene.

20) girls love it when a guy pulls them close by the waist

21) most girls like a guy that will willing dance with them, even if he doesn’t know how

22) usually, when a girl is sarcastically mean to you, it means they’re attracted to you, but are afraid that they’ll be showing too much

23) a kiss on the hand with the right timing can be a real turn-on

24) some girls can think about their crushes for 18+ hours straight. no exaggeration

25) when a guy says something really sentimental, girls will remember it forever

26) girls get embarrassed easily, even if guys don’t know what the hell just happened.

27) girls daydream about their crushes all the time. they just don’t show it.

28) when a girl is upset and wants you to listen, she wants you to listen. she doesn’t need you to fix it or tell her how to. she just wants you to listen.

29) when a girl is crying, she feels a lot safer if you pull her close and tell her that everything is going to be all right. and more likely than not, it will endear them to you more than anything else.

30) girls love it when guys say their name

31) girls love confidence

32) when a girl cooks for you, you know you mean a lot to her

33) girls hate it when other girls flirt. yet they flirt themselves too. ah, the beauty of irony

34) we don’t enjoy talking dirty to you as much as you enjoy listening.

35) saying something sweet might get you off the hook; doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.

36) size does matter, but only to hoes; not girls that want relationships.

37) no matter what you say, your ex-girlfriend is a hoe to us. not because we don’t like your taste in women, because believe me we do! its just that…we don’t want to have to wonder if she is better than us. and if she is a hoe, we are better. so it makes things simple for us.

38) we are self-conscious by nature; we can’t help it. but we can try and hide it.
39) even if you think it is cool to burp, fart, or emit other strange gases from your body, it is not. though we sometimes will tell you it is.

40) as far as you are concerned, we are beautiful at all times, and don’t tell us different, unless you make it sound like a compliment (even if it isn’t) like, “you were really pretty yesterday when you wore -insert clothing/accessory here-, i think you should wear that more often”

41) whatever you do, don’t just show up at our house unexpected or at least without ringing the door bell…we run around in our underwear just like you do. and no matter how much you would like to see that, we will likely never talk to you again

42) don’t cheat on us. it may seem foolproof, but girls tell each other everything about everything. trust me, they will find out and you will be dirt.

43) we want you to beware of every male relative and all guy friends. all of them would kick your ass at the drop of a hat, and a lot of them wouldn’t even wait for the damn hat. we just don’t want you to be too obvious.

44) we enjoy being kissed by you in front of your friends. it makes us feel like you care a lot about us.

45) you don’t have pms; so don’t act like you know what it’s like. don’t try to understand…believe me you never will.

46) violent statements like “if that guy keeps looking at you, i’m going to tear his head off” are appealing

47) we don’t want you to say you love us if you don’t mean it

48) we love it when you make eye contact with us while we talk.

49) most girls are afraid of losing our independence to guys (for some unknown reason)

50) if you ask a girl out directly, more likely than not, she will say yes to you. even if she only has lukewarm feelings for you, because it will give her the chance to get to know you better and get to like you even more.

51) most girls love it when guys ask them for advice.

52) girls like it when you tell us what you are thinking, even if you don’t understand it yourself

53) after you’ve been dating for a while, realize that we really have started to trust you. when you have a girlfriend who truly trusts you, you have a lot more responsibility, privilege and control than you would think. be careful with it, most guys would kill for that kind of power, and it can be lost in a nanosecond

54) there is nothing wrong with being attentive and sensitive. however, this behavior can be carried too far. you don’t have to hang on our every word or give in to our every whim. the thrill of the chase doesn’t end after the first successful pick-up line. if you don’t present us with some minor challenges, we’re likely to get bored, or worse, feel that you’re creepy and obsessive.

55) variety is the spice of life. there are patterns underlying what your woman says she likes and doesn’t like. it would benefit you far more to try and discern the nature of these than to repeat everything she admits to enjoying until she no longer does

56) most men think the chase ends once they have us, but truly it has only just must work even harder to keep us then you do you earn us. we not some trophy you can earn,put on a shelf and admire. you have to care for us like the living human beings we are.(see 54)

57)when we say no its no, so stop asking!!!

58)if someone flirts with you, its a complement. if you’re not interested, accept it but dont flirt back.

59)the woman in your life needs to hear how you feel about her, and often. tell her now

60)all women are complicated, and it is doubtful any man will ever fully be able to understand us.but we know that, so its going to be ok.

credits to: cullenproperty
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I don't mind these hints, but it would be rather interesting to see what women should know about guys and how many hints they actually follow as well (you could possibly tell us your opinions about those hints since I suspect that you're a woman?).

I always thought that you should be "yourself" and not change every single bit of your life/personality in order to fit into the woman's life/expectations. But maybe I'm just missunderstanding this a bit. Hopefully I am or else I just lost my interest in women.

EDIT: I'll post something about my personal opinion about most hints later whenever I get the urge to do so. If someone actually would like to hear them.
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I gave up reading at the 10th thing lol, I guess I am not that intrested in that :goodtea:
or maybe its jest the nigh affecting me =/
oh and btw this is jest a question out of the blue so I might jest ask it out.
Why do you girls out there wear skini outfits, it seems rather uncomfortable to wear it, let alone to get out of that outfit?
]I ask that because I really dont buy that 'its for the guys', and plus now that I think of it if I allready posted I might as well ask some stuff right away and blah blah blah :goodtea:
~thank you for your time.
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reading over these i do see some overlap between things about girls as well as guys. i'm not talking about the stuff like pulling someone close by the waist, that would just confuse me if a girl did that lol. i'm talking about the things like exes, or selfconcious.
that's just me though, i guess i fall more into the role of a sensitive kind of guy
and i found #34 funny, just because i'm more than happy to listen lol
You know, I was aware of quite a few of these. And infamous is right, a few of them overlap with my feelings on things.

As for things girls should know about guys as Hinode suggested, I`d say my biggest one is that we`re just as complicated as they are. Our feelings might be inward and we might act simple and single minded but we have problems and crisises just the same. And one thing I don`t think most notice or care to think about is that guys have just as much societal pressure on them as girls do, ours is just in different areas.

Where girls are expected to be pretty, guys are expected to be strong.

Girls share their feelings, guys are told that it`s "gay" to do that themselves. (As a consequence most don`t.)

Girls are expected to stay home and be mothers, guys are expected to go out and get whatever job pays the most so that they can support the family.

And then, just like girls, any guys who don`t follow those stereotypes are seen as weird and are ridiculed for it.

I also see a lot of people have the preconception that guys hide their feelings because they`re embarrassed by them, or that they don`t want to face them for some reason, but I`ve found that most guys I know hide their feelings because they`re afraid of being ridiculed for them. That`s why you always see guys taking problems to their moms or really close friends, people that they don`t feel the need to maintain an image around. We don`t tell our girlfriends because, stupid as it is, we want them to think we`re the strong, manly, emotionless people we`re told we should be. We`re afraid to break our stereotypes because we meet everyone with our facades on and think that if we show them who we really are they won`t think of us the same way.
I never knew there could be 60!...but tbh they're probably and infinite amount that can be added onto that. I generally follow one golden rule, which is vague and open to interpretation but if done right it's the only one you need and that is to 'make her happy' its short simple and sweet just like a guys mind :P cause there's no way we'd remember all that but if we remember the important thing we're generally doing all right
45) you don’t have pms; so don’t act like you know what it’s like. don’t try to understand…believe me you never will.

Fun fact: Guys also have a version of pms that never seems to be talked about for some reason (maybe because it is much more subtle and doesn't include bleedingmygodIfeelbadforyou;_; ). But about once a month testosterone levels take a large drop, and guys will start to feel really shitty, or in my case more irritable and rather pessimistic for a few days. It isn't noticeable enough to recognize a pattern or anything, but I always consider it as a possibility when someone seems to be in a very foul mood and doesn't seem to have a good reason for it.
That it doesn't seem to have adequate research is a bit of a concern for me, because I think it probably plays a role into teen suicide rates. Since guys will suddenly feel terrible, but not realize that anything should be out of the ordinary.
Fun fact: Guys also have a version of pms that never seems to be talked about for some reason (maybe because it is much more subtle and doesn't include bleedingmygodIfeelbadforyou;_; ). But about once a month testosterone levels take a large drop, and guys will start to feel really shitty, or in my case more irritable and rather pessimistic for a few days. It isn't noticeable enough to recognize a pattern or anything, but I always consider it as a possibility when someone seems to be in a very foul mood and doesn't seem to have a good reason for it.
That it doesn't seem to have adequate research is a bit of a concern for me, because I think it probably plays a role into teen suicide rates. Since guys will suddenly feel terrible, but not realize that anything should be out of the ordinary.

hmmm fun fact. that actually makes a lot of sense. i do have cases where i feel annoyed for literally no reason
Should We make Things GIrls should know about GUys too..??????? so its even... :D
i feel like if there were a guy version it'd be a little... crude lol
I always thought that you should be "yourself" and not change every single bit of your life/personality in order to fit into the woman's life/expectations.
It's not that people should completely change for the other person's benefit, but both partners do have to change somewhat to make a relationship work. One of the biggest reasons why so many end boils down to selfishness, even after hearing them out and understanding them. You can ask any married people what kind of relationship problems they've had, and I can promise that you won't find one that never had any. Working with each other is part of any relationship. I've been in some where I gave more than I was giving back, but I never withheld because I was hoping they'd turn for the better. We have to put up with the good and ugly part of relationships. The only time when things goes bad is because ppl are unwilling to work things out. It's not all about the magical feeling of being with that person (it's not there 24/7 i can promise you xD). Even the person who'd die for you might actually want to kill sometimes XD but that's what makes relationships fun and worth it~

Why do girls out there wear skinny outfits, it seems rather uncomfortable to wear it, let alone to get out of that outfit?
Skinny outfits in general are Very comfortable XD but of course it depends on what you mean. Jeans are pretty much what you'd see fit nicely, but it's a different story if it takes alot of effort to put them on XD
I can tell you that it's between how something makes you feel vs what you expect from others. People may wear things depending on how they want to feel (comfortable, pretty, happy, emo, flirty, etc.) and yes, getting attention from guys can be a reason. (whether a girl admits to it or not :P)

one thing I don`t think most notice or care to think about is that guys have just as much societal pressure on them as girls do, ours is just in different areas.
of course~ seeing guys go through tough times and come out a new person is one thing that's really attractive :o

Fun fact: Guys also have a version of pms that never seems to be talked about for some reason (maybe because it is much more subtle and doesn't include bleedingmygodIfeelbadforyou;_; ). But about once a month testosterone levels take a large drop, and guys will start to feel really *, or in my case more irritable and rather pessimistic for a few days. It isn't noticeable enough to recognize a pattern or anything, but I always consider it as a possibility when someone seems to be in a very foul mood and doesn't seem to have a good reason for it.
That it doesn't seem to have adequate research is a bit of a concern for me, because I think it probably plays a role into teen suicide rates. Since guys will suddenly feel terrible, but not realize that anything should be out of the ordinary.
all true~ i doubt the suicide thing tho x-x I mean you'd expect girls to be just as subjectable to that no?
it's also controllable somewhat.

I generally follow one golden rule, which is vague and open to interpretation but if done right it's the only one you need and that is to 'make her happy' its short simple and sweet just like a guys mind Click here to enlarge cause there's no way we'd remember all that but if we remember the important thing we're generally doing all right
aka unconditional love~
knowing personality helps too :3
Fuck it. No girlfriend!
Girls they are like a beautiful ball and chain that you have to talk to and more.
all true~ i doubt the suicide thing tho x-x I mean you'd expect girls to be just as subjectable to that no?
it's also controllable somewhat.

The point was that such phasing is common knowledge to females, and it is (I'm assuming literally) painfully obvious when it is happening. As infamous helps demonstrate, this is not common knowledge to males, and it is not obviously apparent at all when it is happening. They might think they feel terrible because everything is terrible, not because they are in a state of mind that makes things seem terrible.
Hmm... i do believe i had some knowledge of most of this already... although im an odd case ;p But most of it seems like common sense...

Though i feel like helping if people tell me about their problems... >< And for that odd... releasing gasses part... my sis has been going nuts about how nile (some odd 1d guy) farts the most out of the band and she thinks its cute =.= Of course she hates it when anyone else farts but whatever :goodtea:

As for a list for the guys... i thought of that when i saw this ;p Not quite fair to only have one for the girls which are said to be more complicated~
Rawr and suddenly weve just been shoved into the category of simple minded fools again :goodtea:

Lol i wonder what would happen if guys experienced a day as a girl and girls experienced a day as a guy~ :goodtea: Actually... needs much more than a day to actually learn much...

well thaat.... cant just one days... change it for 1 months.. and they will know itt..
Rawr and suddenly weve just been shoved into the category of simple minded fools again :goodtea:

Lol i wonder what would happen if guys experienced a day as a girl and girls experienced a day as a guy~ :goodtea: Actually... needs much more than a day to actually learn much...

my psych teacher actually asked that to my class, and some girl said she'd probably touch herself all day haha
Mmm... to be honest it reeks of a facebook list. So i dont buy it. I picture on my mind some stereotypical
american teenager. -_-u
Oh man TOO LATE TO READD... Ill finish it tomorrow *Boomarks it* Ty for the tips though... Ugh god I suck with girls >.>.. But somehow god gave me the beautiful one I have atm... So I guess im not that bad xD.

my psych teacher actually asked that to my class, and some girl said she'd probably touch herself all day haha

Lol if I where a girl thats the first thing id do >.>

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