Reason behind your username?


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2012
Hiya :) I was looking at the list at the bottom of the AS home page at Users active in the last 24hrs and was thinking there are some very strange usernames including my own :D, so it got me thinking

does anyone have a reason behind their username or is it just plain random?

I'll start with mine:

The DaRk_AngeL bit came from an old friend of mine who said I was her angel with dark wings :D

ZoA is a secret...:ninja:
Mine has a bit of a mixed reason and possibly a long explanation, but I'll try to give an idea~
I've used all sorts and kinds of names before, either in English or romaji. Most of them were character or account names. One varied to the next according to what stage of my life I was in~ (after some serious events, I mean).
The majority of what I used back then were some dark names/titles according to how I felt at the time.
(ex: DarkSlayer5o, Imprisoned_Heart, eternalEclipse, BlueStar, Rain, Crystal)

Maybe 2-3 years ago, I took a sudden turn from trying to be like others, to trying to be myself. I started using things that resembled or symbolized Divinity, or purity. (ex: JunsuinoHikari, Ushio, Setsuri, Serenic_melody, atheina, Ethereal)

I'm more used to being called Ushio in some places, and I kept how the word is made in mind.
There's two kanji: 潮 and 汐
Technically, most Japanese just say Shio, which is salt water. Ushio implies more about the Ocean's waves.
The first is literally: morning tide. the second is Evening tide, which is used in Clannad (and where i got the idea :p)
Rather than being in a dark place, I wanted to be in light, so I use the first: 潮
which btw, most Japanese people think of evening tide when they hear this word, so having it as a kanji where I can is a good thing~

This part: 神摂理 I believe is derived from some other word I used in an MMORPG. I can't remember it exactly, but it was like shinseinoSetsuri, something related to divine providence and purity. (I'm not sure, I think it was for some korean game called aika.)

Anyway, I kept changing the meaning for the sense I wanted it to mean, which is how I got 神摂理 (KamiSetsuri).
After a while, I just used that as my "full name" for Japanese people who couldn't say my real name :P
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i regret using this username.. it sounds weird... but it was inspired by clanking sound of the coins.. a bit random, isn't it?
Hmm theres another thread with the exact same thing but ill leave that to the mods to decide xD

@ coins You could ask them to change your user if you wish~

My user is simple~ sam, samy, sam sam, etc. is something people call me though with random other stuff~ 4 is my fav number followed by 6 and i sort of want to change my user atm to samy46 (4 letters 6 characters odd little thingy there xD)~ The rest... is a secret ;p
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I created the name Kionea for a short 2 page story thing in 3rd grade. Didn`t find it holding any significance so I forgot it pretty quick. (I make up names alot) Went by 6ixAxess/6ix-Axess for around two-three years, then decided I needed something normal sounding for a character I was creating in a game (don`t remember the game, probably Oblivion.) and Kionea popped back into my mind. Next thing I knew it was my xbl gamertag and I decided to start using it for everything. (Though some guy stole it on twitter. I`m 6ixAxess on there.) Everybody I knew liked it more than 6ix-Axess so it became my default.

Also, I get alot of confusion about how it`s pronounced from people. It`s Key-Own-Ae (A as in lake) but I`ve really stopped caring how people say it.
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Bcoz I'm a princess and I like lily and if I make my username as yuri hime people will mistake me as a lezbo so himeyuri it is... ^^
Oh hey~ Ive been saying it right~ Sorta... xD My mind usually adds an h sound after you name for some reason or another... or maybe its just the a... mehs idk x.x
No, i wouldn't change it... maybe it will be weirder...
Hmm.. I wanted it to sound a bit mysterious so, I thought of unkown..
But I'm quite a pokemon fan so, I changed it to 'unown' :3
Remakes form pokemon Gold/Silver came out..and I loved that gen. So the HGSS comes from HeartGold SoulSilver :3
Years ago, I was trying to come with a name I was resolved to use for the rest of my internet days. Around this time, I was watching my dad watch Dead or Alive and the name Kasumi struck me as interesting. I took that and mashed together two kanji to get Tenyume Kasumi. It is only recently I realised that the 'tenyume' bit is grammatically incorrect. xD But I usually try to use just Kasumi anyway.
It is only recently I realised that the 'tenyume' bit is grammatically incorrect. xD But I usually try to use just Kasumi anyway.

I've done that too~ kamisetsuri isn't correct :P
but who cares~ unique name for meeee~ ^^
I've done that too~ kamisetsuri isn't correct :P
but who cares~ unique name for meeee~ ^^
Well yup, that's the advantage of creating a grammatically incorrect username - you're the only one in the entire world who has it. xD
I have always been fond of the concepts of "Justice", especially righteousness and retribution. Not to mention it is a beautifully versatile word. My alias is "Just1ce".
The reason for my username can be found in the 'Nicknames... The reason behind them?' thread which can also also be found below in the 'Similar Threads' section. :goodtea:
The reason for my username can be found in the 'Nicknames... The reason behind them?' thread which can also also be found below in the 'Similar Threads' section. :goodtea:

MUHAHAHAHHAAH I found it~ :goodtea:

Hmm first ever nickname I could remember was 'Jonathan' which I got from the English people when I was a kid. I never knew the reason why, but they might have had trouble saying Quay... Just don't get why they decided Jonathan.

Second nickname I remember was 'Virus' which I was called by my older cousins since I wouldn't leave them alone and was pretty clingy as a kid.

Next nickname was AhGwee which I was called by another one of my cousins. Since My name was Quay was pronounced 'Gway/Gwei' in Chinese and my name was pronounced Key/Kee by some people by mistake he combined the two together and that brought about Gwee. The ah is like an honorific. So yeah, that's the history behind AhGwee.

Though it's not a nickname my dad still calls me 'Ah boy~' xD

Rennie calls me AG pretty much because she asked if it was okay and I said sure. Decal calls me Gwee. Majority of the time I guess is just for ease.

I think that's another name to add to threads I'm going to read XD
Well, I notice loads of people with Chinese names seem to end up getting English nicknames. Guess it's just universally easier to pronounce? My parents gave me an English name together with a Chinese one which nobody has ever used (except one friend but that was for a joke).
Short version: I'm very clumsy

Little bit Longer Version: Its what my family has been calling me since I was a baby. Apparently I dropped things so often that my first word was "fall".
So, HurricanePandaBear. I used to have an old youtube account, the username of which I won't mention because... it was silly. =P But it ended up getting taken down, so I needed to start up a new channel, but I had no idea what to name it! And then the song Hurricane Venus by BoA came up on iTunes and I just new what my new name had to be! The Panda Bear part is because my real name is Amanda, and my sisters call me Panda. :3
Panda bear... xD A panda is a bear... i wonder if thats a little redundant~ Oh wells :runhappy:
Lol ok xD Why not then~ When i first saw your name i was thinking of a panda clinging to a tree during a hurricane~

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