Tell me why I should watching Fate/Stay Night

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Zero Shifter
Elite Member
Nov 9, 2010
Tell me why I should watch Fate/Stay Night

It's just as the title says.... I've been considering of watching this anime and getting the VN for a long time, but was never so sure... So please people, why exactly should I start Fate/Stay Night?
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Personally, playing the VN is better than watching the anime. Besides that , heaven feel route (which i like best) isnt animated and unlimited blade works route cut off quite some details in the movie (time constraints). As the reason for playing/watching FSN, it is considered a classic at that time and still a solid story until now.

Well watching the anime is good also simply because magic fights feels better when animated =P.

I recommend both anyway =P.
Why not?
There is simply no answer to your question - it is a popular anime/VN and a classic, so obviously it is good - whether it meets your taste is for you to decide. So go ahead and download it to test it - you can always delete it if you don't like.

This will also be faster than waiting for/reading the replies in this thread.
Lol, I simply asked now since it's already too late at this hour to start watching now. Well, I guess I will try it out then, just needed a few opinions. Thanks.

PS: How do you close a thread?
Lol, yeah, it's as they say. Other people's opinions may or may not match yours so you're going to have to watch it yourself.

And to close a thread, I believe only moderators of the forum posses that power.
Correct, only staff can close threads.
Anyway, enjoy watching F/SN and see you around. ^^

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